Sacrifice: Chapter 6

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*Your POV*

I woke up quite early.

It was a Tuesday.
Usually at this time i would already be on my way to work at the same place Jimin works. I guess i can say that he was kind of a big hit at the office.
At least to people like me.

His position was above us. I only worked as a regular office worker that shared a cubicle with a couple of other staffs.
Jimin had his own office; that lead directly towards the big CEO's main office.

I quit work yesterday. Well, formally today. That's why i awoke early, to send in my 24-hours resignation notice via email this morning, which was against protocol.
Eh, fuck the protocol at this point.

I rolled back to bed after spending a few time on my laptop.
The room was surpisingly comfortable and so my style. Still needs some more stuff (and probably a bigger closet) thou.
I lay back, reaching for my cellphone that was placed on a tiny bed table. I looked at the screen;

99 missed calls.
17 text messages.
And a few other IM's.

Some were unrelated. But most of it was from him.
I read his text. Viewed the missed call logs. Read some other crap he sent.
After going through my phone, i tossed it over at the other side of the bed. I wanted to go back to sleep. But, i felt something weird. Like....a pair of eyes watching me.

Instinctively, i rolled over to my other side to face the door but got a really horrifying shock instead.

"G'morning (y/n)!!"

I screamed the most high pitch but short scream i could let out.
"TAEHYUNG...! When did you get in???"
"Just now. I came in to check up on you. You were so quite. I got a little worried." He claimed.
I pulled the covers over my body, trying to shield myself from...from nothing really.
"I'm fine. I'm still alive. Thanks." I responded.
"Great....want some breakfast??" He asked, oddly cheerful and full of energy.

*Tae's POV*

I couldn't sleep.

I only got a good 3 hours and i immediately got up. I tried stalling myself; watching anime on my laptop. Reading comic books. Going on YouTube to see more trailers of the latest Maze Runner: Scorch Trials.

It was approximately at 5.47 am that i heard her. Crying in her bedroom.
My room and hers weren't that far. Mine was right in front of hers.
The walls, to be honest, were as thin as paper. You couldn't masturbate in private if you wanted to 😂

I slowly opened the door, peer out towards her room. Clearly able to hear her sobbing.
Tiptoed and pressed one ear slightly to hear more.
Yup, just sobbing. No talking on the phone.

Poor girl. I don't know what she went through, but i felt really bad.
That was when i thought; i need to make her happy.
Heck i don't know what's up with her, i need to make her forget what she went through. Help, if i could, to solve it. That's what roomies are for right ??

That was when later that morning, i opened her door slightly to take a peak. Yup, she was awake now. Looking through her cellphone and tossing it over with frustration.

Like a mouse, i got in quietly and kneeled at her bedside. Resting my chin at the side of the bed.

Ah, she probably heard me (like a mouse my ass). She turned around, i bid good morning but she ended up screaming into my ears.

If it was a guy, i'd playfully punch them in the gut for breaking an eardrum.
But it was (y/n), so she could break both eardrums if she wanted to. If that could make her feel better ☺

We exchanged a few sentences. She looked at me in a weird way while covering up her upper body with the blanket like as if i was about to rape her.
I then changed the subject to offering her imaginary breakfast that i made it seemed like i prepared beforehand 😂 (y/n) gonna kill me 😂🔫

*Your POV*

"Where is breakfast?" I asked, feeling odd that there was nothing prepared on the dining table nor the kitchen counter.

"I haven't made it yet. But I'm about to...!" He replied, heading straight for the kitchen. Grabbing a few stuff from the refrigerator and placing them on the counter.

Silly Tae.

I smiled while following into his footsteps.
"What are you making?" I asked, walking over towards the kitchen area.
"Penut butter toast. That's all we have for now. I haven't gone grocery shopping yet." Tae said.

I walked over towards the fridge and opened it.
All it had was a carton of milk, bananas and something in a couple of plastic containers. The freezer revealed almost nothing but a small chocolate flavoured Haagendaaz. Half way finished.

Good Lord. So this is what it feels like to live as a bachelor?

Closing the freezer, i announced
"We're going grocery shopping later."
Tae paused, mid spreading a thick layer of penut butter on a freshly toasted bread. His head turned sharply towards me. His semi-almond eyes slightly widened, as if surprised at my announcement.

I giggled, while thinking how actually adorable this dork looked.

Sacrifice [Park Jimin※You※Kim Taehyung Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now