Chapter 13

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I look at the window with a smile on my face. It's raining. Unlike others, I really love it when it's raining. I had fun last night. Juuzou and I had a movie marathon last night. Well, I tried not to think of it. That Juuzou doesn't really love me.

"Onikisu-chan! It's cooooold~ I wanna sleep all day" Juuzou said as he snuggled himself deep inside the comforter.

"I know. But we have a meeting again today. And you need to be there"

"I already know what they're planning. They're going to exterminate this ghoul named 'Dragon'" Juuzou said. Oh. I don't know that. But this ghoul intrigues me. Dragon huh?

"What does it looked like?" I asked him as I take my meds. Juuzou watched me do so, his eyes serious before answering my question.

"Well, let's see.. The thing is, he has ukaku kagune that looked sorta like a dragon's wings. You know that movie How to Train your Dragon? His kagune looked like the black dragon's wings" Juuzou said. For some reason. I got this weird feeling inside of me. It's like I've got something to do with Dragon. And I just saw myself picturing myself with a dragon's wings. I shook off the thought. Woah.

"Onikisu-chan! It's raining!~" Juuzou exclaimed happily.

"Ne, Onikisu-chan, why do you love it when it's raining?" Juuzou asked me. I stopped for a while and think. Hmm..

"Because I feel comforted? I feel like the weather is comforting me and join me whenever I'm sad.."

"Are you sad Onikisu-chan?" Juuzou said with a serious voice. Yes Juuzou. I'm really sad. My boyfriend never loved me. And he intends on killing me. I didn't answer his question.

"How about you Juuzou? Why do you love rain?"

"It adds more drama and effect when I'm killing ghouls" he said with a grin on his face. I nodded. I grab my suitcase which contains my quinque and also Juuzou's. I hand it over to him.

"Lets go" I said. I'm about to go out when Juuzou stopped me. I looked at him and saw that he's giving me his hoody. He's already wearing one.

"Wear this Onikisu-chan. I don't want you catching cold" he said smiling at me. I took the hoody blushing really hard. I wear it and I blushed harder. It just smelled like Juuzou.

"Let's go~" I just hope that the meeting will not take too long. I'd like to take a rest..


"I hope that the extermination will be a success. You are all dismissed" I glanced at Juuzou who have fallen asleep. The meeting took an hour which is a bummer. At first I was listening then I found myself zoning off. I tried as hard as I can to always smile and forget what I have witnessed yesterday but I can't shake it off. Because seriously

What am I?

I grew up with just my mother. My father died because of the stab wounds he has received. My mother  didn't explain the details. And I don't care. I'm happy as long as I have my mother. And I'm sure that I'm not adopted because I sorta looked like my mother. I grew up, knowing that my mother is a ghoul investigator. I remembered wanting to become one when I grew up. My mother is the one I looked up to. She's the reason I want to become an investigator. Children with the age of 9 will dream of becoming a doctor, an actress or whatever a child want to be. But me, I want to be an investigator. I want to kill ghouls. I remembered back then thag I always follow my mother in secret whenever she will kill ghouls. I learned just by watching her. When I'm 14, my mother died. A ghoul killed her. This motivates me. I'll be a grea investigator. I'll kill ghouls. I'll kill the one who killed my mother.  When I'm at the right age to enter the academy, I met my mother's colleagues. They said that I'm not fitted to be an investigator. Field investigator. They said Im so small and looked so fragile. They even tried to convince me to be just the one who searches about ghouls. I ignored them and continued to pursue my dreams. Once I've graduated, I'm set out to kill this certain ghoul along with my partner. My partner got killed. I don't know what to do that time. Then I came back to my senses and I killed the ghoul. At first, I was horrified at myself. I can't sleep. The nagging thought that I killed somebody keep me depressed. And as time passed, I accepted it.

This is the path I've chosen.

"*yawn* Onikisu-chan! You seem to be in a daze" I heard Juuzou said. I stopped thinking of my past. I should focus more at the present. Who knows, maybe today is the day the CCG decides to exterminate me. In the hands of the man I love. What a tragic love story.

"Uhh, yeah." I answered Juuzou still lost in my thoughts.

"So.. this ghoul, Dragon, he's pretty strong you see, Onikisu-chan. So.. can I ask you a favor?"

"I guess. As long as it's an easy task. I'm okay with it"

"It's so easy that you'll feel like relaxing after you heard it~!! Anyway.." he stopped and his childish demeanor disappeared and he looked at me seriously. His enticing red eyes the color if crimson brooding hole in my whole being.

"I want you to stay at home tomorrow. I'll say that you're sick and you cannot fight well because of fever. I'll fight Dragon by myself. I can manage it" he said. I'm sure he expected me to be happy and to relax just as he said so. Did he think I'm that shallow-minded and selfish?

"I don't want to. I want to fight" I said sternly to Juuzou. Juuzou looked surprised.

"Onikisu! You just said that it's fine as long as it is easy!" He said annoyed because of my disobedience. What does he think I am? His pet? Doing whatver he wants?

"I said I dont want to Juuzou. And that's final" I said gritting my teeth, trying to contain the anger firing up inside of me.

"you're such a brat Onikisu-chan" he sounded angry as well which makes me more angry.

"Do you think I'll love it when I'm staying at the house, relaxing, doing nothing while you fight some freaking dangerous monster?! Do you think I'll not be worried?! Do you think I'll let you fight by yourself even though you're strong?! What if you harm yourself?! What if this ghoul manages to kill you?! What if... what if I lose you..?" I said my voice breaking at the end. Juuzou's gaze soften. He pulled me in a hug and kissed my cheeks.

"I'm sorry Onikisu-chan. It's just that I'm really worried that you'll also get yourself hurt. I've fought that ghoul once. He's pretty strong compared to you.."

"Oh. So you think I'm weak?"


"Thats mean. Im not weak and you know it"

"Ok. Fine. But Onikisu-chan please... be safe... i dont want to lose you.."

I smiled at him.

"We will fight together Juuzou. Now let's leave this place and have dinner"

"Good idea! Let's try that cafeteria where they sell lot's of food and..."

For a moment there's silence. I cant hear anything but my hearing came back after a second.

"-nuts! ok?"

"Oh yes."

"Ok lets go! I excited to eat!"
Juuzou said happily

i watched him running away from me. He's really excited that he leave me behind.

But still...

Why do I get this feeling that this will be the last time that we eat together?

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