Chapter 1

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"Onikisu-chan! Your quinque is already finished!" Said by a somehow sing songy voice. I look up at Juuzou he is staring at me gleefully.

"What does it look like Juuzou?" I asked him as I yawned and stand up from the sofa.

"It's fine. Looks wicked enough. Imagine using it to dissect ghouls. Ohhh. So awesome!" I smiled at him.

"But I still want your quinque" I said pouting. He raised his eyebrow then smirked up at me "sorry to say but it's mine" i pouted once more then he pat my head. Juuzou's quinque is way too awesome. It's shaped like the number '13'.

"Let's go Onikisu" he said dragging me. I smiled as he hold my hands. I like Juuzou for a long time. Since I saw him when I am assigned here in 20th ward, I found him unique. I befriended him. At first, he just talks at me about nonsense things but ever since I was partnered to him, we become closer and apparently, we became best friends.

Juuzou dragged me towards the CCG's lab. It is the place where all quinques are made. Quinques are made using a ghoul's kagune. it is the only thing that kills a ghoul.A kagune is a ghoul's extra organ that helps them a lot. Apparently, I killed a somehow powerful ghoul and the CCG finally decided to give me a quinque.

"Your quinque is like my quinque. A scythe" he said as we entered the laboratory.

"Oh really?"

"Yes. It kinda looks like mine except that its blade is curled at the end. They said it is because to match it with mine since we were partners and we were bestfriends. Do you like it? We are matched!" He giggled and I ruffled his tousled white as a snow hair though it is hard due to the fact that he is taller than me.

"Ah ah! You cannot reach me Onisiku!" He laughed as he tiptoed making it more difficult to reach his hair.

"It's unfair! You know I'm small and you're tall and then you tiptoed? That's unfair!" I protested as I continued reaching for his hair.

He continued laughing then tiptoed more.

"It's not my problem anymore Onikisu-chan!" He said in his sing song voice.


"Hey, what's the problem in here Juuzou, Onikisu?" Both Juuzou and I stop and look at Investigator Amon.

"Well, Onikisu is trying to reach for my hair and she cannot reach it!" Juuzou said while laughing. He then ruffled my hair. Great. Instead of me ruffling his hair he is the one who ruffled my hair.

"You may now stop playing as you two are not kids anymore--"

"Onisiku started it" Juuzou interrupted him.

"But you are the childish one here" I retorted. Juuzou squinted his big rudicund eyes. He then pointed his finger at me. I tried suppressing my giggle because he look so adorable right now.

"What did you just say?"

"I said that you are the childish one here" I said smirking. He then smirked then say this with his usual sing song voice "but you're the ugly one here" then he walked away his hands in his pocket.

I look at Amon-san who is smirking at me

"What?" I ask him

"Nothing. It's just that I think you and Juuzou suits together" he said then walks away. I blushed. What's with the people suddenly walking away?

"I'll take that as an insult" I said though the truth is it's not insulting and it really is wonderful to hear that someone thinks Juuzou and me suits together. I smiled to myself. I followed the two who is already at the room where my quinque is located.

"And this ..... is your new quinque" Investigator Amon said as he gestured at the thing sitted on top of the long white table.

"It's not an ordinary scythe. Actually, inside the pole the blade is attached, you can open it and there's a dagger inside due to the fact that you are really good in using it" he click a button in the center of the pole. It opened revealing a simple black dagger inside.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Amon mused.

It is indeed beautiful. Its blade is stygian black with its edge silver and the blade is curved at the end just like Juuzou said.

"Name it" I heard Juuzou said. I looked up at Juuzou he nodded at me. What name is suited for this beautiful thing?

"What about..."I said as I lightly touch the blade stroking it ever so lightly.

"Moonlace?" I looked up at Juuzou he grinned at me approving.

I smiled. I'm too excited to use you...



"Let's go eat something Onikisu" I heard Juuzou said.

"Sorry Juuzou, I'm still fixing the documents regarding this case" I said as I sorted the papers accordingly. I feel Juuzou's presence beside me as he grabs one of the paper, reading it.

"A group of ghouls kidnapping humans eh?" Juuzou said.

"Yeah. It is said that they kidnap humans for food or for entertainment. Ghouls are really awful creatures" I grab the paper from Juuzou and place it where it belongs.

"I'm really hungry Onikisu. Come on lets eat" Juuzou said then he pouted in front of me. I sighed in defeat. He is way too cute to resist.

"You've got to help me after" Juuzou beamed at me then kiss me on the cheeks. Oh gosh. I swallowed the lump on my throat then turn my back to Juuzou so he wouldn't see me blushing.

"Why are you blushing Onikisu?" He asked as he cocked his head to the side.

"N-nothing" he giggled in response then dragged me out of the office.

Once we were outside I smiled as the sun touched my skin. I love the weather today. Juuzou hummed to himself as we walk. Juuzou and I cross the street and as we pass by, a young man who have a sunglasses on suddenly lowers it showing his eyes,

The eyes of a ghoul.

He's grinning at me then he blended with the crowd and just like that he disappeared. I look at Juuzou if ever ever he notices it but it seems that he don't.

Juuzou look at me

"What's the problem Onikisu-chan?"he ask concern dripping on his voice. If I say it, he'll obviously find a way to catch that ghoul. I still want to eat with him though.

"Nothing Juuzou-kun" I said happily.

He giggled kissing me again. I blushed again. Yeah. It seems like we are just best friends.

"Already here!" Juuzou happily exclaimed. We entered the Café.

"So what do you want to eat Onikisu-chan?" He asked me as we sit

"Hi. May I take your order?" A girl, obviously the waitress ask us.

"I'll take your strawberry and chocolate cake! And that yummy sandwich specialty you have!" Juuzou exclaimed happily.

"I'm quite hungry so I'll order the monster burger" I said. The waitress smiled one more time before walking away.

"Oohh Onikisu-chan! I'm really hungry!" Juuzou said rubbing his stomach.

"So am I. Hey Juuzou-kun, you pay the foods" I said.

"What?! Oh never mind fine then" he said then pouts. I giggled in response. Ahhhh. I hope this will be a happy day.

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