Sacrifice: Chapter 1

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*Your POV*

I threw my stuff inside the suitcase. Didn't care that it wasn't folded up nicely and may crumpled a lot. I just needed to get out of there. Fast. I didn't want to see his face.

*His POV*

I tried to coax her. Tried to calm her down. I tried to make her stay. To not leave me.
Damn. It was all my fault. I shouldn't have...
*hard slap*
"Aghh...!" Her slap was pretty powerful. No pain is more vivid than a woman scorned. I had to gain my balance as i almost fell back. She slapped me because i got too close to her, slightly touching her arm. Her soft, caring side was gone at that time. She use to let me touch her.
After that incident, she changed. I wouldn't blame her. It was my fault any way.

*sigh* Why am i such a fool????

*Your POV*

"Get out of my way, Jimin." I demanded, with all my stuff in one grip. It seemed silly that i wanted to take almost everything i own, at the time, out all at once.
He blocked the door of our apartment.... actually, now his apartment.
"Where are you gonna go, (y/n)??" He asked, in a low voice. Still trying to calm me down.
"I don't care. I'll sleep in the street if i have to. Just not here...." i paused for a while, swallowing back the tears.
"I don't... want to see your face again."
Right after i said that, he balled.

*His POV*

I couldn't hold on to it anymore. My eyes immediately began to filled with tears before rolling down my cheeks. As much as i have hurt her by cheating with her acquaintance, my heart literally broke a nerve after realizing the fact that she meant it. She really meant it. Leaving me. She was really going to go out that door, leaving me. Breaking it off. Ughh...i... i can't.....
My knees gave way, i fell to the ground. Still balling like a girl. Reluctantly, leaving some space for her to go out through the door.

Sacrifice [Park Jimin※You※Kim Taehyung Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now