Sacrifice: Chapter 10

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*Jimin's POV*

Before i got into my car, i quickly turned around to face (y/n) before held her little hands in mine.

"Please, call me. Okay?" I said, rubbing my palm against her soft cheek.
She nodded.
"Get something to eat, alright? Bye Jimin."

That was the last thing i heard that night.
I did what i was told.
For the first time in a week, I've been eating. Before this, i was only consuming water.

I lost a few pounds.
My cheeks sorta disappeared.
I looked even more ghostly pale.
You can say my health deteriorated ever since.
And will occasionally experienced nosebleeds once in a while.

It's been a while since i had this problem. The last time i was like this, was years ago. When (y/n)'s mother passed away from breast cancer.
We both suffer at that time.

After taking a long hot shower, i looked into the steamed mirror.
Some shred of life had came back into my face.

My cheeks seemed a little red.
My eyes seemed moist.
My lips no longer looked dry.

I glance over to my wrists, ran a finger across the fresh scar I've made the other night.

She didn't noticed.
That's good. It's not really meant for her to notice.
It's actually for me to numb it. That aching feeling that ruled my heart before.

Feeling pain in another region of my body, it distracts me.

My phone suddenly rang.
And that ringtone....(Y/n)'s ringtone!
I scurried into my bedroom, where i have put my phone.

"Hello, (y/n)? You called." The biggest smiled spread across my face.
"Jimin, have you eaten? " hearing her voice from the other side of the line, i couldn't help the heat that shot through my whole body at the time.

"Yeah, i did."
"What did you eat??" She asked again.
" Duck and rice. And some soup." Happily, i answered.

"That's good. What are you doing now?" She asked more.
"Just took a shower. I feel a little more fresh now. Thanks for asking." I replied, sitting myself down at the edge of the bed.


It has a been almost a month now.

(Y/n) still contacts me now and then. Checking up on me.
I have hope now. That she might say she wants to get back with me.
Just observing how she treated me.
Took care of me. She's bound to come back to me, right?

That night, i asked her out. To meet at that Amusement Park we went when we were younger.

She wore a cherry red coat with black leggings. Her hair in a loose bun that was sealed with a thin red ribbon. (Y/n) always love having her hair in a bun, because she dislikes the feeling of her own hair at the back of her neck, but still would prefer long hair.

"(Y/n)...!" I called her. She wore minimal make up. Just a dab of powder and an eyeliner. Sometimes with light red lipstick.

"Have you — "

I knew what she was going to asked me.

"Yes, pork noodle soup with dumplings. " quickly, i answered as the hint of a sincere grin spread across my face.

Ever since my encounter with her at the apartment, she would always asked me the same question; have i eaten?

We had a really nice time that evening.
Even thou we remain as friends at the moment, i love being around her.

I love her soul.

I love everything about her.

I took her some place quiet where there were a few people around. We sat at a bench that overlooked a lake.

"Jimin..." she start.
"Yeah, (y/n)?"
"I... i want to be your girl again."

My eyeballs started aching. Holding back the overwhelmingly happy tears.

"You really...want to get back with me, (y/n)?" Trying to reassure myself, i asked.

She nodded. Slowly looking over at me and smilling.
She got herself closer to me and began hugging my waist before resting her head on my chest. Saying,
"I love you, Jimin. Please, don't do that again. You're my life."

I couldn't take it anymore.
I couldn't hold them back anymore. How could i?
Streams of tears started began falling across my cheeks down onto her Rosemary scented hair.

I hugged her tightly.
Finally, (y/n)'re mine again ☺


It was getting late and she decided to crashed at my apartment.
We took the elevator together while hugging each other.

I couldn't hide it. I kept pouring small kisses onto her head, her face.
Awww...that smile. I missed that smile so much.

We arrived at our floor and walked towards the apartment.
I got my keys out but before i placed the keys inside the keyhole, i turned to her. Planting a huge wet kiss on her lips. I said,
"From now on, i will treat you like a princess. Okay? Come." I grab her tiny hand, escorting her inside my apartment. Her apartment, as well.

"Oh, babe! Your home!!"

*slut's POV*

I arrived at Jimin's apartment. With the key he forgot he had given to me before.

How dare you ignore my calls and text?
How dare you left me for that boring, stupid girl?

I really cared about you, Jimin.
I tried coming over to your place, since you didn't come to work, with food and water.
But all you did was shoo me away. Like I'm some kind of dog to you.

Ah, dont worry.
Payback is a bitch.

I look out of the window. Seeing the two of them getting out of the taxi and into the building

I quickly took my que and strip of my coat. Leaving myself expose with a sexy lingerie.

Oooh...i can't wait to see the look on that fake bitch's face!

I heard the key turning...then a little talking...
After i saw Jimin's figure coming in the door and turning on the lights, i sprung towards him.
"Oh, babe! You're home!!"

I hugged him and directly kissed him on the lips.
I parted my lips with his and looked over at (y/n), faking a surprised look.
"Oh, hey (y/n)!"

Hahahaha...her face. Her priceless face.

*Your POV*

I thought that he had changed.

As i saw the girl spilling herself onto him, practically appearing out of nowhere, my heart dropped.

I felt like i wanted to cry.

Jimin broke the embrace, turned to me and said,
"Wait, (y/n). Please, don't think —
I didn't plan this. This is a set up...!"

I didn't said anything.
Nothing needed to be said.
I took myself out of the situation and left before hearing the slut exclaiming,
"Hey, (Y/n), don't go just yet. Join in the fun, will ya?"

I slapped my ears. I didn't want to hear it.
My heart. Ughh. I can't.

I killed the elevator button and waited for it to come up.
"(Y/n)! Please. I can explain...!" Jimin ran after me. Meeting me outside the elevator.

My voice. It was like as if it was gone. I couldn't speak a word.
"(Y/n) i didn't plan this. I haven't talked to her in weeks. She suddenly appeared in there. I promise — i SWEAR!! Please believe me, (y/n). Please don't go."

The elevator finally arrived. I pushed Jimin aside and walked in. Keeping my eyes on the floor as i couldn't look at him anymore.

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