Sacrifice: Chapter 15

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*Your POV*

A few months has pass and we continued to lived our lives as usual.
Nothing off happened, apart from the police searching for Jayne at Jimin's workplace.

Besides that, i heard the case became cold due to lack of evidence and, oddly enough, no clue has been found. Thank GOD.

Jimin felt restless at his own apartment and wanted me to move back with him.
But I couldn't because i just can't abandon the commitment i was already on.

He ended up moving in with us. Tae was exceptionally happy for this because the more people that decides to move in, the more easier it is to settle the rent. Faster too.

"Jimin...? Jimin...." i whispered, gently attempting to wake him up.
"Ummh...." he rolled over, further away like as if trying get away from me.
"Screw your Jibooty, man..." i gave a light tap on his butt.
The butt i always like to call The Jibooty. Jimin+ Booty = Jibooty. Haha.

I got up and left, smiling as i skipped down the stairs.

"What are you up to?"
I found Tae in his second favourite place in the apartment; the kitchen.

"Cooking...!" He exclaimed.
"Seriously? Because it seems to me like you're making a mess." I joked, teasing him as i reached the bottom of the stairs.

A couple of dirty bowls on the counter, tissues scattered here and there, flour on the floor and the counter.
As i placed my hand on the refrigerator handle, i swear i touched something sticky. Honey?

"What are you making, Tae?" Growing curious, i came closer to him.
"I'm making....tadaaa~~~!" He said, placing the first ever pancake he made on a plate.
I let out a faint laugh after that.

"What???" Tae asked, glaring at me.

*Tae's POV*

"What shape did you have in mind when making pancakes, Tae?"

"*starts singing Backstreet Boys song* The shape heaaaarrttt~~~" i sang as i threw a little bit of the pancake mix onto her. It landed perfectly on her white shirt.


"Tae!!" She squealed, looking down on her dirty shirt.
"That's karma for underestimating my cooking skills, (y/n). Ooohhh! *snap snap snap*."

She chuckled and thought it would be a great idea to throw an egg directly onto my head.


The eggy goo slowly ran down from my forehead to my eyes, cheeks and chin. Spilling some onto the floor.

Despite the growing rage that was building up inside of me, i slowly and calmly place down the bowl that i was hugging, along with the spatula, safely on the counter next to the stove.

Then, dramatically, I turned around to face (y/n). Screaming,

"!!!" I cried, throwing more mix towards her like bullets.

Screw breakfast at this point because revenge is revenge.

Unfortunately, she dodge away quickly from them.
Being so puny like a minion has its benefit, i guess. No matter how hard i tried to throw more mix on her, (y/n) manages to avoid and dodge away.

I got slightly pissed and began chasing after her around the loft. She let out a short giddy scream and ran before me.

We ran from the kitchen to circling a couple of times around the coffee table. Almost knocking down a vase that was place near the television.

Thanks to these legs that go on for days, i finally caught her; she let herself fall onto the rug in front of the balcony.
I immediately got on top of her, pinning her to the floor, armed with pancake mix in one hand and just rubbed it all over her face.

(Y/n) tossed and turned like a kid being tackled down, trying her best to shield herself with her hands. I caught one arm with my free hand and pinned it to the floor.

I finally stopped only after i felt satisfied that i got to cover 89% of her face with white goo.
Laughing victoriously as i was still sitting on top of her. Looking down at her sore loser face.

Her giggly laugh began fading when she noticed....

.....of how hard i was starring at her.....

"....what?" She asked, softly. Starring back.

Spontaneously, i began lowering my upper body to get close to her face.
Supporting my upper body by placing both of my arms side by side her head.

She blinked 3 times as our faces were barely grazing each other.

Sacrifice [Park Jimin※You※Kim Taehyung Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now