Chapter 14

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Do you know that feeling when you're used in doing this certain thing but you still get nervous and fidgety everytime you do it? That's what I'm feeling right now. Even though I'm really used with killing ghouls, I still get nervous. As much as I want to just stay at home, I can't. This is a job and Juuzou. I'll have to fight along with him.

"You ready?" I asked Juuzou. We're now heading towards the hideout of this ghoul 'Dragon'. Juuzou looked excited he looked at me grinning.

"of course! Can't wait!" Juuzou exclaimed happily. I nodded in agreement. A mixture of fear and excitement surge through me.

"Ne, Onikisu-chan, we fight together okay?"


'How sweet' I thought

'He's going to kill you idiot. Who knows maybe this is the day he'll exterminate you' said by my annoying inner thought. Damn it. Now there's no excitement. But I think it's better. I mean you're in danger and you'll be excited? That's crazy-- but with Juuzou it's normal.

"I release the moonlace from the suit case. Up until now, I'm still amazed with moonlace. I pressed the button and there the dagger knife appeared. I grab it and place it inside my coat. It's my trump card. When I'm examining the moonlace dagger, I found out that it has a button on the hilt. I pressed it and it became a whip. I'm not used in using whip, and no one informed me, but I'm practicing on using it.

"We're here" I gulped. The nervousness is spreading inside me. I've never faced a S rated ghoul before. Even when I'm with Juuzou. Mostly, Juuzou will fight by himself and I'm the one who takes care of the small fry.

I don't want to die...

"Onikisu-chan, I'm here with you" Juuzou said holding my hands which helps ease my nervousness.

"We will live right..?" i asked for assurance. Juuzou smiled at me. A smile that lightens my dark world. a smile that always make me smile as well

"of course. I have encountered many ghouls and fought them, I always managed to defeat them. I will protect you Onikisu-chan" he said. my heart was filled with love and I can't help but to kiss him on the lips. He kissed me back and pulled me closee to him. The other investigators watched us and teases us and I can also feel others glaring at us. Who cares? the man I love just said something sweet.

"Goodness gracious, I think that's enough kissing. We're about to hunt a strong ghoul so please listen to the plan" one of the senior investigators said. Juuzou and I stopped kissing we still hold each other. One of the investigator teased us for being 'PDA' in a jokingly manner.

"Investigator Suzuya is so sweet. I hope I'll find a guy like him someday" the investigator said. I smiled at her. She seemed to be nice and sweet. I nevee saw her before.

"I bet you'll do" I said.

"That is if I managed to live.." she said nervously and sadly. She looked like she's about to cry. Juuzou watched her like she's crazy. I shoot him a glare so he pouted and looked away. I don't know what to say. Because being an investigator and fighting ghouls, you never knew if you'll come back alive.

"this is my first time. And as much as I want to, I want to live and become a great investigator. Like you Hamasaki-senpai. I want to be brave as you. I don't want to become a coward. But I'm scared, really scared.." this time tears were streaming down her face. I experienced that. So I knew the feeling. She's a good girl. She even praised me even though I'm just one rank higher than her.

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