Sacrifice: Chapter 4

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*His POV*

I opened the door and was quite shock to see a pretty girl standing right outside my apartment…. with a few luggage and stuff side by side her.

“Uh….can i help you?” i asked.

She extended her arm and there was a slightly crumpled but familiar paper in her hand. My ad?
“Hi….I’m here for the vacancy…..?” She said. She had a soft voice. Her hands, along with the ad, shook a little. As if she was shivering.
“I mean….Correct me if i’m wrong but i heard that there was a vacant room to rent…..? It stated here in this ad, that there was a vacant room?” She repeated, nervously. Maybe it was because i was starring too hard.

*Your POV*

I felt kinda stupid. The guy that opened the door, look young.
Probably too young. Till i was doubting myself and thought that i might have gone to the wrong address.
I looked back at the ad. Trying to see the address again. Making sure that i didn’t got it wrong.

The guy observed what i was doing and immediately said
“Yeah…yeah,yeah. You came to the right place. I’m sorry. I just wasn’t expecting anyone at this time of the night. Come in!”

*His POV*

I felt sorry for her but weird at the same time. I never really had a girl wanting to rent a place like this. Especially someone like this girl; Her clothes and style was kinda like a well-off type of person.
I’m not even sure why someone like her would want to rent and come in this late in the evening to move in.

I let her in before helping with her bags. She wandered around the living room slowly. Almost cautiously. i start,
“Um, what was your name again?”

She turned around, gracefully. Her pitch black hair dance around her shoulders as she turned to face me with those round brown eyes.
“(Y/n)…how should i refer you as?” She asked me back, politely.
“Ah, you can call me Taehyung. Or Tae. Whichever. “ i replied.
“Okay. Um, I’m really sorry. For barging into your house like this. At this hour. I…i really have nowhere else to go….” she suddenly said before getting stuck in her own sentences for some reason.

“Ah, it’s fine! I really don’t mind. To be quite honest, i needed a new roomie ASAP. So you coming in now, it’s another thing to check off my list. So don’t apologize. Okay? ” i said,  flashing her a smile.
Reassuring her that it was fine, although i still felt a little weird and wanted to know more.

*Your POV*

I felt weird.

Slightly dumb.

Unsure of my choices at the moment.

I really have no idea what i have gotten myself into.

The apartment, it looked pretty decent. I was actually surprised to see that it was sorta bigger than it look from outside; It had two floors. There were metal stairs, painted black greyish, that lead to the second floor. The stairs began just beside the television.
Next to the living room, was a small balcony that overlooked the building opposite us. The kitchen was open. Not too far from the varnished wooden dining table of four chairs.

Tae. He seems kinda nice. Not sure. Still too early to say.
At least, he’s tidy for a guy living on his own though.

I stood in the middle of the living room. Awkwardly.
“So, should we begin discussing about the payment?" I asked, slightly nervously.
“Oh, no. Its fine. We can do that tomorrow. You should be focusing on unpacking. I’ll help you with the bags.” He said, lifting two of the three luggage i had with me and brought it upstairs.

He’s right. Even though he can’t tell (i think), but emotionally, i am not ready to think or even discuss things like this. For now, i just need to crash.
Eh, if he tries anything funny, I’ll be sure to scream as loud as i can or get a pair of scissors ready in hand to cut off his manhood.

I sigh, not sure for how many times already, then prayed for the best to come in the future.

Sacrifice [Park Jimin※You※Kim Taehyung Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now