Chapter 15

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Anyways I edited the pic above..


I dodged his first attack.


He continued swinging his jason at me until it grazed my stomach. I hissed in pain. I deflected his scythe using my own scythe.

Who knew this would be the day?

The day I'll die...

As much as possible I want to stay alive longer..

But it's Juuzou. If I can fight him maybe I have a chance. But I can't. I don't want to hurt him. Even though it's all a lie. His love for me...

"Come on Onikisu-chan! Stop fighting with your quinque! You have a kagune don't you?" Juuzou said. I ignored him. I'll continue fighting like this. Just deflecting his attack. And what does he say about me having a kagune?

All of this shits....

I can't understand it....

I'm tired of understanding them..

So I'll stop and just do what I believe is right. And what is right? That-- I really don't know. There are many things I don't know.

I saw the ghoul Dragon watching us. Juuzou is about to managed to hit me again with his jason when Dragon suddenly appeared in front of me taking the blow.

I looked at him, shocked..

"Oh, oh. You sure are protective now aren't you?" Juuzou said to the ghoul dragon.

As I observed him, I think that he's not really frightening. Actually, I get the feeling that he's a kind person. But that's impossible for a ghoul. Right?

"I'll deal with you later Onikisu-chan" Juuzou said to me. I want to help Dragon. He helped me after all. Juuzou continued fighting the Dragon. What am I gonna do?! Just stare at him fighting the one who saves me from death?

Ghouls are my enemies...

Or is it the CCG...?

if I'm going to help Dragon, that means fighting Juuzou as well. I can't.

"GOT-CHA~!!" I heard Juuzou shouted. Then I saw Dragon already at the ground, his mask already shattered. Blood spilled from his mouth. And his face,

He kinda looked like me.

"Now, now Dragon-chan. Just wait because your dear daughter will be following you to death. It just that you'll be the first one to go. Bye-bye!"

I saw Juuzou raising jason, he's going to behead the ghoul Dragon. Time slowed down. I'm still thinking why the heck does he looked like me? Who is his daughter that Juuzou said will be following him to death? I had an idea. But I just don't want to admit it.

I continued looking at his face. Then the ghoul Dragon smiled at me. A smile full of love. With no sign of regret for dying. He's ready to die. But his smile. It's a fatherly smile. A smile I wanted to see for a long time.....

Then Juuzou lowered jason and I'm now staring at a lifeless head. Like before, I stood frozen. I cannot move. Juuzou kicked the head away.

"Bah! That's not fun.. now, now.." he looked at me. His eyes filled with bloodlust. He smirked at me before attacking me. Luckily, I managed to guess his attack, . He swung Jason at my feet and I jumped, flying at the air, I loss grip of moonlace and it flies away at the other side hitting the asphalt with a clang. I prepared myself for the landing, I've done this many times. I'm about to land without any scratch but then Juuzou took out his scorpion knives. He threw about 5 pieces it has all hit me. I gritted my teeth in pain, with my loss of concentration, I landed painfully on my sides. I'm all bruised up and wound up. And I'm weaponless. I can see Juuzou in my peripheral vision approaching me.

"Look how pathetic you are.." he said coldly. He looked at me and step on my stomach. I screamed in pain. He kneeled before me and looked at me. He brush away the tress of hair covering my face.

"I always wondered..." his face changed. It is the Juuzou I knew.

"if... if you really l--"

"Investigator Suzuya. Please concentrate at the extermination" I heard Investigator Washuu said in our ear piece.

"jeez. Don't be so hasty. Can't I have some fun?" Juuzou replied. Investigator Washuu didn't respond. Juuzou looked at me. His face resumed to it's amused expression. My suffering amuses him.

"You know what, I always wondered what your kagune looks like.... why don't you use it.. huh?" He said as he stepped on my stomach again. I hissed in pain. Tears are slowly filling my eyes.

"Why won't you say something~??" Juuzou said as he stomped on my hand.

"J-juuzou... what happened to you...?" I said weakly to Juuzou. Again, his expression changed. He looked hurt. He touch my cheeks using the tips of his fingers.

"W-why...?" Tears started flowing down my cheeks. Juuzou hold my hands.

"It's because...." his grip tightened.

"You're an idiot for falling in love with me. You're weak" with that his grip tightened to the extent that he broke my ring finger. I screamed in pain.


I have to do something...

Suddenly, I got this weird feeling again. I'm hungry. My nose caught a whiff of something delicious... it smelled so damn delicious.

It was as if this hunger energized me that I managed to stand up even though I'm all beat up. I looked at Juuzou, it's a miracle that despite of this extreme hunger, I can still think straight. It seems that the delicious smell came from Juuzou.

"I-I LOVE YOU! AND I DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T LOVE ME!!" I shouted to Juuzou. I can feel my eyes changing. My left eye to be specific. I can feel something in my back. I feel something rose from my back. I looked at it.

It's a wings.

A beautiful black and blue wings. No. It's a kagune. I stared at it in amazement. I looked at Juuzou and he's also staring at my kagune. He's mouth wide open in amazement.

I'm a ghoul after all...

"What a beautiful kagune Onikisu-chan~! I wonder what it'll be like if I use it as my quinque. Let's find out!" He throw scorpion knives at me. Some caught me and wounded me. I'm still weak. I don't know how to use my kagune so the least I can do is to dodge his attacks and use moonlace.

Juuzou advanced at me. He was about to hit me with jason but I blocked his attack with moonlace. I thought that it's the right move, but Juuzou smiled triumphantly and kicked me causing me to lose my grip with moonlace. I use my kagune to wrap my upper body with it so that it'll receive less impact.

Juuzou walked towards me. He was smiling.

"Any last words~?" He asked me.

"I love you" I said which is weird considering that I'm dying in the hands of the man I love. He raised his jason. I smiled at him though tears are streaming down my face.

At first, I'm juat ignoring it but I realized that Juuzou is looking behind me. He raised his Jason and let it down slowly, which is weird because it's like he's waiting for something.

Suddenly somebody grabbed me and jumped backwards away from Juuzou.

"How dare you, you psychotic albino. I'll kill you but not now. Just wait you'll see." That voice it's familiar. It's Takeshi! That ghoul who said I'm his sister!

"I'll wait for that! It'll be fun!" Juuzou said happily. Takeshi glared at him one last time before running very fast. I saw his kagune and... it's like mine except that it's bigger and with the color of black only.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked him.

"To the place where you belong" he said. I didn't respond. I looked at the figure of Juuzou who is turning small until he is gone in my vision.

I don't know but I got the feeling that Juuzou just let us go. He didn't even chase us. He's just staring.

I looked at the starry night. And the buildings that are in a blurr.

He hates stars...

I'll see him again...


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