Chapter 3

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*credits to the owner of the photo*

Third Person's POV

People were staring at Juuzou while he was walking. He's used to the stares. You wouldn't normally see a girlish looking guy covered with stitches. One guy looked at him, disgusts written in his face. Juuzou smiled at him. His usual scary smile. The guy's eyes widen hurriedly scurrying away from Juuzou. Juuzou laughed in delight earning a couple of confused stares from the people around him.

Juuzou finally arrived at his favorite bakery. He happily entered the shop.

"Hi Hana-san~" Juuzou greeted the girl guarding the bakery. Hana waved at him.

"One dozen strawberry coated donuts?" Hana asked already prepared to get the donuts.

"Umm no. Ten pieces chocolate coated donuts and two pieces strawberry coated donuts. Add some extra sprinkles please" Hana follows as what he has said. She gives the box to the humming Juuzou.

"Hmm.. sudden change of taste Juuzou?" Hana asked. Juuzou gave to her the payment before answering.

"No. I'm gonna give the chocolate ones to my friend. Gotta go! Bye Hana-san!" Juuzou exited the Bakery happily. He'd love to see Onisiku's expression with this present.

Juuzou finally arrived at their apartment. He entered Onikisu's room.

"Onikisu-chan! I'm here! I've got don--" Juuzou was stopped because of Onikisu's sleeping face. Her mouth were slightly opened. Her hair sprawled against the bed and some tress covered her sleeping face. Juuzou feel his heart beating faster. He kneeled at the floor beside the bed then he caresses the wound on the girl's cheek. He regretted throwing those knives at her. He don't want her to be hurt. That's why he bought those donuts. He just doesn't want Onikisu to worry. This past few days, he's acting really strange. Yes he's already strange but this past few days, he feel like there's something wrpng with him. Especially when he's around Onikisu. He wants to impress her that's why he helped that waitress. Not like he cared about that girl.

'I dont want you to die Onikisu-chan'. He thought to himself remembering their talk earlier. It's just that he don't want Onikisu to notice that something is off with him. Though dying doesn't really scare him. He still wondered why others are scared of dying? He shrugged off the thought and instead started waking the sleeping girl.

"Onikisu-chan! I've got donuts for you!" He shouted right in her ear which cause the girl to sit up on the bed in a quick movement. Onikisu winced, touching her forehead.

"Argh! Head rush. Juuzou you shouldn't shout directly in my ears." Juuzou grinned at her waving the box of donuts.

"I've bought you donuts!" Just seeing Onikisu's happy face makes Juuzou happy. He can feel his chest warming. He looked at Onisiku and he can't help but smile. Not his siganture psycho smile but a true smile.


I looked at Juuzou who is smiling. And.. it's the first time he smiled like that. With no trace of malice in it. Just pure happiness. And I admit, he looked very good when smiling like that.

"Juuzou-kun, why are you smiling?"

"It's because I'm happy Onikisu-chan~"

"And why are you happy?" I asked finally able to open the box of donuts.

I saw Juuzou blushed, his face turning beet red. He looked away from me then finally answered "no-none of your business" I raised my eyebrow at him. I just shrugged and eat the chocolate donuts. He really knows my favorite. Juuzou grab the two strawberry donuts then munched on it happily. I moaned when the chocolate fillings invade my tounge.

After a few minutes, I managed to eat five of the chocolate donuts and Juuzou eating also five of the donuts. I get up from the bed and turn to Juuzou.

"Hey Juuzou. How about watching a movie?" I asked. He nodded excitedly.

"Good idea!" He started running to the living room with me following behind. He ran to the pile of DVDs stacked on the floor. He grab the one at the top which turns out to be the movie he loved the most.

"This!" He said then placed the DVD in the player.

"That movie is way too bloody and gruesome" I commented settling myself comfortably on the couch.

"Uh huh! That's why I love it! I can get ideas on how to kill the ghouls! I love how the blood pours out so slowly! And the pinkishness of the flesh!" He laugh, a rather scary laugh. The movie started. I winced slightly everytime the killer kills someone so brutally. Even though I'm use to seeing blood and killing. Juuzou laughed everytime the killer kills. He's even praising the killer and rooting for him over the victim.

"Go! Go! the girl is not far away! Slash her throat out" the killer finally reaches the girl finally beheading her. Juuzou giggled in delight clapping his hands.

"Poor girl" I muttered even though it's only a movie. Juuzou rolled his eyes.

"It's the girl's fault. She runs like a turtle. And who cares if she died?" I just stayed silent.

"Hey Onisiku-chan"


"Buy some snacks for us" I groaned closing my eyes.

"You buy. You're the one who wants it"

"But I already bought those donuts! Please Onikisu-chan!" I looked at his pleading face. His eyes are so wide and he is pouting. I gulped. He's way too cute.

"Fine then" he giggled then insisted for me to buy already while the movie is still going on. I grab my keys and Juuzou's coat. The store is not far away.

As I was buying, I remembered that I'm not able to bring my quinque. Investigators should always bring it no matter what. Ah. Nevermind. It's not like I'm that far. I payed the donuts and cola I've bought then started walking home.

"HELP!" I heard someone shouted. I immediately run towards the direction of the voice. I reached the abandoned street. There's no people in here. But this is where the voice came from.

"Maybe it's just my imagination" i whispered. I started walking away.


Huh? I looked around me, ready to fight. Oh shit. My quinque. How can I fight a ghoul if I don't have a quinque? Freaking dumb of me.

I looked behind me seeing a young girl--- about my age, older maybe, carrying a grocery bag. I sighed. I thought it's a ghoul. She looked at me in relief.

"Do you happen to know where is the main street? I got lost" she said.

"Umm. Yeah. Follow me" I said and started walking. She started following me.

"Do you happen to be the one screaming for help?" I asked her.

"Umm no"

"I wonder who it is.."

"I think I know" i looked at her and stopped walking.

"Really? Umm who?" She smirked. Something is growing at her back.

"My victim I believe" she said extending her kagune towards me...






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