Sacrifice: Chapter 11

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*Jimin's POV*

I let her go.

Maybe now i can't do anything about it.
It was all messed up. The situation. It shouldn't happen this way.

Especially after we made up.

I stormed back to my apartment. Finding Jayne in my room, sprawled acrossed my bed.

"Hi, babe. How was your little date?"

"Get out, bitch." Glaring, i stood by the door.
"Thats not what you should say to your girlfriend, Jiminnie." putting up a shameless grin, Jayne said.

I snickered before walking up towards her, yanking her off my bed.
"Ouch, that hurts." she uttered.

I pushed her out of my room. Took her coat and harshly threw it at her.


I scratched my head, hard. Made a face before saying
"To be honest, its difficult responding to a barking dog like you. Pointless. Its best if you leave now, before i kick you out myself."


My blood pressure rose. From my forehead to my chest, it was burning with rage.
I tried calming myself down.
Turned and walked up to the window, looking out as i ran a hand from my forehead to across my hair.

I sigh. She wouldn't stop wailing like a dying seal,
"Why do you do this to me, Jimin? I thought you love me??"
Glanced over my shoulder, I replied
"I never loved you, Jayne. I mean, you were there. Throwing yourself at me like a piece of meat." Then added,

"I'm not trying to disrespect you or anything. But you knew i had a girlfriend. You knew. But you forced yourself onto me.
I'm sorry i lead you on. It was only a one night stand. Go home, Jayne."

But she couldn't take it; she threw her coat on the floor and charge towards me. Trying to punch me.

Pfft, why do these women think I'm so weak? Just because I'm soft spoken, does not mean i'll let you lay a finger on me.

I quickly avoid by slapping her hands away, then pushed her hard on the floor.
The bitch deserved it.

Ah, do you realized how difficult it was to regain back (y/n)'s trust?
Almost a full fucking month and I died during those weeks without her love.

And this...this slut...threw it all away in one second. Just like that. As simple as a snap of the fingers.

I couldn't control myself.

The rage. It came back.

After all these years of keeping it bottled in. EVERYTHING was spilling in one night;
I tried and tried to ignore it.
To push the urge away.
To put off the fire.
But the someone kept adding fuel to it; and that was Jayne.

I face my back towards her. She got up, went towards me and kept hitting me with her clenched fists.

I laugh. Not the amuse type, but the insanity type of laughter.

I quickly turned around to face her, planting a huge smack across her face.
And i did it so hard, she fell back. Couldn't regain her balance, she stayed there.

Still smiling, i went towards her, grabbing her by the neck.
Punching her. Over. And over. And over.


All i could see...

Were blood...everywhere.

On her.
On the floor.
On me.

Until Jayne stopped resisting as she lay on the floor. Lifeless.

"What...what...what have i done...?"

I couldn't... i didn't....

"Jayne....?" I tried calling her eventhou I knew it was pointless.

I placed two fingers on her blood smeared neck; no. Nothing. No pulse.

Her face. Didn't seem like a face anymore. It looked more like a mangled meat all smush together.

Did....Did i do this.....?
Did i created this....?

Panic took over my heart. Despite that, I managed to get up on my feet, calmly. Went to my room, heading towards the bedside telephone.

Instinctively, I dialled (y/n)...but no answer, of course.

Oh, god. Who should i call next?
A face popped into my head.

*dials Taehyung's number*

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