All Food and No Fun

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Liam told me not to move. I could've gotten my own food but he said i was a "guest". I rolled my eyes at him. He was being way too polite to someone he just met, but something told me that's just how he was. Thankfully Harry didn't sit next to me. Niall had simply turned himself around to face the table and waited for Harry to bring him food like he was a little kid. Grinning, Harry set a plate of food before him.

"Thanks!" Niall said a bit too excitedly as he chowed down. I found myself laughing at Niall. Zayn had quietly made his way to the table and sat down across from me. There was a small grin on his face. He caught me watching and wiped it away. Liam came back holding two plates piled with food. He placed one down in front of me and then seated himself next to me. I sighed with relief. I didn't want anyone else sitting next to me. Liam accidentally bumped my shoulder.

"Sorry." he cried out worriedly as if he had just shot me.

"It's fine." i said quietly. Louis bounded over and sat next to Zayn and Harry placed himself next to Louis. He was diagonal from me so I could see him out of the corner of my eye. He was looking me up and down trying to deduce the emotionless expression on my face. He did a slight shrug to himself as if to say 'whatever'.

"Do you.. Do you pray before you eat because we can do that." Liam said looking at me, concern in his eyes. He must have seen me pushing the potato salad around on my plate.

"No.. I.. No. It's fine unless you guys do that. I'm not really.. religious anymore." I replied shyly. Liam nodded thoughtfully ask glanced around the table. Zayn was spinning the bottle of ketchup in front of him un-amused. Louis looked like he was about to burst from the questions he had been storing up. "Besides. Niall is almost finished eating." I said placing my hands in my lap and taking a glance at Niall. He had basically inhaled his food. To my surprise they started laughing like it was the funniest thing they'd ever heard. Zayn was even laughing. He had a great laugh and an amazing smile. Then the table was full of noise. Louis was whispering to Zayn who was smirking and chuckling lowly. Liam and Harry were talking animatedly and every now and then Niall would jump in with something to say. Biting my lip I concentrated on my food. Timidly I took a small bite out of my burger. It was the best burger I've ever had. Better than In-N-Out and that, is saying something.

"Good ain't it." someone said triumphantly. Harry was looking at me. I hadn't realized everyone had gone quiet. They were all waiting for my reaction. With all of them staring at me I felt self-conscience, like something was on my face or a giant zit had suddenly appeared on my forehead.

"I guess." I replied causally, with a shrug. Staying calm I placed the burger back on my plate. Liam handed me a napkin and I nodded my thanks.

"She likes it." Harry said. He leaned back a little, smiling like a maniac. I just rolled my eyes and stabbed a piece of potato with my fork.

"So you were saying something earlier." Liam spoke up next to me. I glance at him while I chewed. He was taking a bite out of his burger and just waiting for me to reply.

"I wasn't saying anything." I replied evenly hopping he would drop it.

"Yes you did love." Louis jumped in. I looked over at him and just blinked, pretending that I didn't understand. "You said and I quote 'and then he.' and 'Well my..' That's where you stopped. Care to continue?" he asked sweetly. Louis and I stared at each other. He had a stupid grin plastered on his face. Without looking down I picked up my burger and took another bite out of it. Louis was smirking now. We were both waiting for someone to crack. Louis would have to give up or I would have to talk and I was not about to say anything. I did not want to spill my guts to five strangers I had just met.

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