Sacrifice: Chapter 8

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Tae's POV*

I guess we got everything we needed.

As i had a plastic bag full of red apples, i jog towards the section where i had left (y/n).
I was passing through the soda aisle when someone jump at my face; it was my new roomie.

Oddly excited to see her, i exclaimed,
"Hey, (y/n)! I got these —"
But quickly got cut off as she seemed distracted,
"Could you take the trolley to the counter and pay? I have to meet someone. Here..." she passed the trolley to me and handed me a $200 bill.

"Go to go! Meet me outside okay?" She said, before sprinting off.

"Okay... "

After paying for the groceries, i pushed the trolley out of the store and stopped a few feet from the exit to scan our ride.

Suddenly, i heard noises. Like someone yelling.
I turned my head towards the direction of the commotion and immediately recognized her figure.

(Y/n)?? Some tall guy was at her and seemingly harassing her.
I left the trolley and ran towards them. As i got close i cried out
"Bruh, let go of her...!"

"Who the fuck are you??" He barked.
I asked the same question in my mind. But I to put my best mean face forward as (y/n) freed herself from his grip.
"Let's go." She command. Walking before me.

The guy looked at me funny, then asked
"Whose this, (y/n)??"
"My new roommate. Goodbye Jimin." She responded, still keeping her back at him. I scurried, following her after fetching the abandoned trolley.


"Who was that?" I asked.
"My ex." She said, placing the grocery bags on the counter. She doesn't seem like she wanted to talk about it.

"Do you wanna .... tell me anything?"

"No, Tae." Not facing me, she began unpacking the stuff we bought earlier and started putting them inside the refrigerator.
I took a deep breath and gather some courage to approach her, slowly.

"(Y/n) my new roomie, you kinda have to update me on something. I don't like people living with me keeping weird secrets. Why was your ex pursuing you? Was it money-wise?"
She let out a hard sigh and turned to face me.
"No. No money involved. He cheated. I moved out that same night i found out. A strong wind blew your ad into my face. Boom. I'm here. Are we good now?"

Awkward silence took over the whole apartment after that as she went back to unpacking while i stood there like an idiot.

"I'm... I'm sorry to hear that." I uttered.
"It's nothing, Tae. Don't apologize. Not your fault." (Y/n) replied, still having her back to me.
"No...but, i feel bad for you. What a bastard. If i knew earlier, i would've punch him for you." Semi serious, i said. Attempting to come a little closer to her.

She giggled.
"No need for violence, Tae. But thanks anyway. I appreciate that.
Umm, what would you like for dinner?" She changed the subject.
"Oh! No, let me cook!" I said, hurriedly bringing myself towards her and a few other grocery bags that hasn't been touched.

"No, i wanna cook, Tae!" She shot back, having this amazingly infectious grin spread wide across her face despite what had happened earlier.

We went back and forth, debating on who should cook tonight.
I noticed, nowadays, she would often call my name.
'What do you wanna eat, Tae?'
'You feeling well, Tae?'
'Tae, you stink.'



During dinner, we both ate at the couch.
"Tae...why isn't the tv on?"
"No service. Didn't pay for it." I took another bite of the chicken we both prepared.

"What? Why?"
I looked at her and gave her a 'really nigga?' face with my mouth full.

"We're paying tomorrow. First thing. I need to watch ANTM tomorrow evening." (Y/n) claimed, feeding herself another spoonful.
"ANTM? Antman?" I asked, stupidly.

Almost chocking on rice, she screamed
"America's Next Top Model, Taeeee...!!"
We both laugh. Nearly spitting out our drinks if we attempted to take a sip.

Then i started a new conversation.
"Hey, you got, like, a job or something? " feeding myself another spoonful, adding a chunk of chicken into my already full mouth.

"Nope. I just quit the other day. I'll find one tomorrow. And you're going to come with me. What about you?"

"I've a job. A secret job."

"Let me guess...drugs right?" Not so sure if it was a joke or not, but yeah, she went there.
"The!" I cried out, half offended.
(Y/n) giggled and said
"Just a little joke, Tae-Tae!"

For some reason, my heart...felt something. Something squishy...when she called me that.
Huh, Tae-Tae. No one's ever called me that before.

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