Chapter 7

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I woke up feeling comfortable and happy. I turned to my side and feel something, no, more like someone. I opened my eyes seeing a mass of white hair and, stitches on the face. Juuzou is snoring loudly his arms draped around me and his lips moving as if he was whispering something. And his bangs are free now because his clips are laid in the side table. I smiled finding him adorable but blushed realizing that we're now lying in his bed. His room is just simple. White walls and white bed. But his pillows are colored red. How come we get in here? Maybe he carried me here? He can just bring me to my room. Nevermind. Juuzou always do what he wants to do.

I tried to get up to prepare for the day and make breakfast but Juuzou stopped me pulling me down with him in the bed.

"It's still early Onikisu-chan" he said snuggling his face in my neck, breathing me. I blushed. Ughh.

"B-but I need to make breakfast" I said meekly. Juuzou kissed my neck softly earning a slight giggle from me because it tickles.

"Nu-uh. Stay here. We're just gonna buy foods later ok? Ok" he said answering his own question. I pouted but gave in. I smiled and hugged him. We stayed like that until we fell asleep.

"Hey Onikisu-chan! Where's my clips?" Juuzou shouted inside his room.

"On your sidetable!" I shouted back. I grabbed my medicine from the cupboard. I take these medicines ever since I'm a child. My mother let me take it. If I'm not able to take this medicine, I'll end up really hungry to the point that I look like a crazy person. I don't know. I can't really describe the feeling since it's been years since I last forget to take my medicine. Now that my mother is dead, the CCG provide me these medicines. In case you're wondering where my father is, I don't know who he is. He leave us when I'm still in my mother's womb. I really don't care even I don't have a father. I'm all happy with my mother. I smiled sadly and pop the medicine to my mouth drinking the cold water. We're already late.

"Hey Juuzou! Are you done?" I asked him outside his bedroom door. He didn't respond. I sat in the couch and waited for the albino to come out of his room.

"Let's go Onikisu-chan~" Juuzou said as he held my hands. We proceeded to the door, our suitcases in hands. Another day of fighting and killing ghouls.

"I never expected that will be too quick" Juuzou said as we walked our way home.

"He's just an A class ghoul after all" I said. Juuzou shrugged. We continued walking home. Our clothes are currently soaked in blood. The smell of the metallic crimson filled my nose and I immediately want to shower. As for Juuzou, he stayed calm and humming not caring for his bloody clothes.

"We should change our clothes. We looked like we just murdered someone" I said glancing at my clothes and then at Juuzou's.

"Which, we really did" Juuzou said nonchalantly as he strolled along the street. I smiled. We walked silently until I feel his hands lightly brushing against mine. I smiled knowing what he's planning to do until I feel his hands grip mine and squeeze it gently.

We finally arrived at our apartment and I hurriedly run to my room to wash off the sticky feeling of the blood.

"Hey Juuzou, I'll use the bathroom first ok?" I said outside his room. He didn't respond. I entered the bathroom and fill the tub with hot water and bubbles, satisfied, I dipped myself in.

I sighed contentedly, feeling sleepy. Actually, I feel hungry. I remembered that we ate lunch before Juuzou and I go hunting. And it's like two hours since we hunt. Ugh. Nevermind. I'll think about this later. As of now, I gotta relax for a bit.

I closed my eyes and let myself to relax. I heard the door creaked open. It couldn't be the bathroom door. I remembered that I've locked it. I shrugged it off and deep myself more with the bubbles.

"Onikisu-chan! You're here! I'm looking all over the place! Oh you're bathing. Lemme join!~" I immediately jolted awake, all the sleepiness gone and stared at the topless Juuzou right in front of me, smiling, his eyes glinting in a playful way.

"J-juuzou! You shouldn't enter without permission! I'm completely naked!" I said blushing really hard covering my upper body with bubbles. He cocked his head to the side, confusion written all over his face.

"Why? What's bad with us in the tub together?" He questioned me. He started taking off his pants and I immediately stop him with my continuous blabbering

"N-nevermind! JUST GET OUT AT ONCE!!" I screamed which made Juuzou back away in surprise. He stared at my flustered figure, red orbs observing my every being. He grinned and said childishly "if you say so" he said pouting. "But next time we'll do it together!" He added before closing the door behind him. I sighed in relief. That's close. I blushed harder remembering that I'm completely naked. No. I covered myself with bubbles didn't I? But what if he still saw? Omg. I gotta scold that albino later. My psycho albino. I giggled. I should get dressed. I get up from the tub and grab the towel. I rinse myself before finally getting dressed. I get out of the bathroom and saw Juuzou, still topless sitting on the couch while eating his afternoon snacks. He saw me and grinned at me. I sat beside him. He reeks of blood.

"Hey Juuzou, the bathroom is free" I said to him. He hummed before looking away from his foods.

"Ok. Gotta shower~" he said already finished with his snacks. I sighed. I'm really hungry. I get up from the couch and started my way towards the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator, hoping there's some leftover foods, even if it's Juuzou's. I beamed happily just be seeing a simple slice of cake which obviously belongs to Juuzou. I'll explain to him later. I grabbed the cake and take a bite from it. I immediately felt sick so I ended up throwing up the glorious cake at the trash can. For an unknown reason it tastes like sand and dirt with mud. I shivered in disgust. The cake is already expired but it looked perfectly fine. Well just like they say, don't be deceived with looks I guess. Nevermind. I'll just look for other foods available. I started scanning the refrigerator for more foods and luckily there's a leftover steak from the day before. My mouth watered at the thought of it's taste, just when I'm about to eat it, a whiff of it's smell filled my nose. Ugh. This smells like a dead mouse. I throw the steak away. Im desperate for food. I'm hungry, I'm hungry. Food, food. I tested out all the foods in the refrigerator but I always ended up throwing it away because of it's taste and smell. Tears escaped my eyes. I'm hungry. My stomach hurts and I feel like I'm dying. Why are all the foods out if date? Is this a prank from Juuzou?

I stopped rummaging inside the refrigerator because of the smell. Unlike the other foods, the smell is heavenly. My mouth watered. I heard Juuzou humming. I followed the trail of the scent and was stopped. I looked at the mirror in front of me. There's no mistake.

My left eye. Instead of the normal white, it's black with red veins and my pupil is the color of blood. Kakugan.

I looked at Juuzou who is walking inside his room. His smell entering my nostrils. The smell of food. I smiled wickedly. I found something to eat at last.




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