Sacrifice: Chapter 2

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*Your POV*

It was a little windy that evening. I sat on the bench at the side of the road, further down the block after exiting the apartment building.
I sat in the middle. With two or three bags and some crap i didn't realized i own side by side. I roughly wipe away the salty tears from my eyes and wet cheeks. Tried to put up a brave face.

'Great, (y/n). You've stormed out of the only place you once called home. Without a single plan on where to go and what to do. You're practically homeless at the moment. Sure sucks to be you, huh?' I thought to myself. Fighting with my own self. My inner demon that gave birth to hatred towards myself.

*sigh* I seriously don't know what to do or where to go now.

The wind suddenly blew hard. Causing my straight, black, shoulder-length hair to fly around my face. Almost acting as a shield while a small flyer flew directly towards me. Slapping me right in the face.


What the fuck is this?
A simple budget ad for a roommate. Practically hand-writtened and printed. Only stating an address and a phone number. Not a single qualification of a roomie was found on the paper. I read out the name of the owner of the apartment in the ad;

"Kim... *squints at bad hand-writting* Kim Taehyung..."

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