Chapter 23

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Merry Christmas!

Kaneki looked so handsome wearing a white suit ~


• Onikisu's POV•

I walked stiffly out of the coffee shop. It is dangerous here. There are many investigators here. And I met him again.


The last time I saw him, he is only with that man named Hanbee, now, he is with three other doves.

I know that he recognized me even though I changed my hair. But unlike the last time, he looked excited to see me. But I don't feel happy about it. He looked like he is excited to catch his prey.

I feel uneasy...

Now, where did Zero go?

Well, he did said that I go home on my own since I now know the places in here. Well, I guess I'll return on my own. But still, I'm quite nervous.

The weird thing about me when I leave the house is that I still carry my suitcase. Though I painted it with designs so that I'll not look like a dove.

It's been a month that I live as a ghoul. At first it was hard, because I'm used to treating the ghouls as enemies. Now, I don't know. Neither the ghouls or humans are my enemy.

I wonder what my brother is doing right now. I gotta go home and warn them. It's dangerous when there are so many doves out. It means they are hunting.

"My,my. There are so many ghoul  investigators! It means there are ghouls in the area! I'm scared mother!" I heard a child says.

"Why do ghouls have to live anyway? They're nothing but pests! Monsters!" Her mother told with the voice of someone losing a love one.

If I am still the same Onikisu, I'd probably agree with the woman right away. But now... I can also see humans as monsters. We're all the same. Humans and ghouls are both monsters.

There are many doves in here. I should warn Haru. I hope they didn't go hunting. It's dangerous right now.

I should hurry home...

"Ahhh!!!!" Shit. I know that voice! It's one of the ghouls in this area..

The voice is so near. I should act casually. I'll take the other route towards my house.

"So weak and annoying~" that's juuzou's voice. Dammit. Juuzou of all. He knows that I'm a ghoul and I think he is hunting for me.

"Ohhh, Takeshi-kun! It seems like you're the next one that will die" juuzou said again.

Takeshi.. that's Haru's pen name!

I run towards their voices. I let moonlace out of the suitcase and wear my mask. No way will I let my brother die. I finally saw Haru cornered by doves. Juuzou is in front of him. Juuzou's quinque, jason is inches near my brother's neck. My brother is totally beaten up. But his eyes are filled with rage.

All of them have their backs on me and only Haru can see me if he were to look at my direction. I should attack them surprisingly.

I run towards juuzou silently, moonlace and kagune ready. The moment I'm about to swing moonlace and distract Juuzou, i saw his eyes looking at me. It's too late for me to stop so the moment juuzou face me, he kicked me right in the stomach. I staggered backwards. Shit. That hurts.

"A ghoul with a quinque? Don't tell me that is...."one of them with piercings said.

"Onikisu Hamasaki. How ironic for a ghoul to wield a quinque. So brave of you to show up carrying that, aren't you?" The one with hair parted in the middle said. I glared at him in response.

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