Sacrifice: Chapter 14

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*Jimin's POV*

So...are we supposed to move on with life?

Like nothing happen?

(Y/n) didn't want me alone. She forced me to sleep over at their place that night.
I was seated on the couch in the living room, with a cup of camomile tea in both grip as my eyes stared in space.

Taehyung was in the kitchen, whipping a late night snack.
(Y/n), however, disappeared somewhere. Probably bringing my stuff up and helping me settle in.

"Here." Tae appeared beside me, handing me a plate of grilled cheese sandwiches.
"You're troubling yourself." I said, in a low tone of raspy voice as i accepted his offer. Probably the first words i ever utter since.
"You're my bro. Now eat." He replied, feeding himself with his own food in one huge bite.

"You're sleeping in my room, okay??" I heard a female voice said as her figure came down from the stairs.

"Then, where are you going t — " she cut me off.

"In the same room, silly...!"
My cheeks felt hot after she mentioned that.

I felt a gentle tap on my arm,
"Dude, put those blushers away, man." Tae joked, obviously noticing my red cheeks.

(Y/n) reached for the remote control and turned on the television. She slumped herself down next to me after that.
I slowly turned my head towards her,


"Yes, Jimin...?"

I took a minute to rethink my sentences.
"Are we...just...not going to talk about it?"

She straightened herself.
"Jimin, i thought we already did at the lake. What else are we planning on discussing? " she asked, in a whisper.

"The fact that...i actually killed someone?"
(Y/n) took away my untouched plate, placing it on the coffee table, then pulled me into an embrace.
"You didn't kill anyone, Jimin. None of this ever happened." She said.

I pulled away, gently, looked into her eyes. Her brown eyes. And i suddenly saw

"Mother?" I uttered, even surprised myself.
"You remind me of our late mother.
I...I'm sorry i brought her up, (y/n)..."
"It's fine ☺. Jimin, I'm not going to let anything happen to you after this. Okay? Promise me, we'll forget about this? All of this? "

Right then and there, the three of us automatically and silently sworn to our own secrecy.
We made a silent pack by the glances of our eyes and a couple of nods.


I walked upstairs, to her bedroom.
Crawling into the soft covers and instantly picked out her scent.

Even in the midst of all the chaos, i

I wrapped myself even more tightly in the covers, making sure no skin was exposed to the coldness of the night.
It didn't felt like a mere piece of cloth that was covering me.
It actually felt like...someone was hugging me. Reassuring me that everything's going to be okay.

Both (y/n) and Tae had that quality in them.
The quality that just makes sure that no harm will come your way when you're with them.

A quality (y/n)'s late mother once had.
Tears roll down again. Not sure how many times now, i lost count.
The tears were for the realization that pieces of mother was left in both her and Tae.

They protected me well, for now.
They made sure that the situation will definitely be taken care of.
I'm not sure how, but they made it seem like they know exactly what to do.
I felt like a kid again. I never had this when i was younger, especially with crappy parents like mine.

That night, i felt incredibly overwhelmed. I instantly fell asleep, out of fatigue.

*Tae's POV*

"What the hell are we going to do, Tae?" She said, trying her best to whisper but ends up sounding like a snake hissing at you.

"Calm down, we're going to be fine." Taking another big bite into probably the last piece of the grilled cheese sandwich i made.

"Jimin works at the same place as her. Her family or whoever is going to go file a missing person case and the police to find her."

"And they won't. Trust me okay? If you don't want to get caught, just follow my lead, do not freak out and let me handle this.
You asked for my help, I'm giving you help. Accept the help that you've asked for."

"I'm not rejecting any help, Tae. I'm...i'm just...worried.
For Jimin...for us....are you sure we cleaned the apartment,  thoroughly?" (Y/n) asked, sitting at the edge of her seat while glancing back once in a while.

"We did. My friends are professionals. Don't worry."

She took a paused. Wanted to ask more but seem a little tired.
"(Y/n)..." i start.

I know what you guys are thinking; was i asked as a favour to get involved in such a mess?


She only asked if i could just send her over to Jimin's apartment, that's all.
She never mentioned anything about asking my help to distinguished the evidence.

During the car ride, (y/n) explained to me what Jimin had told her. About Jayne. About how did it all went downhill so fast. What actually started the fight.

Me and her never really planned on what to do next.
Everything that happened earlier that night, it was all spontaneous.
Everything happened out of adrenaline.
I may have gotten myself into a mess, but it was for them.

After spending much time with her, i have come to realize who she really was and it's definitely safe to say that (Y/n)   has become a close friend of mine.
And Jimin is a great, sweet guy. I really care about them both.

I may have met them on such a short notice, but have you guys ever met someone for the first time and instantly connect with them even thou you've known them for less than a month?

This was like that with them. 
I'm not going let them sink. And even if we do sink, we're going in together.

"(Y/n)..." i start,

After starring at her own feet, she slowly turned to look at me.

"Trust me; you, Jimin and i, we are going to be fine.
I don't do this for just anyone. I really care about you guys.
And I will make sure nothing happens. Please, do not asked me anything else after this.
Just act normal.... when I'm ready, I'll...explain, okay?"

She didn't said anything. Just nodded and did the 'Okay' sign 👌.

Sacrifice [Park Jimin※You※Kim Taehyung Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now