Chapter 4

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I gritted my teeth. I'm really, really an idiot. I should've known it. I managed to dodge her bikaku kagune.

"Oh?" The ghoul said. She attacked me again and this time she grazed my thigh. I winced in pain. The wound is so deep.

"Ahhh! You sure smells so good! Though you smelled strange! I surely wants to eat you right now" she continously attacked me. I dodge her attacks but as time passed, I'm growing tired. I just cannot keep on dodging her. I feel something in Juuzou's coat. I reached in one of its pockets and my hands met something cold. I immediately grab it.

One of Juuzou's scorpion knife..

The ghoul swung her kagune again and I swipe the scorpion knife against it. But my attack just resulted with a scrath in her kagune.

"Ohhh. A quinque I see. IT'S NO USE AGAINST ME!" Dammit. That's true. Im not like Juuzou who is an expert in knife throwing and this is only one. I need more if I am to fight this ghoul. She seems strong. If I just brought my quinque. I didn't notice the kagune coming towards me..

I just looked at it in shock. Is this really the feeling when you're about to die? The numbing feeling seeping throughout your body. Damn this.

I waited for the blow and closed my eyes. A few seconds passed and nothing came. I peeked my eye open.


A kagune is struck against her stomach. She looked at it before closing her eyes. The ghoul dropped her to the floor.

I looked at the ghoul standing in front of me, his feet on the dead ghoul' s face.

"Tsk. Baka"he muttered under his breath. He looked up at me. He has brunette hair and for an unknown reason he looked familiar. The ghoul glared at me.

"Onikisu, next time atleast bring your quinque with you. What if I don't arrive? You're lucky I smelled you and followed your scent! Argh."the ghoul said in annoyance scratching the back of his neck. I stood there in shock. H-how...?

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" The ghoul ignored me and grab somethinh from his pocket-- a phone. He furiously tap on it and put it in his ears.

"Have you notified him already? DO IT NOW. Yeah. I couldn't. That's why you need to notify him idiot. Ok. Like I care." He said then hung up the phone. He turned towards me.

"Onikisu, I've gotten someone to tell that white haired weird guy you lived with that you're currently here, bleeding. I'm sorry I cannot get you to the hospital as much as I wanted to. Nevertheless your boyfriend is coming for you for sure"

"He's not my boyfriend!" I shouted,blushing. The stranger rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"But you have feelings for him. Man, I can't believe my twin sister take interest with effeminate boys. And what is his age? He looked like twelve years old. No offense. And then you're 17. I can't believe my sister is a pedophile" he continuously blabbered.

Twin sister? This guy has his screws loosed. I grab the scorpion knife ready to launch it at him,but he caught sight of it. He shook his head.

"Nu-uh. I just saved your helpless ass" he reminded me. I glared at him and he grinned at me.

"Ahh. Your boyfriend sure smells good. Gotta go bye twinny!" He said before completely disappearing.

I stood there analyzing the sudden twist of events. That crazy ghoul is so infuriating. Calling me a twin sister. That's an insult!

I looked around me. He said that Juuzou is coming. Not that he's really my boyfriend.

I heard someone running. I looked at the source of the noise and found Juuzou running, his face worried.

"Juuzou!" I shouted to catch his attention. He turned to me and run towards me.

"Onikisu!" He shouted and hugged me tightly causing me to stumble to the hard cement road. I grunted in pain. Juuzou apologized.

"Onikisu-chan! I told you to buy snacks not to go ghoul hunting! You even forgot your new quinque" he held my face with his hands.

"Yeah. Too bad I'm excited to use it" I cracked a weak smile at him. He looked at the wound in my thigh.

"Stop smiling will you?Look! You got yourself a deep cut! I'm worried Onikisu-chan! What if you die?" He shouted real angry. Err..

"it's not like you care when I die" I whispered sadly. Juuzou look at me. He then pouted.

"If Onikisu-chan died, then who'll buy my snacks?" He said. I glared at him.

"So I'm just your precious food buyer?" Juuzou nodded happily. Hmph.

"What if I don't buy you food anymore?" I asked him. He looked at me.

"Then I would be sad" he simply said and looked at the dead ghoul currently lying at the floor. He sat near the ghoul and violently slit her throat using his scorpion knife from his coat I've borrowed.

"How'd you manage to kill this ghoul Onikisu-chan?" He asked and stab the ghoul multiple times. He giggled as the blood spurt out directly in his face.

Shall I say to him that that ghoul helped me? If I say it, will he believe me? Ok. Fine.

"A ghoul saved me Juuzou. I know it's unbelievable but really" i said. He looked at me,frowning. He just shrugged.

"S'kay as long as you're fine Onikisu-chan. Come on. Let's get you cleaned up" he carried me bridal style and I don't know how the heck did he manage to carry me despite his skinny body. He hummed loudly as he's walking. Other people looked at us with shock and confusion. We finally arrived at our apartment. Juuzou lay me gently at the couch and proceeded to my room, probably to get the first aid kit. He came back, carrying the kit as expected. He kneeled at the floor and grab the alcohol from the kit. I thought he's going to use it to clean his hands but he directly pour the contents in my gaping wound.

"AHHH!! DAMMIT!!!" I screamed twitching in pain. The burning sensation is way too painful. Juuzou looked at me, confused.

"It damn hurts ya know" I said weakly,the burning sensation still there. Juuzou grab one of the towel and wipe the blood off of my thigh. I finally sighed in relief as he bandaged it carefully. The pain finally fade.

"Hey Juuzou"

"Hmmm??" He started carrying me to my bedroom.

"Thank you" I whispered. Juuzou stopped walking and looked at me,blushing. I smiled lazily at him and he blushed deeply.

"Ahahaha! You're so cute Juuzou!" I giggled. He grinned at me beforw laying me in my bed.

"I know I'm cute Onikisu-chan. That's why you need to buy me some candies~" he smiled cheekily at him. I threw to him my wallet. He catched it and opened it.

"Buy it yourself Juuzou" he grinned at me.

"Gotta go buy some sweets Onisiku-chan!" He shouted.

"Just be careful not to lose ypur teeth Suzuya!" I heard him huffed before a door closed. I have this weird feeling about what will happen to my wallet.

Oh. Shit.

Last time Juuzou got a hold of my wallet. Juuzou used all my money to buy foods. And noww..

Oh my god. I'm so dead...

"ARGH!! JUUZOU!!" I screamed in frustration. My money ~T_T~

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