Sacrifice: Chapter 20

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*Jimin's POV*

"What....?" Disbelief, he uttered.

"You heard me, Tae....."

Silence conquered the ward, but Tae stopped it soon after.


"It's a little complicated to explain. I just...i don't know...."

"Don't you love (y/n)?" He asked.

"I do...i do...i love her with all of my heart. And that has never changed. " i admit, laying my eyes on my hands. Observing the lines of the scars.

It was true. I do love her. Despite the troubles we have gone through, i still want (y/n) to be a part of my life.

She IS my life.

"Then, why are you saying such things ? That...that i can have her?" He came closer and sat at the edge of the bed, next to my leg.

"Taehyung...let me explain something.
Ever since that night...i felt... different. I just feel I'm not me anymore." I stopped, trying to think. Trying to clear my head.

"I...i just feel like...i can't make her happy anymore. Taehyung...i can see the way you look at her.
Whenever you talked to her, whenever you're around her. I know that feeling. I know that look. That gaze.
The yearning for their love back. I know exactly how that felt. I felt like that when she and i broke up before."  I paused as the memories of the hurtful pass started to come back.

However, i worked up the courage to push it aside and continue my slurry explanation.

"Taehyung...i know you. You've a heart of gold. I honestly, truly and absolutely believe that you can guide her, protect her...and most important of all; make her happy....for the rest of her life."

He remained silent throughout the whole speech. Looking down on the floor. Sometimes letting his eyes wonder outside the window.

"Although, I'd be lying if i said that i wasn't  sad about the whole thing. But i have given it a thought for a while now and i am confident about my decision....please...this is the last time I'm telling you; you have my blessings."

Slowly...his head moved, facing to my direction. His eyes finally soon fixed on mine.
Taehyung's expression seemed a bit tense, while i looked over at him with a sincere smile spread across my face.

I added one last thing,

"Go get her, Tae..........but do it quickly....!"

" What do you mean?" Curious by the last sentence, he asked.

"I'm sure you are already aware of this. Of the secret compartment hidden below the bedside table in (y/n)'s room?"

"How did you — "

"I was bored one afternoon and cleaned the whole place while you all were out.
Anyways, i've put something inside it. That's...."

i took a moment to let out a sigh before continuing
"...that's for give to (y/n)."

"What is it?" He asked again. Killed by the suspense that i was torturing him with.

My grin widened.
"You'll see."

*Tae's POV*

I couldn't believed it. A lot went through my mind at that time.

I rushed home as quickly as i could.
Parked my motorbike like a madman. Ran (a marathon) towards the nearby opened elevator. Pulling down hard onto the metal entrance and pressed at my floor like 10 times as if it could make a difference.

And during this, his words ran through my thoughts;

"Do it when you are ready...."

Was Jimin really being serious?
Or was he just messing with me?

".....But don't wait too long."

No, he's not like that at all.

"Or else...i have no choice....but to reclaim it from you." Jimin ended his sentences with a grin. A smile that once looked so pure and innocent a moment ago, now bear a touch of sinister cynical in them.

I've reached my floor.
Frantically pulled up the heavy rustic entrance and ran again.

I bust through the door, tossing the keys where i always tossed them but then heard them fall off the table.

I couldn't care less as i ran upstairs, almost tripping mid steps.

The door was already opened and the first thing i saw was the bedside table.
Quickly went towards it and carefully pushed it aside, trying my best not to break the little lamp on top.

I always knew about the secret compartment inside this room but never really found any interest towards it.
I can admit that that was the first and only time i really took interest in it

It sorta looked like a super mini trap door, the size of my palm, actually. With a grayish shade of green ribbon to pull it open.

As I opened it, a small black velvety box was discovered inside.
Taking it into my hands, i examining it. Figuring how long has it been in there.
Fumbling, i finally worked up the courage to open it.

A ring?

Sacrifice [Park Jimin※You※Kim Taehyung Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now