Sacrifice: Chapter 12

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*Your POV*

The tears fell, uncontrollably, during the whole ride inside the taxi.
Ignoring the driver, i wipe away the tears with my sleeve. Trying my best to control the sobbing.

By accident, i slammed the door opened. Surprising poor Tae along the way, whom was sitting in front of the television watching his anime on tv.

"You're home....— (y/n)? What happen?"
Shit. He noticed. I quickly ran upstairs. Avoiding him.

As i reached my room, i shut the door and locked it. Sliding down against the back of the door, sitting on the floor. Hugging my legs and burying my face between my chest and knees.

My tears continue to fall.
I weep and sob. I couldn't. I didn't know what to do or what to believe.
Was Jimin really telling the truth?
I known him for years now, how can i still unable to identify between his lies and truth?

I'm such an idiot.

My phone suddenly rang for the 13th time. It's him again.

I got it out of my pocket and wanted to answer but it was too late, he hung up.
Shortly after that, i heard another ring.
But this time, it came from outside of my room.

*Tae's POV*

She left around 7pm that night to see Jimin.
I was glad and happy she decided to open up her heart for him again.
He made a mistake, i know its not that easy but (y/n) needs to forgive him and they need to be together.
They seem so...compatible with each other. He loves her, and she really care about him. They practically grew up together and their families knew each other.

Just when i was about to sit back, relax and enjoy my semi-hentai anime on tv, the door suddenly bursts opened.

My body shook from the abrupt bang, i turned my head sideways to see what it was and found (y/n) at the door.
She came back early?

Instinctively,  i greeted her
"You're home...— " but, something was off.
"...(y/n)? What happen??"

She looked like a mess. Her face was red and her cheeks were moist.
(Y/n) turned the other way, as if hiding her face from me and quickly ran upstairs.

I watched her before dropping my bag of chips and ran after her.
As i got to the closed door, something inside my pocket vibrated.
I took my phone out to see who was ringing me;

'Jimin?' I thought, hesitated at first. But decided to accept the call anyway.

His voice was low, sounded quite shaky. As if he was shivering.
"T-Tae...! Get (y/n) on the phone. PLEASE....!" frantically, he said.
Without a second to spare, i knock on her door.
"(Y/n), open the door. It's an emergency....! "

Fortunately, she abide and opens the door. I immediately handed my cellphone to her ear, feeling Jimin's panic through the line.

I watched as my heartbeat raced.
"What is it, Jimin?....What?.....What about her?.....!!!!!"
Her facial expression changed, drastically.
"What's wrong, (y/n)?" I asked.

Her hands shook. Before she hung up, she added,
"Stay right there, don't do anything and don't go anywhere....!" and gave my phone back.

She then turned to me and said,
"Tae...i need your help...."
"Sure but what is it??" Killed by curiosity, i asked.
"Please, take me to Jimin's place. I'll explain later."

*several minutes later*

*Jimin's POV*

I dialled Taehyung's number.

Please pick up.
Please pick up.

"Hello?" Finally, I heard his voice on the line.

"T-Tae...! Get (y/n) on the phone. PLEASE....!"

The next thing i knew, her voice came in the line.
"What is it, Jimin?"

"(Y/n)...! I messed up...!"


"It's Jayne....!!"

"What about her?"

"I....i think i killed her...."

There was a pause, then she says what i needed to hear at that moment;
"Stay right there, don't do anything and don't go anywhere....!"


I crawled up in a ball.
Sat by the corner of the living room near the window beside the couch.

My whole body was still shaking. I stared at the lifeless body of Jayne.

Her blood was still on me.
My hands, my neck and chin...on my shirt....beginning to dry itself onto me. Latching on me like she did when she was alive.

I try to calm myself. Steadying my breathing. Trying to calm the rapid beats of my heart.
But my mind won't let me.


No...i didn't meant to kill her. I tried walking away. But she insisted on fighting me.
I was just trying to make her stop. Stop reminding me that i have failed as a human being.

Just as i was about to cry, the door to my apartment made a noise in the keyhole area and abruptly slammed opened.


(Y/n) was the first to appear, before Taehyung.
She came in and the first thing she saw was Jayne's dead body, of course. 
She cupped her hands to her mouth before wandering her eyes around the room, trying to search for me.

Our eyes met as i stood up from the corner.
"(Y/n)....!" I called her out, weakly.

"Jimin..." her face in utter shock.

She let me come close to her. She even ran up to me and took my hands.

My bloody hands.

She look up at me... then turned to Jayne.

"Jimin....what did you do...."

At that point, my knees gave way.
I fell to the floor, kneeling in front of (y/n).
I expected her to get angry. Hitting me or something. And maybe leaving me with my mess.


....she didn't.

She got on her knees....came close to me and began wrapping her arms around my head and shoulders.
Hugging me tightly.

As if trying to secure me.
As if trying to protect me from this messed up world.

Then she whispered,
"Go and get a shower. Me and Tae will handle this."

Sacrifice [Park Jimin※You※Kim Taehyung Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now