Take You to Another World

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Harry and I walked side by side back into the parking lot of the movie theatre. We talked quietly about what we might have for dinner and what the boys might have been up to. We did not mention that tonight was going to be our last night together. The boys were standing around outside the car when we came into view. Harry and i stopped talking as we got closer. I pulled the sleeves of his sweater farther down my arms so that my hands completely disappeared into his jacket. Louis looked me up and down as we walked up. Then down at Harry's hand where he still clutched my denim vest. He wiggled his eyebrows up and down suggestively at me before opening his mouth.

"That's your sweater Harry." Louis said pointing at me. Harry glanced at it then back at Louis as he opened the trunk of the car.

"Yeah. So?" Harry asked raising an eyebrow.

"And you're carrying her denim." he said crossing his other arm over the first, now pointing at me and the article of clothing in Harry's hand. "Did you to have a little. BIRTHDAY.." we cut him off in unison.

"Shut up Louis!" Harry shut the trunk and opened the door of the car pulling back the seat. Louis and Niall were snickering. Zayn hit them both over the back of the head and they complained rather loudly as Harry gestured for me to go in before him.

"Thanks." i whisper before getting in. Harry doesn't reply as he climbs in after me. Louis and Niall hop in the front and Harry pulls back the seat in front of him so Zayn can sit down. Once we're all in the car Louis takes off before i even have my seat belt on. I almost get tossed into Harry's lap as he takes a sharp turn. I hurriedly grab the belt and pull it down around my tightening it while heaving a sigh of relief. Harry chuckles at me from the corner where he's sitting. "Shut up." i grumble crossing my arms over my chest.

"You'll get used to it." Harry says taking my hand. I snort.

"Probably not. This might be the last time you guys drive me anywhere anyways." i say before realizing the truth in my words. Harry stiffens.

"Oh." he says lightly.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up." i say wanting to slam my head against the car window. Stupid stupid stupid.

"No it's alright." Harry whispers into my ear kissing the side of my face.

"We have to talk tonight ok? No avoiding it." i tell him turning my head so i can look him in the eye. He nods dejectedly.

"Of course. I understand." he says. From then on the seconds tick by slowly. We get back to the campsite just in time for the shower rush. It seems everyone want's to get into the bathroom at this time. I almost wish we had gotten back sooner so we could have beaten the crowd. When I finally was able to take a shower I took my sweet time and to my greatest relief the people waiting outside my door didn't seem to mind so much but I could hear the line growing from the accumulated talking. With a sigh I ran a hand through the dark strands of my hair shaking it out as I opened the door clutching all my things to my chest. I earned a couple of glares as I walked out past the growing line but I didn't really care. Harry smirked when he saw I was still wearing his sweater. It smelled like him. I didn't want to take it off. Sitting around the fire with the boys i couldn't help but feel sad. My stomach clenched at the thought of them leaving tomorrow. Of the thought of never seeing them after tomorrow. Despite my greatest attempts, not too great actually, I'd grown to care about them. I opened up to them. I could no longer make that lame excuse about them not knowing me because now they did. but did i know them? Hardly.

"Theresa." Harry mummers into my ear stroking my hand with his thumb.

"Mmh?" i say glancing at him.

"Are you alright?" he asks his green eyes probing for information.

"Why wouldn't i be?" i asked.

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