Sequel Information

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As this chapter states yes there will be a sequel posted to my page. Terra and Harry's story is far from over. Preview you say? Well alright.

I shifted nervously on the balls of my feet which quickly changed to rocking back and forth. I tugged lightly on my short hair and twirled the ends between my fingers. Brushing my bangs out of my eyes I thought back to the last time I had seen the boys. We had parted ways on good terms and exchanged numbers and all that but... The only one who seemed to care was Liam. The little sweetheart would text me now and then asking me how I was and ask what I was up to. Every now and then a text would come in from Niall or Louis. Rarely Zayn apparently he never has his phone on him. Harry and I.. Well that was different. At first we'd text each other everyday. Ask each other how we were doing and what was going on. I still wasn't sure how I felt about him. We had professed our love for each other and all that but suddenly he was a whole continent away and it sort of didn't matter any more. At least it mattered to me but it didn't feel like it mattered to him.

Terra and Harry are meant for each other but can they even see that?

Thank you so so so so so much for reading and getting this far! If the sequel hasn't been published by the time you see this ask for it!!!! I need to know if you want it or not! I have other stories I'm working on including original works and also some other stories that need sequels. Yikes! So yes I'm swamped. But if you want it i will be more than happy to publish it right away! I have the first chapter done already but i'm trying to focus on my other stories too! And please bug me for updates go right ahead! That pushes me forward. But not too hard please. Ask nicely.

Also check out my other stories. At the moment i have two Zayn ones up and a Niall one! I'm currently working on a Louis one and another Zayn one so stay tuned. The sequel to Sleepless Nights will be Restless Evenings! Thanks for reading keep on doing that and thanks again!

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