This Isn't Goodbye

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Back at the campsite the thought of us all departing became more realistic. While the boys pulled down their tent and packed everything up I cleaned up mine. More than half the food was gone thanks to them. I thought I would be lugging most of it home but looks like I wouldn't. I was ready before they were. Most of my shit was already packed and ready. The only thing I had to do was load the car. It was easy. The coolers were lighter, and the wood I had packed for use in the fire pit was all gone also thanks to the boys. They literally burned through all of their's the first three nights. Mine was what held us over for the last two nights. I also had less clothes than them and I wasn't getting on a plane in a couple of hours so everything didn't have to be orderly for me in that sense. Taking down the tent was easier than putting it up. I could even do it myself and pack everything neatly away in the box it came in. So as I slammed the trunk of my car shut I crossed through the brush one last time to the boys campground and started to help them. They were throwing all the food away much to Niall's dismay but they didn't need it anymore and couldn't rightly well bring it on a plane so in the trash it went. When I got there though there wasn't much for me to do. They were nearly done. Then my heart began to race. We're going. We're leaving. The week is over. On Monday I'll be back in school.

"All set!" Liam called out slamming the trunk of their SUV closed. The group stood around before looking at me at once and rushing over. They wrapped me up in one giant group hug so I couldn't breath.

"Guys!" I exclaimed with a gasp. They released me and I produced a camera. "Can I get a picture? If you guys get famous and you know forget all about me. I want to be able to say I knew them before." I said with a small laugh.

"Sure why not." Liam said with a smile. First I got one of all of them then we got a passing camper to take one of all of us. We went through a round of goodbyes which mostly included the exchanging of email and phone numbers and numerous hugs. As I hugged Harry for the last time he whispered.

"This isn't goodbye." We broke away and I nodded. He didn't kiss me. As I walked back to my campground, camera in hand I felt the tears threatening to spill. I blinked quickly and waved my hand in front of my face. No. I would not cry. Sure Harry didn't ask for my number and sure he didn't kiss me but it's not like he couldn't get my number from one of the other boys. Or my email. And it's not like I expected much. He was all heart and soul last night but that was last night. I looked down at his jacket, standing next to the fire pit of my campground. Fuck! His jacket. I tore through the bushes pulling it back up over my head. He was about to get into the car when I grabbed his hand.

"Your jacket." I said breathlessly trying to shove it into his hands. He gave me a startled look which turned into one of confusion.

"I told you to keep it." he said turning fully to face me.

"Keep it, keep it?" I asked. He snorted.

"What else would I mean?" he asked.

"I don't.. I don't know.." I replied, confused myself.

"Ok.. Bye.." I began to slowly walk away pulling his jacket back on over my head. In a way I was glad he was letting me keep it. If he never came back at least I still had the photographs and his jacket as proof that this all happened. I breathed in his scent of pine and mint. I hopped it would always smell like this. I heard the guys voices rising, like they were shouting. All of them were shouting at Harry.

"Come on mate! Right there! She's right there!" that was Louis. Were they talking about me?

"Have you even kissed her yet?" Zayn's voice. I blushed. Me they were talking about me. Then Harry's voice wafted over the trees but his reply was too soft to hear.

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