Chapter 2

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*credits to the owner of the photo*

"I BET YOU LIKE HER JUUZOU-KUN" I teased an annoyed Juuzou. He glared at me while twirling his scorpion knife with his hands. Earlier after eating our food, Juuzou bumped into the pretty waitress causing her to stumble to the ground. Juuzou didn't even care to apologize and continued to walk past her. But then he came back apologizing to the girl and helping her stand up. And now I'm teasing him. I mean it's really unusual for him to care for others. Because I admit, even I'm his best friend he never really treated me as to that girl. He even apologized and helped her. I bet if it's me he will just walk past me laughing.

"You're annoying me Onikisu-chan"he said slicing his knife against the living room's couch.

"Hey Juuzou stop that. That couch costs too much" I scold him. Juuzou and I live together. Well we have a separate bedroom. Since my mother died, she's also an investigator, the CCG decided for me to live here with Juuzou since they think it would be better because Juuzou is all alone. Juuzou continued slicing the couch. Hmph.

"Oh, did I piss the psycho albino?" I teased him. I chuckled to myself until something sharp were tossed against my arms causing blood trickling down my hands. Several knives followed and I somehow managed to jump away from those knives but another knife cut me across my left cheek.

Juuzou glared at me though when he sees the wounds and blood, I saw regret in his eyes but he is good in hiding it.

"Shut up Onikisu-chan or I'll kill you" he said. There's no lie in that. He won't hesitate to kill me since this person is heartless except for foods. Even though I'm his best friend.

"Yeah right. You almost killed me" I said before walking to the First Aid kit hanging outside my room.

"And you won't even apologize. S'fine. I'm not that pretty girl for you to care for" I said and regretted saying it because I, myself can hear a hint of jealousy in my voice. I sit on my bed while holding the bottle of ointment in my hand.I poured the ointment directly in my wounds and regretted it cause it damn hurts.

"Ugh!! Dammit!" I cussed wincing in pain. The wound in my shoulder is quite deep. I think it needs stitches. I heard feet shuffling towards me. A sewing kit suddenly dropped to my lap. I look at Juuzou who look excited.

"What are you grinning for?" I asked him, confused. He sits on the bed with me.That's when I realized it.

"HEY NO WAY" I said to him. Juuzou pouted.

"Onikisu-chan that wound in your arm need stitches. and I can stitch" he says while rummaging in his sewing kit.

"You stitch for fun. And your equipments aren't even sterilized! I might get infected" he rolled his eyes. "Dont be such a wuss puss. I learned this from a body modification aficionado ya know" I finally sighed in defeat. There's no point arguing with this brat.

"What color do you want?" He asked. I looked at the strings in his kit. Hmm...

"Black and silver. The color of Moonlace" I grinned to myself remembering my quinque. I'm excited to use it. I want to go hunting now. I want to ri--

"Ouch! Juuzou be gentle please. Don't you have any numbing solution or what? Jeez, I can feel pain I'm not like you" Juuzou didn't even bother to look at me, instead he hummed an unfamiliar song to himself. I winced everytime he violently stab the needle in my skin. It really hurts. I bite my lips resisting the urge to scream. I can feel the tears in my eyes. It really hurts and Juuzou makes the stitching painfully slow. After awhile I somehow get accustomed to the pain but it still hurts.

"Done!" Juuzou said happily while caressing my swollen skin. I looked at it. It's breathtaking. Really. The two color of the thread swirled against each other.

I looked at the smiling Juuzou. He looked at me then he stopped smiling his face changed into a confused one.

"Were you crying Onikisu-chan?" He asked.

"Yeah. You're not gentle with stitching it and you didn't even numben it. And I'm still angry with you throwing your scorpion knives at me. I could've died Juuzou" I said seriously.

"Why? Are you scared to die? What's the problem in dying?" He asked nonchalantly like it's no big deal.

"Oh, so you want me to die?" I asked him, annoyed.

"Nahh. It's just that I'm really confused to people being scared with death. We're all gonna die anyway" I huffed in annoyance.

"What if I die? What would you do?" I asked. I studied his frowning face. There's no trace of any emotions in his face.

"Well, I'd bury your body" he said then snuggled in my bed. I resisted the urge to kick him out.

"Oh really? You wouldn't be sad if I'm gone? If I won't be breathing? If I'm gone forever?" I asked him.

He yawned before answering "Why would I?" I glared at him before jumping on him on the bed. I tackled him trying to push him off the bed.

"Get out of my room! You have your own bed!" I said pushing him but he stayed still,snuggled on my comforter contentedly.

"What's the problem Onikisu-chan? You're annoying me again" Juuzou grunted his voice muffled because of the comforter. I turn my back on him, grabbing the comforter from him covering it to myself.

"Just go away Juuzou" I whispered sadly. He doesn't care if I die. I thought that finally, besides my mom, someone cares. But I'm mistaken. I'm just a simple person in Juuzou's eyes. I'm nothing to him. 'Best friend' is just a title he gives to me. It doesn't mean anything to him. I can feel the tears threatening to fall. I sniffled.

"Huh? Onikisu-chan, are you on your period? You seem not yourself today" he said hugging me. I tried to shrug him off of me but he just hug me tighter.

"Arghh!! Get out of this room Juuzou. I'm really really annoyed with you!" I huffed. I can feel his breath in my neck which sent shivers to my body.

"And why is that Onikisu-chan? Did I do something to annoy you?" He asked innocently. Just awhile ago he's out ready to kill me and now he acts innocent and all! Ugh!! I badly want to see his adorable face right now but I have to keep up this angry facade. I shouldn't be affected by the charm of this adorable albino@( ̄- ̄)@.

"Do you even know what 'period' means for girls? Argh. Just get out of this room Juuzou" I heard feet shuffling then someone, obviously Juuzou, turned off the lights.

"Sweet dreams Onikisu-chan!!~" Juuzpu said before closing the door behind him. I sighed. Juuzou. I really really really hate you. I heard Juuzou's faint voice outside the bedroom's door.

"I'm going out Onikisu-chan! Take care!" Hmph.

"I hate you" I whispered before closing my eyes and falling asleep.





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