Chapter 6

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Okay. I just noticed that Amon is in this story. And the timeline here is after the one-eyed Owl extermination. Where Amon disappeared. So I changed the character into another character which is just my own character. His name is Kuroki. Juuzou is already an associate special class and Hanbee and Juuzou's squad are not yet in here.


We're now eating donuts while Juuzou is still grumpy. Come to think of it. He started being like that when I talked about Arima. He even mentioned Arima's name out of the blue. And I've never seen him like this....

Could it be..

That he's jealous?!!

Nahh. It's impossible. Juuzou doesn't feel something like that to me. And he never will. I sighed sadly. This is a one sided love. I sipped my coffee and sighed contentedly, smiling. I really love coffee. I can never go on a day without coffee.

"I bet you're thinking about your precious Arima again" he said suddenly then stabbed the donut with a fork.

I stabbed also my donut with a fork "what do Arima has to do with anything?" I said annoyed.

He sipped at his orange juice and looked at me"oh really you don't know eh?"

"Do I looked like I know Suzuya huh?"

"You do know it Hamasaki"

"Really?! Juuzou what's your problem?!"

"I'm jealous!" He shouted causing others to looked at us. I apologized.

"Really Onikisu-chan, why do you have to apologize?" He said coolly. I stared at him. Just awhile ago, he's really pissed and annoyed and now that he said he's jealous, he act like nothing happened. While, here I am confused.

"Juuzou-kun. Did you just said that you're jealous?" Once I said that, he blushed. He nibbled on his donut, looking away from me.

"Oh. D-did I? I don't remember it though. Maybe I had amnesia?" He said.

"You did say it Juuzou. Why are you jealous Juuzou?" I asked silently, watching his expression. He blushed and looked away from me. He remained silent for a few minutes. I thought he'll never answer so I went back eating my food. I started drinking my coffee and he said something that really surprises me.

"I-i think I like you-- no, I love you" I stopped drinking and looked at his blushing face. Umm. Did I hear it right? Or it's just my imagination?

"Wha-what?" I asked, blushing really hard. My heart beating faster, hoping he does mean those words. He looked at me wide-eyed and begin giggling.

"I heard it from a movie I've watched. I wanted to know why does the girl in the movie blushed like crazy. But it seems that you too Onikisu-chan"


I looked away from him, disappointed. I shouldn't assume. I mean he's Juuzou Suzuya. Just by saying his name you would understand what I mean. I silently ate my food while Juuzou continued talking about different things. I'm just nodding or smiling. I'm not in the mood to talk to him.

"Onikisu-chan. Why are you sad? Since yesterday you're sad.." Juuzou asked suddenly. I looked up at him and tried to hide my sadness.

"Me? Sad? I'm not!" I smiled- a forced one. Juuzou stared at me for a while. I know he's studying me.

"I know you're sad" I remained silent. He wouldn't understand.

I sighed and continued eating, feeling those red orbs piercing my soul


Juuzou looked at the girl in front of him. She smiled at him though her eyes betrayed her and tears streamed down across her cheek. She wiped it hurriedly. Juuzou looked at her in surprised. He wonder why she's so sad. Juuzou can feel his chest clenching. He doesn't want her hurt. Juuzou leaned at the table, the object that keeps him from hugging the precious girl in his life. Juuzou stroke her cheeks gently, and wipe away the tears in her eyes. Juuzou can see Onikisu's shocked expression. Juuzou smiled at her widely, hoping he could somehow wipe away the grief but instead the girl cried much more harder. Onikisu hurriedly leave the shop leaving Juuzou dumbfounded. But he hurriedly followed the crying girl. At first he's worried for he cannot see the girl but found her running. Juuzou followed until she found Onikisu sitting in one of the bench. She already stopped crying but her eyes puffy. Her nose pinkish. Juuzou can't help but to think she's so cute. Onikisu saw the white haired guy, and smiled, fakely.

"Hey Juzo, I'm sorry if I ran away. I don't know what came in my mind" Juuzou sat with her. He looked at Onisiku and smiled genuinely. Juuzou hoped that his smile will stop Onikisu from crying, perhaps, to make her happy.


Juuzou and I stayed silent. I really want to hug him right now but I can't. He obviously wouldn't want that. I remembered what I did earlier and I can't help but to be embarassed. I'm acting like a brat. Crying and running away. It's just that I can't help but to cry with the sadness I feel. I love Juuzou so much. God, I really love him. And he'll never love me back. It hurts. But what can I do? As long as he we're together that's fine. I'll protect him with all my life. Sigh. Maybe I need to confess to him? I'll just... try. Maybe he liked me somehow.. right? I take a deep breath before breaking the silence.

"Juuzou, I... I love you" I said my voice breaking. His eyes widened and he smiled happily.

"Ohh! That's amazing!" He said. Amazing. Not 'I love you too'. I shouldn't expect in the first place after all.

"Ne Onikisu, what will you do if I'll never love you back? That'll be amazing isn't it!" I want to kick him, slap him or anything else. I'm already shattered and hopeless and then he'll really point out to me that he'll never love me? Sometimes he can be annoying. I didn't answer him.

"Onikisu. Stop loving me. You'll just end up hurt you know that?" I looked at him and gripped his shoulders tightly. Instinctively, I hugged him, feeling safe in his arms. He smelled like soap and a tinge of blood, but I don't care. This man, he may be violent, he may not have any values, I don't care. I love him. Even though he'll never love me back.

"I'll never stop loving you Rei. I'll protect and love you with my whole being" I said softly, calling him by his true name,and let my tears stream down my face. I feel Juuzou's arms encircled around me, hugging me tightly.

"I love you too. And that's true! I will also do the same to you. I'll protect and love you" he whispered and kiss my cheeks and grin at me. I smiled. Earlier I'm so broken but now I'm so happy. He loves me. He just said it. He pinched my cheeks.

"Now Onikisu-chan, stop crying! Let's go buy some purin!~" I can't help but giggle. I love this guy so much.


After buying tons of purin, Juuzou and I are watching tv together with me sitting on the couch, and Juuzou lying, his head on my lap. Once in a while, he'll get up and peck me on my lips while I'm busy watching, and then I'll blush like crazy. We're watching a tv show which I found boring but Juuzou love it so much. It's about animals. And they're talking about giraffes today.

"Onikisu~!!" Juuzou said poking my cheek.


"You're so pretty" I blushed again. This day, I'm blushing like crazy for several times because of this man.

"Y-you're handsome. I guess..?" I said trying to ease the awkwardness. Juuzou playfully glared at me and rose up from my lap.

"You're hesitant when you say I'm handsome" he said crossing his arms and then pouting.

"Uhmm. Am I?" I retorted feigning innocence. His face heated up and then he abruptly pulled me closer to him, kissing me roughly. I kissed him back and hold onto his neck, pulling me closer to him. We kissed until we parted because we need to breathe.

"You're a good kisser Onikisu-chan~" Juuzou said. I blushed and lean on his shoulder feeling drowsy. Juuzou remained seated on the couch and he encircled his arms around me, pulling me closer.

"I love you"he said kissing my forehead.

"I love you too.." I said closing my eyes wishing that we'll stay like this forever..

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