Sacrifice: Chapter 24

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*Your POV*

I slept for a while afterwards but not too long. Woke up in the middle of the night, stepping over Taehyung, who slept soundly on the rug and tried my best not to wake him up.

I grab what i could fine and only managed to discovery just the undie.
"Where the hell is my bra? Ah...whatever." i said to myself, proceeding towards the stairs only in my undie.

Then, i took a long rinse in the shower upstairs, cleaning myself from the previous mess.
Walked in my towel through the halls and into my room. The first thing i grabbed was my phone and instantly thought of him.

I glanced into the screen; 14 missed calls and a few texts. All from Jimin. Had it on silent and so i did not realized them as i looked at the latest text and missed call were a couple of minutes ago.

Guilt instantly poured in. I slumped down onto the bed and wanted to reply a text when his face came onto the screen. I swiped on the green icon.

"Hello, Jimin. Why aren't you asleep yet?"

"(Y/n), I'm sorry...!!" I heard him cried out on the other line.

"No, it's fine. I was a little shock. I'm sorry too, Jimin." I apologized. Having what happened with Tae played at the back of my mind.

"I feel so bad right now." Jimin mentioned,  half whimpering.

"I...*sigh* me too..." overthinking of the situation that i have put myself into.

"We'll come fetch you tomorrow, okay? Get some rest, Jimin." I claimed.

"Okay, i love you."
"I love you too." I responded before tapping on the red icon.

I let my upper body fall sideways onto the bed and placed back my cell phone on the bedside table after getting dressed in just a white t and shorts.

What the fuck just happened? I thought, forcing myself to sleep.


The next morning, i went down to the living room and couldn't find Taehyung anywhere.
"Whatevs...." I said to myself as i headed to the kitchen area, went straight towards the fridge, taking out the milk for the cereal.


Nearly jumped, i turned around and saw him. Walking casually, passing me to get to the fridge. Taking out four eggs and a loaf of bread.
"Sure...." i murmured, under my breath.

Hmmm...why is he being so casual?
Did something really happened last night?
Or was i only dreaming?

My heart sort of ache a little after observing Taehyung's behavior of how casual he appeared to be. As if last night...our very first time together...meant nothing.

Was i considered a fuck buddy to him now??

I tried brushing it off. Tipping the cereal sideways to excess the goods, then poured the milked into the bowl, recapping it before slamming the carton onto the table, making a loud thud.

"Whoa, what's up with you?" Tae asked, toasting his bread as he fries four of his eggs.

I stormed away from the kitchen, bringing my bowl towards the living room, turning on the television. Ignoring him completely as i sat myself on the couch.

As i was about to take my first bite of the cereal oats in front of me, Taehyung's face magically appeared right next to mine, opening his mouth in a rather cute way.
As if wanting me to spoon feed him some of my cereal.

Although i was annoyed with him at first, i gave in and let him have the first bite.
"Tastes better when you fed them to me." Tae winks before placing a light peck on one of my cheeks. Disappearing behind me, sounding like he went back into the opened kitchen tp fetch something.

"Taehyung..." i start.

"Yeah?" He responded.

"Can, talk about something? "
When i said that, Tae resurfaced beside me with his own plate of breakfast; four set of toast and eggs with sauce on the side.

Taehyung placed his glass of banana milk on the coffee table, leaving his plate resting on his crossed legs.
"What about?"

I let out a long sigh. But before i could even begin, we both heard a discreet vibration not too far from the couch.

It was my cellphone. Vibrating as a call came in. An unknown number.

I reached out and reluctantly answered,
"Hello.....yeah, this is she....Jimin....?What?? Okay, okay....!"

"What is it, (y/n)??" Anxiously, Taehyung asked.

"That was Dr. Jeung. He told me that Jimin passed out in the toilet, and his blood level dropped drastically. We need to be there at the hospital, now....!!"

Sacrifice [Park Jimin※You※Kim Taehyung Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now