Chapter 22

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Sorry for the late update

Anyways,Juuzou looked really awesome in this pic 😍

Sorry if Juuzou seemed out of character

Sorry if Juuzou seemed out of character

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•Juuzou's POV•

what a boring place this world is..

The uppermen of the CCG decided that I should have my own team. Like that matters. I don't want go have some useless investigators under my care.


That's what describes this world we live in. Well, not boring all the time. Killing ghouls sure is a pleasure. And messing with people who annoyed me. I remembered that police guy who insulted me. Huh. Look what he got. I just sucked his earbone. It tastes disgusting, like him.

Aside from killing, eating is also n t boring. Especially eating donuts. Oh, I almost forgot. There is a new donut store. Gotta visit it later~

I picked on the stitches in my arms. It's getting saggy. How annoying. Water makes the stitches saggy. I'll just wait for it to dry.

This is taking a long time. I want to kill ghouls!

"Sorry, Investigator Suzuya! I just gathered them together"said by a small pudgy man. I looked at him annoyingly. Now this is an example of a useless bum.

"oh really? Then you can go out of this room since no one needs you~" I said.

The pudgy man hurriedly get out leaving me with four guys. Heh.

"I'm Associate special class Suzuya! Nice to meet you all! Can I know your name~?" I asked them, smiling. I really want to know their names. Maybe they can be obedient to me. They can be the one who will buy me snacks. Because buying snacks is troublesome but eating it is enjoying.

"M-my name is Hanbee Abara! Nice to meet you suzuya-senpai"said by a tall,slender man with long black hair. He wears a troubled expression.

"Keijin Nakarai. Pleasure to work with you, Squad leader" he is short with light blind hair parted neatly in the middle.heh.

"I am Miyuki Mikage" this one is tall with piercings in his ear

"Mizurou Tamaki Suzuya-san" he has short brown hair. He looked kinda jolly.

I don't know if I can remember their names. Nevermind that. I read their profiles in the folder given to me. Not that I care. Qho cares anyway? But this Hanbee one..

"Hmmm.. Hanbee-san? You're tall. Be of use. It is said in your records that you tend to cower when fighting a ghoul. I have no time protecting the likes of you~" I commented.

"Y-yes! Suzuya-senpai!" He said straightening up and he looked determined. Well.

"Now, now. I think it's finally time for us to kill ghouls as a team. I can finally see what you are all capable of!"

We are going to attack what they said is a hideout for ghouls. I'm so excited. But not much. These ones are just petty ghouls that are easy to kill and ranked lowest. How boring~ but atleast I get to kill.

"Hmm~ after killing the ghouls I'll be eating! It will be nice if you will all be the one who will pay for my food since I'm superior isn't it?" I said to them. They wear startled expression. But not disgust and hatred. Which other investigator always give to me. They're really annoying. Puny investigators that are actually weak~

"If you want, we can be the one will buy your afternoon snacks"  Tamaki(?) Said smiling.

"Ohh~ that's nice of you!" I like them.

They followed me silently to our destination. I hummed a song cheerfully. I'm really excited~ I always crave  for this moment. To kill ghouls.

It's already dark. I'm hungry. Well, this will not take too long since this ghouls are low ranked. Not much of a challenge.

"Suzuya-senpai, I think we're already here.." I heard Hanbee said. I hummed in response. Now, now we just have to wait for the ghouls. Excitement is filling me that I can't help but grin.

They're taking too long. Maybe I should lure them out. Cowards huh.

"Nakarai-kun~ I'll just lure them out. Follow me when you heard a scream. But I assure you, the scream will not be mine~" After instructing Nakarai, I walked deeper in the dark alley. Now, now, where are they? Why won't they come out? I'm bored.

Then suddenly, I heard quick footsteps. I turned just in time to open my suitcase and let jason out. I trapped the ghoul with Jason's blade.

"Oh, hello Mr. Ghoul! I've waited a looong time just for this moment. It will all be for nothing if you don't make me happy isn't it?~" I said to him. I grabbed one of my scorpion knives and cut his penis.

"Ahhhh!!" He screamed in agony

"Now we're the same!" I cut his head off using jason. What a piece of cake.

I saw my four members running towards me all quinques ready.


"How dare you you human!! I'll kill you!!" I heard a female ghoul said. I didn't react and wait for the four to act. Nakarai deflected the ghoul's kagune that is about to hit me. The two started fighting. The other ghouls started coming out. Two ghouls attacked Mikage. I watched him for a while. It seemed that he can manage.

Another one attacked Tamaki but he immediately killed him so another one attacked him. They started fighting.

Then I looked at Hanbee. He looked really, really helpless. Several ghouls surrounded him and he isn't even making a single move. He looked like he might faint.

I swung my jason in one of the ghouls surrounding Hanbee which killed him. the other ghouls stared at me in horror.

"Hanbee, this isn't the time to have wobbly legs. Fight like an investigator" I said to him. Hanbee immediately take action and started fighting the ghouls. I might as well help.

I started swinging my jason and trying my scorpion knives to any ghouls in my sight. In just a few minutes all the ghouls are dead by our feet.

"That's fun~! anyway, it's time for us eat! I'm hungry~" I said. My members all smiled at me kindly. Well~ I like 'em...

We all decided to eat at the nearest coffee shop. Sadly, there is no donuts available so I settled myself with their sandwich. But it tastes good. Not as good as  like in Anteiku.

"I'm gonna go wash my hands~" I said to them.

What a day~ I wanted to rest~

"Oops. Sorry" I said as I bumped into someone. I looked at the face of the person. She had black and blue hair. Brown eyes.

That same brown eyes...

"N-no. It's fine..."

"Shy as ever~" I whispered silently to myself

"Wh-what? Are you saying something?" She asked while staring at me. I can see the longing in her eyes.

"Nothing~" I said and walked ahead of her.

It's been a while...

Hamasaki Onikisu... well, It'll not take long for me to kill her since I already found her...

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