Sacrifice: Chapter 21

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*Tae's POV*

A ring??

My heart began beating faster.
Was Jimin going to propose to (y/n)?
Why is he letting go of this opportunity and letting me have it?

Jimin's words began ringing in my head;

"...i don't think i can make her happy anymore..."

"Ever since that night, I've changed...."

I held the box in my hand after closing it back.
Turning it around, looking at it. Trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together.

I guess it sorta strikes me then. Got a little nervous that i accidentally dropped it. The box dropped back hard into the compartment, causing the floor to give way.


There was something else beneath the compartment!
I reached my hand down, taking the ring box and placing it on the bed before i reached back down again and tore away the fake mini floor.

I reached for the thing below. More small  boxes?? But this time i found a different kind of box. Wrapped with a clear thin plastic.

Wait...i recognized this box....


I let a out faint laugh.
" that's what you were smiling about, huh?"


I jumped my eyebrows off. Turned around and saw (y/n) standing by the door.

"Y — you're home — " I stood up, then quickly sat on the bed...with the ring box embedded within my buttocks 😰
" — early??"

"Yeah i told my supervisor about Jimin and she basically forced me to take a half day. What are you doing in here anyway?" She asked me, still having her backpack behind her.

Her eyes soon fall down onto the small hole that manifested on the floor of her room,
"What the hell is that?" She said, deciding to walk up towards it.

I quickly stopped her. Having both arms out in front her.
"No, no, no, noo you can't come any closer —!" I placed both palms on her shoulders and gently escorted her out of her own room. Slamming the door shut and locking it tight.

I pushed my back against the door, panting as my heart started to beat faster again.

"Taehyung...! What's going on?" I heard her cried just outside the door.

I didn't answer. Instead, i rushed towards the secret compartment and grabbed all 10 boxes of condoms and smushed them into any pockets i have on me.

And as for the ring, I grabbed it in my hands and proceeded towards the door.

Opening it and lay against the entrance, i posed by the door. Blocking her way.
She stayed quiet but gave me a glare instead. Demanding an explanation.

My first response to that intimidating glare was a smile. Whenever I'm nervous, i always smile. God knows why 😓

I let out a faint laugh and said,
" ex roomie stored his old drugs there. Probably forgot them. I just had to confiscated it before you see them."

"Oh my god. Seriously? " she said, placing her hand over her mouth.
"Yeah i didn't want you to see that. But i already took it, so....I'll flush them down the toilet later, okay?"

She nodded. Seemingly nervous.
"Don't look under your bedside table, okay? Promise?" I said as innocently glared into her eyes, waving a finger.

Sacrifice [Park Jimin※You※Kim Taehyung Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now