Chapter 27

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Here's the update~ sorry for the errors



It's been a month since I last saw Juuzou. Since then I've been training so that I can be stronger.  I made many ghoul friends. Touka is the one I'm closest. It's because she undertands me better than anyone. I also started working at the cafe where Touka works. :Re.

"Hey stupid Nishiki!  Stop slacking off!" I heard Touka shouted.  The two of them are always like that.

"Touka, is there something you want me to do? " I asked Touka.

"No,it's ok. It's already your break time anyway. Also,Sakura is waiting for you"

"Ok then.  I'll be back. Bye! "

"She's the one slacking off Touka!" Nishiki shouted

"Shut up and work! Anyway, bye Onikisu and take care!"  I waved goodbye.  Sakura is waiting outside,holding a paperbag. 

"I got you this gross thing. Jeez.  This really smells bad"Sakura said , pinching her nose. She handed me the paperbag. I looked inside.

"Donuts! Thanks Sakura. Even though you hate the smell, you still got me this" I took a bite. Yum.

"Anyway, I got the information you wanted" Sakura said. I looked at Sakura. Even though Sakura is not great with fighting, she really have a talent in finding information. She's the one informing me with what's happening inside the CCG, which is a dangerous job. At first, I don't approve of her doing this, but she insists since she have nothing to do. Though we keep this a secret from Haru. And also Zero, because I'm sure he would tell Haru if ever.

"Seems like the CCG is planning to raid an area near here. And I'm still not sure if they're going to attack here" Sakura said. So we need to keep ourselves of from their radar for a while. I'm pretty sure they're going to attack this place.

"And...I think the guy with the stitches is among the investigators that are going to attack. I saw him"  Juuzou. Well, as much as I want to see him, I should not because I don't really want to fight him. I'm not yet strong enough to beat him.

"Thank you so much Sakura" Sakura just smiled and hugged me

"We're friends so i'll gladly help you" she said. Her phone rings, turn out it's Haru.

"Well, I gotta hurry since Haru wants to see me. See ya!"she said as she hurriedly run to wherever. I'm alone again...

I just stared at the cars passing by and the humans... being a ghoul is hard. Investigators are prowling everywhere and you need to make your profile low so that you wouldnt be killed. And finding a food is really hard if you're hesitant to kill especially if you're part human. When I was an investigator, I see ghouls as evil creatures. I hated them. But now,  I don't know...

"You looked like an idiot" someone whispered on my ear. I glared at Zero. The past few days, Zero stopped treating me harshly. He's back the way he is when I first met him. Sarcastic and less annoying.

"Will you please stop doing that? It's annoying... "I said as I stomped on his foot. He sat beside me.

"Haru said that you didn't fix your bed. And he's really annoyed. He won't stop blabbering about it so I secretly got out. Well, by now he may already discovered that he's all alone and I'm gone"

"Well, I'm glad I'm here. He can be annoying" I said.

We were silent for a while, until my stomach started to beg for food.

"THAT WAS NOTHING" I immediately said in defense. Zero's stifled laugh is so annoying that I kicked him.

"Let's go hunt tonight"Zero said. I'm about to agree when I remembered what Sakura said. It's too dangerous to hunt. And there's a big chance that I'll meet Juuzuo.

"This will pass. And I'm not in the mood to hunt"I said. I cannot say that there will be investigators because I'm sure he will ask how do I know.

Zero looked at me for a while as if studying me. I breathed a sigh of relief as he started standing up.

"Well, if you say so. Gotta go. Bye"he waved goodbye before walking away. I don't know but I have a feeling he's up to something.

•Juuzou's POV•

This is boring...

The ghouls I've fought are weak. Only few throws of my scorpion and they're dead. They're not strong enough for me to use Jason.

I swing Jason around. I want to have some fun and use Jason~

A man suddenly popped out of the dark. He's not a ghoul. He looked at me surprised then he saw jason and terrified,he looked at me again. I grinned at him. He screamed and run away. Pfff.

"There goes my dinner" the exact moment someone said that, I immediately threw three of my knives. I can feel he's a ghoul.

"Woaahhhh, that surprised me . And your knives hurt" he said. I looked at him. Just looking at him makes me want to kill him.

He's wearing a mask. A simple white mask. And his's midnight black with some silver. It reminded me of moonlace. The thought of Onikisu makes me more angry at the ghoul.

I gripped Jason and grinned at him.

"Shall we play then?" I asked him. Then I attacked.

He managed to dodge jason so I guess he's pretty strong. He lunged at me with his kagune and I stabbed it with scorpion. He hissed then jumped back.

"Psh. Stupid Onikisu. Falling over this guy"he said. I glared at him. I really want to slice this ghoul with jason. Mentioning Onikisu all of a sudden.

"Onikisu huh?" I said as I slowly walked towards him gripping jason tightly.

"How do you know her?" I asked him. I heard him mumble in annoyance.

"Why do you care? After all the things you've done to her?"

"I care because she's my prey!" I said then started swinging jason continuously. His reactions are slow this time so I managed to wound him. I continued swinging jason at him. I can see his movements are becoming slower. I cut off part of his kagune and he fell with a thud. He's still alive though....

"Before I kill you, I'll ask you a question! How do you know her?"

He chortled even though there's blood flowing from his mouth.

"She's the girl I like" he said. It took me a moment to realize what he's up to and by the time I realized it, he already stabbed me with scorpion. I backed away, surprised by the sudden attack and he used that exact moment to flee.

"I let a ghoul go away again~" I sighed to myself. I looked at the gaping wound in my stomach. I really don't care but I should go back and let this be treated. I don't have the things  use to sew my skin. Hanbee will be blabbering again about how I should take care of my body and not because I don't feel any pain it shouldn't mean I should go around and getting injuries.

By the time I arrived as expected of Hanbee...

"Suzuya-senpai! Your soaked with blood! Please tell me that's your enemy's"

"Nahh~ it's mine. I wouldn't be back early if it wasn't mine" Hanbee nervously called on for the medic.

Luckily, there's still some snacks left from earlier. I ate it while they treated my wound.

"Is there some strong ghouls around this area Suzuya-san? You wouldn't be wounded like that"Nakarai asked.

I didn't answer him. That ghoul is not really strong. But he managed to distract me giving him a chance to escape at the same time wound me.

He likes Onikisu huh?

I'm excited to kill him...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2017 ⏰

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