Chapter 16

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It hurts...

Everything in my body hurts...

But the one that hurts the most..

Is my heart...

"Hey" I heard someone says. I looked at the direction of the voice.

"Takeshi" I said. Even my voice sounded so hurt and weak. He looked at me as if he's guilty about something.

"I'm sorry but my name is not really Takeshi. It's my pen name. My real name is Haru" he said. I remained quiet. There are so many liars in this world. I don't even know who to trust anymore.. ghouls or humans? After knowing that the CCG is planning to kill me all along, I got these feeling that the humans are much more worse than ghouls. Ghouls hunt humans. But do they really want to? Or is it just be cause of there hunger? There are so many things that I don't know. I don't even know who I am.

"Tell me Haru. Who am I?" I said my voice breaking. Haru lookes at me with pity in his eyes. He cares about me.

"I guess it's time to tell you who you are and what you are..."

"Hamasaki Ari. She's your mother... our mother..." he stopped, looking at me as if waiting for my interruption. I nodded for him to go on. I guess I gotta listen first.

"Actually I only met mother when I'm 8 years old. Greatest day ever. We bonded that day. For the first time in my life, I've experienced what is if like to have a mother. But it only lasted for a day... anyway I'm gonna tell you the story why are we like this and how we're born"

"There's this ghoul who is strong. He's an SS rated ghoul. One day he met a woman. They got to be friends. Weeks passed and they almost knew each other's secrets. But this ghoul, is afraid to tell her that he's a ghoul. What if she leaves him? The woman is definitely human. And he fell in love with her. The ghoul knew that he has no chance to receive the love from the woman. But one day, the woman said that she loves him. And so, the ghoul also said that he loves her. Then the woman tells the ghoul a secret. She's a ghoul investigator. A first class ghoul investigator. The ghoul hearing this, makes it impossible for him to tell his secret. But there's this time that he's so hungry and the woman visited him at that time. He almost killed the woman but he regain control over himself and saw what he did. The ghoul thought that the woman will kill him, he's ready to die. But the woman accepted him as he is. They're enemy. But they don't care. They started living together. Until the woman got pregnant...

"They knew it was impossible for a ghoul and a human to have a child but they still tried. The mother did everything. It's a painful pregnancy. She finally gave birth to a twins after all her sacrifices... the CCG knew all along what she is doing. And they knew that the babies are half ghoul and the father is a ghoul. They asked her to choose one of the twins to live and one who will die....she can't choose. She loves both. So she took one and gave them to her husband. She asked them to hide. The husband did so even though he doesn't want to leave his wife. The woman said to CCG that she already killed the other one. The CCG is planning to make one of the twins to be a ghoul investigator.. so the twins live in two different worlds... one as a human, one as a ghoul. But each with blood of both" he said, finishing the story.

"We're the twins. You are the one mother hid" I said realizing the truth. I remembered when I was younger that my mom is hugging a baby's clothes that is not mine. Now I understand.

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