Sacrifice: Chapter 13

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*Your POV*


Goes the body dropped on the ground.

Before getting here, we wrapped Jayne's lifeless body in, i don't know how many, layers of garbage bags and tried our very best not to leave any shred of evidence behind.

Upon arrival, we place her by the lake, almost in the middle of the forest that Tae had suggested and brought us.

"How should we do this?" I asked
We debate whether to dump the body in the lake or burn it.
"Burn it. I think it's best." Confidently, Tae said, going over to the car to fetch something.

I look over at Jimin, whom stayed quiet thorough the ride.
I think nothing needed to be said. I walked towards him. Rubbing his back. He look over at me and it was dark but i could see the death in his eyes.

I know him.
I know he didn't meant to hurt her.
Jimin has had his fair share of depression and self harm.

It began years ago after the negligence of both of his  parents. It got worse during the death of my mum as he had treated her like the mother he felt he never had.

It took a good few years to overcome it.
To be quite frank; how can one become cured from depression and self harm?

But Jimin did his best to get well. He has a positive mind. Instilled by years of mother's love and care. It was his surrounding that clouded it.

"I'm sorry —"
I placed my finger on his lips. He didn't deserve this. Thus, no apologies needed to be vocalized.

I felt horrible for storming out like that before.
Maybe...just maybe...if i hadn't ran off and actually LISTEN to him, this wouldn't have happened.

"I should be the one saying sorry." I said, looking into his eyes in the blackness of the night.
It was as if he knew exactly what i meant, he ran his hand across my face, caressing my cheek.
Slightly, shaking his head while a faint but sad smile spread across his face.

Jimin seemed like he wanted to speak but something took both of our attention;
a fire had been started.

We watched how Tae jumped back from the fire he had created on Jayne's dead body.


We waited till the body turned to ashes. And we did so in a safe distance, covering half of our faces from the foul stench of burning rotting body.

I sat on the wet grass while Jimin lay next to me, putting his head on my lap. He fell asleep with a cloth covering his nose and mouth.

Taehyung, on the other hand, sat somewhere near us on an old chopped off tree branch blowing smokes.

"You smoke?? "

Taehyung turned his head sharply towards me. Like he was surprised as i noticed.
How can i not when its already lit up and he's a few feet away from me? *facepalm*

"Huh? This? Uh... No. I found it some...somewhere. I— I'm about to throw it anyway..." he said, chucking the bud as far as he could throw.

He looked back at me. Flashing his infamous rectangular teethy smiles.
"You're awesome at lying, by the way." I 'complimented' him.
"Oh, come on. Look at these teeth. Smokers don't have teeth like mine...!" reflashing that wide grin of his.

I snickered, looking away. Starring back at Jimin's soft complexion.
The only light that existed out there (apart from the fire) were the moon and the stars. The moon shone bright above us.
The stars look awfully vivid as well.
Beaming. As if watching and observing what we were doing.

I caressed Jimin's cheek, caringly. He look so innocent, i thought. So pure.
You don't deserve this Jimin. I'm sorry i didn't stay and listen to you.
We wouldn't have gotten ourselves in a mess like this.

All these years, you took care of me and kept mother's promise. I should repay you with the same amount of love you gave me all these years.

It's too late now. To regret. All we could do now was...actually, I've no idea what to do.
I never bury anyone before, nor tried covering up a potential murder.

I looked over at Tae before he looked back at me. And as if being able to read my thoughts, he said
"Don't worry, okay? You got me."

"You seem like you know what you're doing. Have you actually....."
He let out a laugh.
"If i tell you, i might have to kill you."


"Just kidding, (y/n). I enjoyed your company, and your cooking too. With that being said, I'll kill you last..."


I'm still adjusting myself to Tae's dark sense of humour, so.....maybe he's a little influenced by the comics he's been reading and those animes he's been watching.....??

( ¯︶¯")

He got up after that, walking towards the fading fire that shrank by the minute.

I gently woke Jimin and help him up.
We both walk towards where Tae had stopped.
Taehyung got his cellphone out, using the flashlight app, he beamed to the spot where we set fire to the body that has now completely turned into ashes.

"She's gone." One of us uttered in silent. I gulp down the reality of it all and forced myself to get down to business...for Jimin's sake.

"So...this means the evidence has been completely destroyed?" I asked.
"Yeah, if we dump her body in the lake, they'll bound to find her. So with burning, 99.8% of it has been exterminated. "

Both me and Jimin looked at each other for a pretty long period of time before starring at Tae real hard.

Why does...he seemed so calm and...oddly experienced?

Tae noticed this and quickly responded,
"I...watched a lot of C.S.I...and detective-base anime...have you heard of Detective Conan?"

Jimin turned his head to me, i could tell from his eyes that he's a bit worried for my safety.
'You sure he's not a serial killer?' His eyes screamed.
I averted my eyes from him and moved to Tae.
"What about the debris?" I asked.

Tae answered,
"Leave it. It looks like sand anyway. Plus, the water here tends to come up once in a while. But if it doesn't, it'll rain and washed it into the lake. That's why we placed her as closed to the lake as possible."

Again, both me and Jimin stayed silent. Jimin was already muted from the get-go.

"Now, let's bounce before anyone finds us." Tae said, guiding us back to the car

Sacrifice [Park Jimin※You※Kim Taehyung Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now