Sacrifice: Chapter 7

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*Tae's POV*

We went shopping at the local market together that afternoon. She pushed the trolley and asked what i would like to get to fill our fridge.

"You got a budget?" I asked, hiding both of my hands in my denim jeans pocket.
"Nope. Just get the essentials." (Y/n) answered.
The essentials? The fuck she mean by that? 

Okay. Okay.
Taehyung, focus your damn head and change your mindset. You're living with a girl now. When she says 'essentials ', surely she means...

"How about these?? " i pulled out
two different but large potato chips at the nearest shelf from us.
She looked at me, horrified.
"What?" I uttered.

After having to hear a mini lecture from (y/n) about grocery shopping , i finally got the hang of it. By essentials, she meant-
"Tae, what are you doing?" I found her asking.
"You said to grab one of the most important things on the list..." i responded, blankly.
"And a trolley full of alcohol is important.....?" She asked while her eyes bounced from the trolley (literally full with sets of beer bottles) then to me.
"......" i suddenly felt my cheeks burning at that time. Not from anger, but from slight shame.

Amused, she let out a chuckle and said,
"I'll let you get a couple of dozens, but we need REAL food in the house, Tae."
"Okay.....mum." I murmured.
"Excuse me....?"
" — nothing." i said, quickly turning away from her, returning back most of the alcohols i have took.

*Your POV*

"I'm gonna go grab some fruits, okay?" Tae said, i nodded before he vanished into an aisle.

I carry on, pushing the trolley that was half way full with something Taehyung probably hasn't gotten the last time he did a proper grocery shopping; a loaf of bread, butter, a jar of strawberry jam, frozen peas, a couple of other frozen goods, ice cream and a few other important stuff.

Entering a new aisle, I parked my trolley by the sushi section.
"Should i get this?" I whispered to myself, picking up a packet with 3 assorted sushis.

"You should, they're your favourite.... "

Surprised after hearing a familiar male voice not too far away from me, i looked up....

...and there he was.
Jimin stood right before me.
A few feet away. And a pretty safe distance.

*Jimin's POV*

I had a rough couple of days. Hadn't been to work. Called in sick as i was in no position to make any drastic decisions nor construct any plans.

However, I kept receiving phone calls. Texts. Unwanted one, that is.
Some were from work, the rest were from the same person.

"Stop calling me, bitch....!" I hissed after tossing my iPhone on the passenger seat.

I parked my car a safe distance from the market i use to go....with her.
"(Y/n)....i miss you." I said, before preparing myself to get out of the car and walked up to the market with a basket.
Yeah, i figure i didn't need a that I'm living with myself.
Oh, god. Even a basket has lead me to remember you, (y/n) 😖.

I took a few stuff i needed. Disregarding the regular items i usually buy for her.
But i need one more thing; sushi.
Me and (y/n) use to loooove sushi. We'd try all kinds of sushi. Salmon. Teriyaki. Squid. Caviar. Salmon wad her fav, thou.

I let out a sigh as i walked into the sushi section...and caught my breath as i saw her.

"(Y/n)....?" I whispered as a melancholic smile slowly spread across my face. I picked up my pace towards her. Didn't care if she'd throw a fit. No, she wouldn't. She's not the type.

I've searched for her everywhere. I didn't know where she stayed now.
Where she sleeps.
Where she eats.
All those came into mind. And now i found her, at the same market we would always go on Saturdays.

She seemed to be talking to herself, debating whether or not to take the sushi in her hands or pick another.
I saw she held the Salmon kind, i heard her saying
"Should i take this..?"

I decided to speak
"You should, they're  your favourite.... " i smiled. Happy to be able to see her, face to face.


The next thing i know, we both were in my car. I was surprised that she even agreed to be in the same enclosed area with me.

After suffering a good 5 minutes of dead silence, i decided to break the awkward wall,
"How are you, (y/n)?"
"Is that all you can think of?" She snapped, glancing over at me.
Brushing the mild hostility aside, i tried again
"You look a little pale. Have you been eating right?"
"Why do you care? " (y/n) shot back.

"Look, (y/n). I love you, deeply. Just...just come back to the house, PLEASE.
We can talk. I apologize, I screw up, i know — " i started to freak out but she cut me off.

"I should be the one apologizing...maybe there is a reason why you did it.
Maybe it's because I've been busy with my work and writing...that i don't even have time for you, Jimin.
Maybe that's why you went to seek attention from someone who was able to give you that." Just as she was about to get a little emotional, she stopped and began opening the car door. I quickly closed it and immediately lock the doors.

"'s not your fault, (y/n). It's mine. I was...stupid. Don't apologize."
I look at her. Having her head down, she didn't want to look at my face.
I touched her arm. Squeezed it while rubbing it with my thumb. The other hand reached for hers. I tried holding her gentle little hands but she rejected it.

"(Y/n), look at me...look at me...please."

She did. Slowly. Her eyes were crystallized.
"I really care about you, Jimin. 3 years. We've been through hell together.
Now that we're on top, or, at least i felt like it was on top, you've changed.
Is that why you've been so cold to me these past few months? You didn't come home. You said it was work stuff. But..." she started crying.

I can't. I started balling myself. I hugged her. Even when she tried pushing me away, i tightened my grip.
I whispered into her ear,
"(Y/n), I'm SORRY. I mean it. I'm really, really sorry. I promise, i won't do it again.
You're my life, (y/n).
You're my life." I kept repeating it to her and i meant it. I really did. What i did was nothing but a mistake and regret it completely.

"Let's move past this. I will take better care of you, okay? Please, come back to the house." After i said that, she pulled away.
Looking up at me, her eyes and cheeks still moist.

"Goodbye,  Jimin..."

She slowly took herself away from me and seemed to be reaching something behind me; unlocking the car door at my side of the seat.
And let herself out.

I...i didn't... i didn't know why i didn't stop her then.
I froze.
But quickly regain consciousness and got out of the car and chased her.

I got her wrist and tug at her, gently.
"At least...tell me where you live now." I plead, desperately.
She tried freeing herself, but she knew better.
I sternly held on. She looked at me. Almost glaring.
"Jimin...let go."
"Not until you tell me where you're staying at right now." Adamant, i was determined to find out.
She ugh at me and tried to free herself again.
It won't work, babe. You know I'm way stronger than you.

I got a little pissed off as i seized her other wrist.
"(Y/n), at least tell me where you live now...?!!!"

"Bruh, let go of her...!"

A guy. Unknown. Stood a few feet away from us warned me.
"Who the fuck are you?" At this time, i lost focus and (y/n) took the opportunity to free herself. She walked up towards the guy and said
"Let's go."


Is that...her new boyfriend? No, it cant be.

"Whose this??" I cried.
"My new roommate. Goodbye Jimin." She said, leaving a drop of clue for me before walking away.
"Roommate?" I found myself muttering.
Gah, at least now i know that she isn't dating anyone.

I let it go. I turned around and began walking towards my car.
As I turned my head around to catch another glimpse of them both, (Y/n) had her back on me, while the guy glares on.

Sacrifice [Park Jimin※You※Kim Taehyung Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now