Can't Stop

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I flew down the beach running away from Louis. "Get away!" I screamed at him.

"Not until I throw you into the ocean!" he shouted back. I grabbed Niall and tried to hide behind him. He only laughed and turned his head to look at me as I gripped his shoulders

"I can't stop him!" Niall exclaimed, backing away.

"Niall." I whined. He just laughed as Louis ran up forward. With a squeal I ran for Liam. "Liam, you'll protect me right?" I demanded. Hands on his hips he looked at Louis sternly.

"Louis stop it." he said harshly.

"Don't be a stick in the mud!" Louis replied with sass.

"I'm not! Here she is." he said stepping away from me.

"Liam!" I cried out defiantly. Louis grinned wickedly. Zayn was no help either. I just ran around him as he laughed and watched. Suddenly arms whisked me up, wrapping around my waist and pulling me off the ground. I gasped. I looked down and was surprised to see Harry and not Louis. "Harry!" I shouted squirming in his grip.

"He won't stop until you get thrown in the water. He doesn't care by who." he replied, tightening his grip. I pulled at his arms.

"Stop it! Let go!" I squirmed furiously to no avail

"It'll be over quickly." he replied.

"You got her!" Louis shouted happily. "Throw her in!" he pointed toward the ocean.

"Harry!" I cried out, hitting his arms.

"Oh I love it when they scream my name." he said lowly. I didn't have time to come up with a snarky reply because he threw me into the ocean.

"You're an ass!" I exclaimed when I resurfaced. I was farther away from them then I thought I would be. The water was lapping at their knees. I was in chest deep water. Now I knew I wasn't that short. I was at least 5'6. Was the current pulling me out? Seemed like it was. I tried to swim against it but I never was that strong of a swimmer. I always lost in relay races.

"What are you doing?" Louis called out.

"I think I'm stuck in a current!" I shouted back. Yup I was definitely farther away than I was a couple seconds ago.

"Well swim back." Zayn shouted walking up to Harry and Louis.

"Wait, don't tell me. You're a terrible swimmer." Harry called out sarcastically. I ground my teeth. This was how it was going to end for me. I was going to drown while they all watched. Maybe I should just accept it because I certainly wasn't about to panic or ask for help.

"Hold on! I'll come get you." Liam shouted. They were all standing by the water's edge now. Niall looked very worried and Louis was even wringing his hands.

"Don't! I'll be fine!" I shouted back. Furiously I began swimming. It worked a bit. I got about five feet closer but there was still some twenty feet between me and the shoreline. "I can't believe this is happening." I groaned as I continued to swim.

"I'm coming in!" Liam shouted seeing that I wasn't making much progress, but instead I saw Harry walking into the water. He stopped when he was waist deep and dove in. I lost sight of him.

"Ughh! Just leave me to drown." I didn't think I said it that loud but I could hear Niall's signature laugh from where I was. Harry's curly, wet head popped up next to me. He was smiling.

"Always loved helping a damsel in distress." he said happily.

"I want to die." I muttered. He rolled his eyes.

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