Sacrifice: Chapter 17

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*Tae's POV*

Her lips....

....were so soft....

(Y/n) smell like that perfume she bought when we were at the pharmacy one time.

I thought it would be enough if i just...just taste the lips....

....but, as a guy....

....whose heart kept throbbing non-stop whenever he's with the girl of his dreams....

....i just can't stop there.

I invaded her mouth with my tongue. She accepted me.
And her delicate hands soon crawled around my neck, pulling me deeper.
I slipped my arms around her and hugged her tight. Never wanting this to end.
Then I took in her sweet scent while i kissed her.

My heart thump like crazy.
Heck, I'm not even sure anymore. Was this thumping in my chest caused only by my own heart? Or was it mixed with hers as well?

Once in a while, we both let out gentle moans as we hugged and rolled around in bed. Debating who should be on top.

The kiss, however, felt like a release in a way. If felt like it was held back for far too long. And the way (y/n) kissed back, it was like she felt it too.

"(Y/n)...." i moaned, breaking the kiss because i just needed to look into those eyes.
She smile, pulling me back into the passionate war.

Just as i was finally able to pinned her down, there was a knock on the door;
"Tae...." followed by the sound of Jimin's voice.

F U C K.

"....have you seen (y/n)? It's almost 3. I can't seem to find her."

Frantically, i got off of her. Helping her up, fixing up my shirt and hers.
I picked up a lump of my dirty clothes on the floor and threw it at her, she caught them before i hurried towards the door.

As i opened it and saw Jimin, i said,
"Bruh, you gotta get her out. She's cleaning up in here."

His eyes went slightly wide, turned towards her with the look of disapproval,
"(Y/n), you should know better. You can't just come in in someone's room and decide to clean up their mess unless they asked you to."

After hearing that, (Y/n) maintained a poker face. Then starred back at me and i could swear i heard her scream 'this was your idea and I'm the one being scolded?' by the glare that she was giving to me.

"Come now. You're going to be late for work." Jimin added, still waiting by the door.

I grinned, annoyingly. Watching her leave.


She managed to sneak a punch into my gut before she left as she walked passed me. Almost causing me to lose balance due to the surprise attack.

I closed the door behind me. Laying against it as i let my head fall forward.

'(Y/n) was right...' I began to think, letting out a long sigh. Her words kept repeating into my head.

Seriously, what was that?

*Your POV*

That evening, the three of us went out. It was snowing, lightly. So we went ice-skating in one of those opened skating parks uptown.

Whimsically and gracefully (or so i thought), I danced around in the park, like a kid that had never seen snow – till i tripped on my own footing and fell on the ground like a goddamned whale.

"Babe~~ be careful next time...!" Jimin gently helped me up.
"Haha, clumsy idiot...!" Tae cried out, laughing like the classic donkey he was.

Two kinds. There are, clearly, two kinds of people in this world.

"Aah, too bad it's light snow. If it was thick, you'd be the first to become my snowball victim." I declared, pointing directly towards Taehyung.

Widening his almond-shaped eyes, he pointed at himself.
"Me? Why me??"
"Because you're a demonic extraterrestrial being that deserves a particularly sufficient amount of snow on your face."

Jimin let out a loud laugh after that, followed by mine. We both looked at Tae as we made more jokes about him and laugh even harder.

"Okay, okay. Shut your face. Now lets have a good time, aight? I wanna see whose the first one to fall INSIDE the ring." Sarcastically, he winks at me.

As we approach the skating ring, we went to one side to wear our proper skating attires.
I sat on the bench and let Jimin tied the Velcro on my shoes.

I watched him, fixing the Velcro. Making sure everything was secured.
Then, he looks up at me and smiled sweetly,
"Don't worry, I'm not going to let you fall." He got up afterwards, giving me his hand before we both entered the ring.

Taehyung, however, already did his third round.
"Aaaiiiyyyyoooo slowpokes....! " he cried, passing by us.

I smile a bitter smile. Oh, how i badly wanted to push him off his feet ( ̄ε(# ̄)︴

Jimin noticed that i was eying Taehyung from afar...and with that, he quickly pulled me closer to him. A little too hard maybe.


We bumped into each other and fell. Falling on our butts and feeling how icy cold it was.
"So much for not letting you fall...!" Jimin let out a chuckle.

Even though falling in front of other skaters was pretty embarrassing enough, but to me, that moment right there ...was probably one of my favorite moments with Jimin.

We both tumbled down together, laughed, as if without a care in the world.
At one point, I looked over at Jimin right before he locked his eyes into mine, simultaneously.

I smiled for a while, but soon guilt started to filled my heart and my head.
I wasn't sure if he could tell, but i felt my heart just died.
I felt my eyes started to ache, trying to withhold the tears back.

"Baby, What's wrong?" He asked, softly. Clearly noticing.
"Nothing...I'm... I'm just happy...!"

But for a moment, right after i said that; his eyes...they, too, seemed....dead.

Does he know?

He lifted one arm, placing his palm at the back of my head. Caressing my scalp.

"I love you, (full y/n)."

"I love you too, Park Jimin."

Gently pulling in my head closer to his, he married his plump pink lips with mine. Leaving teases of tongue as well.

*Tae's POV*

I stopped...and I saw them both.

Sitting on the icy ground, in midst of all these ice-skaters passing by.
I saw them giving each other kisses.

And my heart instantly dropped.

I didn't know why....

....but i felt...angry.

Depressed and frustrated in a way.

I know i shouldn't be feeling this.
But, it just came.
It felt like thousands of nails just pierced through my heart.

And I didn't noticed this at first...but i soon felt a single stream of cold moisture running across one cheek.

*🎵Love Is Not Over🎶*

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