Chapter 8

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I opened my eyes.

Umm.. I can't remember what happened earlier. But I remembered being hungry. Then after that?...

"Hmmm!~ ah! You're finally awake Onikisu-chan! Here! I cooked you a porridge" I heard Juuzou said. I turned my head towards Juuzou whose smiling happily walking towards me a bowl of hot porridge in his hands.

I get up from my bed moaning in pain. Juuzou's eyes were immediately filled with guilt and regret as he looked away from me. I stared at him.

"Why the guilty face?" I ask grabbing the bowl of porridge from him. I immediately scoop some and ate it. Luckily this one tastes fine unlike the foods earlier.Ahh. The thing with Juuzou is, he is a really good cook. He always cook our foods. It seems out of place with his personality but I guess it's kinda cute. It took a while before Juuzou finally responded.

"Ahmmm. Well, I...  I hit you. I'm sorry. Really... I don't want to hurt you. And uh.. it's just I moved out of  instinct.. I almost hit you with my scorpion" Juuzou said blushing in embarrassment. I looked questionably at him. Why would he hit me? There got to be a reason. Juuzou noticed my thinking.

"You don't remember eh? Well, you suddenly attacked me saying 'Food, food'" he explained. Then it all hit me. I remembered. My eye. I remebered that it's like the eye of a ghoul's. I also remembered thinking of Juuzou's scent as of a food. I sniffed the air but only the smell of the porridge and a hint of vanilla caught my smell. Why? Why am I like a ghoul? Only one of my eyes is  a kakugan. I remembered that there's this ghoul who has only one Kakugan. With the name Kaneki Ken. I'm a human right? I looked at Juuzou. Did he saw my eyes earlier? If he happened to see it, he should've restrained me or what. Knowing Juuzou. Juuzou noticed my staring.

"Ehh?? Are you still angry at me? Gomenasai~"

"N-no I'm not. I'm just thinking of something" no. He didn't saw it. He's obviously at ease. If he happens to know it, I wonder, will he he kill me? I don't know but I got a bad feeling about it. Knowing Juuzou.

"What? You've been staring at me for a while" Juuzou suddenly said.

"Ehh well, no-nothing I guess" I stammered. Juuzou narrowed his eyes at me. The thing with Juuzou is, he can tell if a person lie. And with his eyes narrowing, it means that he's observing you.

"Onikisu-chan! You've been acting quite weird today! But nonetheless, I still love you~" he said smiling at me, though you can see in his eyes he's suspicious.

"Me too" I said. I continued eating the porridge even though it's hard. Juuzou's stare make me feel on edge. I'm scared. What if he thinks I'm a ghoul and kill me? What scares me is what if he'll leave me? I don't want that to ever happen. I love Juuzou so much. If he leaves me... I don't know what I'll do.

"Hey, what did you do to calm me down by the way?" I ask him so that he'll stop studying me.

"I let you drink your medicine. Weird since you lose your consciousness after that and calmed down. But nevermind. At least you're safe and sound!" Juuzou said.

"For now I'll take care of you for a while ok? Now rest!" Juuzou said as he push me down my futon. Well, I I think I gotta rest for a while...

i wear my black hoody and put the hood on. Juuzou is out hunting ghouls and two days has passed and he still won't let me get to work. So now he works alone which is no biggie knowing him. He's enjoying himself right now because I'm not there to scold him. He still insists I'm too weak to fight. It's really sweet of him to take care of me except he also makes fun of me. Just like earlier I woke up with marker drawings in my face. Your typical boyfriend I should say.

Ok. So now I'm sneaking out to eat. Juuzou always feed me with vegetables so that I'll be healthy or whatnot. I didn't know he's like that. He's really caring. I smiled happy that I have a boyfriend like him.

I looked at the food stalls in front of me. Hmmm.. I wonder what I'll choose? I'm still standing at the side contemplating whether I'll buy takoyaki or just head at the convenience store for potato chips when someone caught my eyes.


he's talking to a girl-- I dont know if she's a human or a ghoul but I think she's a human. He's flirting with her. Oh shit I think he's planning to eat her! I started walking towards them.

"Umm.. excuse me but can I talk with you for a minute?" I said to the weird ghoul. His eyes widened realizing who I am. I don't have moonlace right now but I have it's knife. It's too weird to carry a suitcase when I'm just buying foods but for good measures I brought the knife inside moonlace. Using knives is also my specialty. Juuzou taught me how.

"Ohh.. right! Gotta go Melissa!" The ghoul said and waved goodbye. I glared at him and hold my knife inside my hoody in case.

"Woah sis.. don't look at me that way! I'm not planning to eat you! That's like cannibalism eww" he said. I clenched my teeth trying to contain my annoyance.

"Stop trying to call me sis or twinny! And please... answer my questions earnestly ok? I'll not kill you unless I needed to" I said.

"Uh-huh? Ya think you can kill me twinny? I'm stronger than you. See?" He said flexing his muscles. I rolled my eyes. I can't believe it. He's really annoying.

"Ok so now if you wanna talk to me let's talk there. I wanna grab something to eat" he said pointing at the nearest cafe.

"Deal" I said.

"Ok so what do you wanna know little ol' me?" He asked as he stirred his cup of coffee. I stared at him as he sipped it. He looked human. A typical human. We picked the place that's away from people so that no one will hear what we're talking about.

"Who are you?"

"Your brother"

"Stop with the brother thingy please. It's impossible" I said. He heaved a sigh.

"As much as I wanted to explain things to you Onikisu, I can't. But remember this, I'm not your enemy ok?" He said. I narrowed my eyes at him. It looks like I can trust him. Ok. I'll tell him.

"Umm.. is it possible for a human to have one kakugan?" I ask him. He stopped drinking his coffee and look at me. You can see in his eyes that he's keeping a secret.

"Onikisu, you're a ghoul like me" he said seriously. I looked at him. It's not possible. I'm human and I'm sure of it. I'm  human. I'm human.

"What are you talking about huh? You're crazy.." I said.

"And it's only a matter of time before they'll know it. And Onikisu, if that happens, your life is in danger"

"You're crazy. I have two human parents you cannot just say to me that I'm a ghoul!"

"your parents eh? You never even got to meet your father cause you think he's dead. And for mom... she knows what you are.. " I looked at him. It's impossible. This guy is crazy. Mom wouldn't let that happen. She's an investigator and my dad he passed away. He couldn't be a ghoul! This is crazy.

"Onikisu-chan? Is that you?" I heard someone says. I froze. Oh. I'm in serious trouble. I looked at the direction of the voice and saw a familiar white hair and red pair of eyes staring back at me. He shifted his gaze at the guy in front of me-- the crazy ghoul. And, he smiled in a psychotic way.

"Ohh~ a pleasure to meet you!" He said.

Ughh. Problem after problem.




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