Sacrifice: The Final Chapter

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*Jimin's POV*

I stared into the mirror that night.
In the toilet, without any support but my hands on the sink.

My hands quivered. My upper body shook hard as i use the pain in my leg to numb the urge.

Dr. Jeung was smart; requesting to the nurses to keep away all sharp objects from this floor in particular. Which was the floor my ward was located.
The only alternative way to inflict pain upon myself was this.

I know I was being stupid. I know this wasn't forced onto me. I know this was all my own choice. But...the demons in my head were more aggressive than my own consciousness.

I tried pushing them further. I tried making them go away. But they were so deeptly buried, practically rooted, into the veins of my heart that it was mere impossible to fully recover from this.

........And the only time i was even close to winning the battle with the demons in me.....

.........were the times i had with her and late mother......

The sheer thought of dear mother immediately brought the tears out. My eyes and throat ache so badly after that.

I felt horrible after my last encounter with (y/n). I shouldn't have pushed her. I shouldn't have forced her to admit it.
When I, myself, have already learned about the truth...and so why would i do that to her? What do i get from doing this?

My head falls forward. Facing the sink as i shut my eyes tight. Trying my hardest to endure the pain as my arm continued to shook vigorously ...

But then...i began to feel a tiny movement from under my nose. Moving down slowly. As i opened my eyes, i saw a red dot splashing itself into the sink under me.

I lifted up my head, looking back at my own pale complexion in the mirror as i realized that my nose was bleeding.

I wiped under my nose with the back of my palm, causing more blood to flow down. Flowing pass my lips and staining my chin.

Soon, i began feeling lightheaded. Followed by thousands of faded white dots appearing then disappearing in my vision.
And the next thing i know and remembered; a sharp throbbing pain invaded me at the back of my head as my weak body fell backwards.


Opening my eyes, i woke up to the colour of purity filling into my vision.

I was back where i had belonged; my sickbed, safely within the walls of my own ward.
And the first person i saw...was Taehyung.

He was looking at the view outside, through the blinds. Having both arms crossed below his chest.

"Tae..." i managed to called out.
Surprised, he quickly turned around and faced me.
"Jimin...! " he said, walking fast towards the bed.

"Oh, god, Jimin. We thought we lost you. I'll go get (y/n) - !!"
Just as he was about to jog away from me, my hand quickly grabbed his arm.
Tae looked over to me, slowly.

"Taehyung..." i called again. This time, my voice grew weaker.
"What is it, Jimin...?" He came closed, cancelling his next action.
"Remember what i said the other day?"

Taehyung knew EXACTLY what i meant. He tried yanking away his hand from me, turning his head away. Unconsciously drowning himself with both guilt and denial.
I ignored him. And repeated what i have said the other day;
"You have my blessings, Taehyung..."

He shuts his eyes tight, as if withholding his emotions within his eyelids.
"It's okay. I trust you." I added, putting up a smile.

"But, Jimin....why??" He asked.

Sacrifice [Park Jimin※You※Kim Taehyung Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now