Sacrifice: Chapter 23

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*Your POV*

I stormed out of the ward. Heading straight to the direction of the cafeteria.
But haven't  even reached there yet, i bumped into Tae in the hallway, not too far from Jimin's ward.

"Oh, here's your sandw — "
"Let's go, Tae." I said, taking the food and giving him his coat back.
"What? We're leaving?"

I didn't answer.
I didn't want to remember what went down earlier.

Jimin NEVER raised his voice at me. Never in years. Even when during his tough days. I have never seen him that way before. I was basically shaken up by the experience.

"Did something happen? " catches up behind me.
"No, Tae." I walked as fast as i could, trying my best not to let the tears out.

As we got into the car, i really tried my best to push it aside.
...but dumb Taehyung kept looking at me. With his puppy eyes. Seemingly trying to fix whatever i had in me that was broken.

I looked away, out of the window. Into the darkened sky. I didn't realized how long we've spent in the hospital. My mind soon came back to our fight, thus a tear managed to free itself from one of my eyes.

"(Y/n)...." Tae gently called onto me, with his low voice. He reached out a hand and placed it on my lap... which didn't help to keep in the tears.

Soon, the waterfalls began. I smack both of my palms onto my wet face and kept them there.
Taehyung had his whole arms stretched out, wrapping them around my shoulders and head. Burying me within his chests.

"Baby...tell me what happen." He starts.
I tried talking properly between my non-stop hard sobbing...

"I....i...i — i can't....!! "
"Sshhh...there, there. Tae is here." He rubs his hands behind my back, trying his best to calm me down.

I gently broke away from his warm hug, wanted to look into his eyes.
I wanted them to tell me that everything will be fine.
Taehyung looked down at me, starring back. His eyes going back and forth to both of my gaze.
He lifted one hand and began wiping away my tears. He wasn't quite sure what they were for, but he made sure to wiped them dry. Despite his oblivion.

From wiping my moist cheeks, to holding onto my chin, Taehyung brought his face closer to mine and kissed me. Passionately.
Invading my mouth with his and his tongue. Moving around as if trying to get my attention off of the subject that had made me upset in the first place.

As if he couldn't get any deep, one hand grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in deeper. The other hand went around my back, hugging me tightly.

We both moan at the pleasure of the moment.
I ran my hands through his soft hair. Grabbing onto it once in a while, causing Tae to moan even louder.

He soon navigated down, still not breaking the kiss, he trails his lips down from my chin to the weakest spot of my neck. Causing more soft moans from me.

"Taehyung...." i let out as he sucked into the skin of my neck. Leaving a couple of bites behind.
He separated himself from my neck and went back to my lips, raining me with more wet kisses.

Taehyung got a little more aggressive as one hand found its way down my bottom, squeezing one cheek as one of his fingers nearly grazed my petals.

From that, i couldn't control myself.
I couldn't control the words that came out as well;
"I want you, Taehyung."


Tae drove the car like a mad man.

As we arrived home, we didn't even make it to the stairs, Taehyung grabbed my arm, slammed my body against his and stalled me with his kisses again as he proceeded to undress me.

I hesitated at first, thinking about what had happened earlier with —

"Baby, don't you want me?" Taehyung tempting me once again, instantly taking my mind off of it with his manly voice as he breathes hard.
Pleasuring me just by the hotness of his breath against my face.

With that, i let him undress me before he did the same to himself. Leaving ourselves just in our undies.
He carried me, swiftly and gently placed me on the couch that was facing the television.
Tae stood up straight after laying me down, running his eyes up and down on my almost bare body.

"You're so beautiful." he utters, under his breath. Smiling at me as one hand teases the borderline of my black lace brassiere.
Shy, i bit my lower lip and covered myself with my arms.

He let out a faint laugh and he slipped one hand behind my back, unhooking me. Leaving me exposed.

My cheeks burnt even more as Taehyung took off my undie. Throwing them in front of the television.
I couldn't believed my eyes when he dropped his boxers down. Revealing his...size L member.

So that condom WAS his 😨 ???

Taehyung reached one arm and took my hand. Gently pulling me up. Directing me towards his member.
He didn't need to say any else as i bury it into my mouth. Moistening it with my tongue. Making him moan with every pressure.

He parted away and pushed me down, almost roughly. Attacking me with his fingers.
I accidentally let out a loud moan as Taehyung unsuspectingly inserted a finger, then two.

"Taehyungg ~~"
"I need to get them prepared." He said, planting a teasing kiss.

"Tell me again; do you want me?"

I couldn't focus. i delayed an answer. Only managed to let out soft moans. How the hell does he expect me to focus when two of his long fingers were already pre-fucking me??

Not satisfied, he tries to insert the third.
"T — Taehyung...! That hurts...!" I cried, pushing him, slightly.

Pressing his mouth against my ears, letting his hot breath attacking me again, he grunts
"(Y/n) tell me again what you said earlier...!! "
"I want you. Aah~ I want you, Kim Taehhyungg."
As if on que, his fingers parted away from my wet V and replaced them with his large member.

Despite the slight aggressiveness earlier, Taehyung carefully and gently inserted the tip first. Teasing me by rubbing it up and down using the moist he worked up with his fingers.

A long semi-loud moan escaped from my mouth as Taehyung successfully bury his member inside me. Hugging me tight and pressing himself even deeper.

"Ohhh, Taehyung ~~!" One hand grabbed the side of the couch while the other grabbed his hair. Preparing myself for what's to come next;
He thrusts slowly at first, letting me adjust to his size before keeping up his pace. Filling me with pleasure with each thrusts of his swift hips.

The living room soon filled with both of our soft moans and grunts as we both came in unison.
Taehyung, pulling out just in time to let himself spilled all over my body. Covering my chests and tummy with the resulted cum before he lets himself fall face first onto the rug beside the couch.

"Fuck yeah." I heard him say, muffled by the rug.

Sacrifice [Park Jimin※You※Kim Taehyung Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now