Sacrifice: Chapter 18

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*Jimin's POV*

"I don't know how to tell you this..."

The office was awfully cold. Why do they make hospitals so cold anyway?

"You really, REALLY need to seek help."

I kept my head down, starring at the edge of my sleeve. The scars peeked at me. Showing themselves slightly.

I got a little uncomfortable, pulled the sleeves down even more to cover it up. Not that it help, but, i didn't want to see what i have done to myself.

Hesitantly, I pulled my gaze towards the doctor.

"Jimin, i know you since you were little. I know it's tough. You need to get help, son."
He held out one hand, placing it on my shoulder.
Returning my gaze back to my sleeves, i heard the doctor added
"I know someone that can help,"

"That'll cost me more. " i cut him, in a low voice. Still looking down.
"I'll pay the expense...! " he mentioned, eagerly.
My head bobbed, looking back at Dr. Jeung, one of my father's childhood friend.


My appointment ended and i drove off. Wandering around town aimlessly.

I can't tell her...

'Jimin, please. Seek help. Before it's too late.'

'Another wrong cut, and you are gone.'

She can never know...

'Here, take these prescription. For the headaches. 'They' are what caused them. Because there are less blood pumping in ur body right now than anyone else.'

I skid and turned to a corner.

'I mean it, Jimin. One more cut, one more deep cut, you're as good as gone, son.'

The wrong turn -


I met with an accident. And as soon as i woken up, one of the nurse that came in earlier told me; the car crashed into a pole, injuring my left leg.

"Jimin...!" I heard a familiar voice.

I looked over at the door and there she was.

"Oh, my God. Thank God, you're okay, Jimin....!" She said, hurrying towards me then placed a sweet peck on my forehead.

"I was worried sick. They said you were malnourished." she pointed out, placing her soft hands across my forehead and running her fingers through my hair.

I tried sitting up -
"Oowhh...!!" I cried, feeling the throbbing pain shoot through my leg.
"Babe, don't move too much, please. The doctor restricts any sudden movement." (Y/n) advised, worried. Trying to get me to lay down again.

"Jimin, where did you drove from? How are you even malnourished??"

I gave her a glance.
'Oh GOD, what am i supposed to say?' I thought.
"Umm...i had to fetch some stuff from the store. Hadn't had the chance to get it thou. Skipped some meals lately." Lying, i avoided her eye contact. Playing and sometimes adjusting the thing around my wrist.

"Jimin, you know better than to skip meals. Any meals. How did i not see this?" She said, seemingly aiming the last question to herself.

She tried to grab my hand, but i pulled away and tuck them under the blanket, making it seemed like i wanted to scratch something.

"Okay, (y/n)...sorry i skipped. I wont do it again. Forgive Jiminie pabo??" I look up at her, smiling. Referring myself to the nickname she always loves to call me.

A smile formed on her face. (Y/n) rolled her eyes and changed the subject,
"Dork...what were you planning on getting at the store ? I'll get those for you then."
Reaching for her handbag that she had placed on my bedside.

"Oh, no, no. I think i have already forgotten the things i wanted to get. It's fine, (y/n)."
Whenever i wanted to distract her from something, i would always use touch.
She CAN'T resist them.

I stretched one arm out to her, slipping my hand into hers. Pulling (y/n) closer to me until she had to sit at the edge of the bed, next to me.

Since i couldn't sit up, I wrapped my arms around her waist and placed my head on her lower abdomen. Like a kid hugging his mother.
I tightened my grip. Then murmured ,


"Yeah, Jimin?" She asked.

"(Y/n)~~" called her again, in a slight childish way.

"Yes, Jiminnie. What is it?" She responded again.


"What is it, dammit???" She cried, followed by a laughter as she knew i was just messing with her.

She broke away from the hug and hovered over to me, pausing her face just a few inches from mine.

I stared into her eyes.

"What? What do you want from me?" I asked, in a low voice.
She smiled but stayed quiet. Probably just punishing me for teasing her just now.

I couldn't take it anymore, i let out a funny laugh and felt oddly ticklish. It was as if her gaze did all of that to me.

She still remained her smiled and maintained the 1cm away distance between our lips.

I stared, hard, at her slightly parted kisser. Licking and biting my own as i do so.

Abruptly, I bobbed my head forward, surprising her with a small lick.

"Jiminie....injured but still....naughty....!" She said, greeting my lips with hers.
She tastes so good. Our make-out session lasts about 2 minutes until someone came into the ward.

"Oh! - guys~! Get a room already....! "
Taehyung came in and had a small little basket of -

"Beef jerky!?!?!" I cried out, happy to see something i hadn't had for a very long time.


I look up at Tae and his silly rectangular teethy grin, whom had brought me my favourite guilty pleasure.

During precious times like this, i truly felt the love between us three.
Although the pain shoots back to my leg once in a while, these two people just know how to take my mind of off it.
I could still feel pain, but i was glad i had both of them, side by side, here with me.

My lover and my best friend.
I love them both, deeply.
Looking at them...observing them engaging in conversations in front of me. Turning back to me, then to each other. Smiling.

Looking so oblivious to what i have known.


It was getting late that evening, (y/n) had to leave early because of her shift.

Taehyung was sitting across the ward from me, playing something on his phone.
Finally, i have a moment of his time. Alone.


"Yeah.....?" He responded, clicking hard at something on the screen.

"We need to talk."

He didn't answered. Looking pretty busy glaring at his silly game.

"It's about you and my girl."

With that being said, Taehyung lifted his gaze from the game and began focusing on me.
Glaring at me from across the room. Slowly putting away his cellphone.

Sacrifice [Park Jimin※You※Kim Taehyung Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now