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I turned to see Harry jogging after me. I thought maybe he had something important to tell me. He stopped in front of me and didn't say anything at first just sort of stared. "Yeah?" I asked fidgeting under his gaze. He blinked and spoke stepping away from me a little.

"I was just gonna go with you." I was confused until I saw that he was holding a towel and some shampoo and soap.

"Uhh. No you're not." I said turning away.

"Why?" He asked grabbing my arm. I shook him off.

"You're not showering with me." I corrected. He scoffed.

"Don't flatter yourself I was just going so you didn't have to be alone. You did this with Liam." Harry reminded me. I turned away.

"I trust Liam." I stated walking away.

"And you don't trust me." Harry demanded.

"No." I replied.

"Why?" He asked grabbing my arm again. Actually I didn't have a valid reason other than that the fact that he reminded me of...

"I just don't." I said yanking my arm back.

"Are you going to call that number?" Harry asked spinning me around.

"Boy, we're full of questions right now. You wouldn't even look at me earlier." I said sarcastically.

"Just answer me." Harry replied through his teeth.

"Why does it matter?" I said just as rudely.

"It doesn't."

"Then why are you asking!" I shouted throwing my hands up in the air and turning around. "Maybe you should call him if you're so worried." I said not looking at Harry.

"Maybe I will. Or maybe I'll just go kick his ass right now." Harry said roughly. I turned to face him my mouth open wide in surprise.

"You what? Why would you do that!" I yelled maybe a bit to loudly.

"For giving you his number." Harry muttered as if that explained anything.

"Why is that such a problem?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"Because guys aren't suppose to give you their numbers." Harry shouted throwing an arm out.

"Are you trying to tell me I'm not pretty enough for guys to give me their numbers?" I demanded in disgust, turning away from him.

"Fuck." Harry mumbled grabbing my arm again. "You know that's not what I meant." He said earnestly.

"No I don't. I don't know you Harry." I got a weird sense of de ja vu and Harry seemed to feel it as well. "Are we going to do this again?" I asked looking away from his beautiful green eyes. Harry sighed and let go of my arm, but continued to stare at me intently. Well not at me, my lips. Was he going to kiss me again? Harry leaned forward and I did nothing to stop him this time. He kissed me softly wrapping one arm around my neck keeping me close. Unlucky for me I had all my shit in my hands which was now pressed up against both of our chests. It was slightly uncomfortable and that's the reason I backed up. Harry let go of me dropping his arm. It felt like I was on fire. "I was never going to call the number Harry. I was just going to wash it off." I told him slowly, watching his face. Harry nodded and shook his head like he couldn't think straight. "No need to defend my honor. It is intact." I mumbled turning around and heading toward the nearest open shower. Harry laughed behind me and jogged after me to keep up.

"Do you trust me enough to not climb the wall and look in at you through the open window? Harry asked pointing up at it. I looked at the wall then back at Harry.

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