Chapter 21

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Well, next chaptie will be juuzou's so just wait for our baby to appear!

Anyways, sorry for the errors.. hope you like the poem though..


Blood drips with sound like of water's,
Seemed innocent but the heart of a monster.
So unlikely.
The frescoes of feelings.

for all bade goodbye,
Even the flowers blooming in sunlight.
Blood drips in the grinning mouth,
Waving goodbye with a cleaver in hold.

The she stared after the monster,
Eyes pooled with tears.
The hole in her chest seemed unimportant,
She gave her last and fell with a thud.

I stared at the poem I made and sighed in satisfaction. Umm.. so yes, the poem is about me and Juuzou. I don't know if it's a good poem, nevertheless I love it. I love making poems. The art of words. I closed the notebook that contained all my poems. I never mentioned to Haru that I saw Juuzou. But I got a feeling that he knows something happened. I still continue training with Zero, Haru also joined and I think I improved letting my kagune out and controlling it. There are also times that Haru let me out by myself, but that is if I'm full and not hungry at all. I never saw him again. But that's okay. All that matters is that I know he's alive.  For days, I'm not able to eat human foods. I can't still hunt because Haru think that it will be dangerous so he and Zero hjnt foods for me. I don't know how they hunt and who they hunt. i just wish that they are not innocent people whose lives are wasted because of me.

"Hey Nyx, it's time for our training. Or do you want to rest?" I heard Zero's voice outside  the door of my room. I did not respond and lie on my bed instead. I heard the door opened and Zero's footsteps coming nearer and nearer. Then someone poked my cheeks.

"What?" I said grumpily. The moment I know that Juuzou is alive, I badly want to see him everyday.

"Training. Also, someone wants to meet you" I sighed and get up from my bed. I followed Zero towards the room where we train, not even bothering to change my clothes. I just wanted to see this person. It would be rude not to. By the moment we arrived, no one is inside.

"Where could they be? I asked them to wait...anywaym Onikisu wait in here" He said then immediately leaves, leaving me alone. I sat on one of the chairs when I felt this uncomfortable feeling inside me. I looked around me and saw someone's silhouette. A ghost? No. Then it disappeared. Definitely a ghost. I looked around looking for the strange silhouette when I heard the faint rush of noise advancing towards me. By instinct, I let my kagune out and blocked the one advancing towards me. I kicked her(?) In her legs so she fell with a thud in the concrete floor by my feet. I pointed my kagune's lil daggers at her.

"Who are you?" I asked. This woman is so beautiful. She is a brunette. Her porcelain like skin looked so smooth. Her cheeks are pinkish and so do her lips. She is breathing heavily but she is smiling kindly at me.

"There you-- ONIKISU WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY GIRLFRIEND?!"I heard my brother's shouting voice. I looked at the girl still smiling kindly at me. My kagune disappeared and I stopped glaring at her and stared at her curiously. Haru immediately heloed her stand up. Haru glared at me while Zero only smirked.

"Are you okay?" Haru asked her

"Yes! She's strong!" She said in her high pitched voice. She then looked at me and stretched out her arms.

"Nice to meet you Onikisu-chan! I'm Sakura by the way, Haru's girlfriend. Sorry for surprising you like that. I just want to see if you're strong. And you really are!" She said cheerfully.

"No, it's fine. You're pretty strong too. You're quick" I said. She looked really happy when I said she's strong that she pushed away Haru's hands and started holding my arms, shaking me.

"Really? I'm strong? Haru did you hear that? She said I'm strong! Haru I can fight!" Haru looked nervous and concerned and he shoot me an annoyed look.

"Sakura, you can't. We already talked about this.."Haru said pleadingly.

"There you are again..." Sakura said glaring at Haru. Zero hold my hands and whispered "we better get out and let them talk" we go out of the room as the two started arguing.

"You shouldn't have said that." Zero said

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Sakura is a ghoul. But have you seen her kagune? No. The thing is, she can't control her kagune. She can't summon it out. She's not capable of fighting. But she's persistent. Haru onced let her fight. And she almost died.." Zero said. I feel guilty. I'm such an idiot sometimes.

"But it's fine since you don't know. Just remember never to do it again. We don't want the couple arguing..."

"Haru should teach her. Train her. Instead of treating her like a someone useless and weak" Zero looked at me annoyingly.

"It's better for her not to fight. That way, she'll be safe"

"Yeah right. Be safe while your boyfriend will be the one doing the fighting. Not all the time Haru can protect her Zero. It's not of being safe. It's being able to fight not for yourself, but for the people you love. If Haru truly loves her, he'll let her fight" Zero stared at me completely shocked at what I just said.

"What you just said doesn't sound like you"he said. I grinned at him.

"Never mind that. I'm gonna go and do something. Anyways, what day is it today?" I asked Zero.

"It's halloween today.."

I smiled involuntarily.

"Why are you smiling?" Zero asked me staring at me curiously.

"Halloween.. the day I first met him...."


"Trick or treat~" the guy said cheerfully you would want to give him treats.

The ghoul stared at the human who dared to knock at his door. He love halloweens. Innocent little kids knocking at his door asking for treats. Oh, they do get something. Death.

'Now, now. What do we have here?' The ghoul thought as he scanned the human.

His halloween costume is what you'll call creepy. In a childish way. The guy's sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. He wears black trousers and black polo and red slippers. He also has suspenders. If you look at his clothes you'll just shrug it off but once you looked at his face, shivers will run down your spine. It's not that he's ugly. The truth is, he's handsome. He has pale skin, his eyes are doll like with long lashes and all. But there are bags under his eyes. And his eyes are color red. It doesn't looked like contacts. What scared him the most are the stitches. Under his right eye and under his lips. He also has stitches on his neck. He looked like a doll... in a creepy way..

'This is only a peculiar human. Nothing to be scared of' the ghoul chided to himself. Nevetheless, no matter what, he'll eat him. He smelled good.

"Well~ trick or treat?~" the human repeated.

"How about death" the ghoul snarled as kagune portruded out from his body. He attacked, but the human dodge it quickly, giggling as he did so.

"How pathetic~ your kagune is sooo ugly. Just like your face. No need to add you in my collections since you also looked weak~" the ghoul said while fiddling with a suitcase.

"Unlike my jason. He's strong and beautiful! Wait till you see it" he said then finally he managed to open his suitcase.

"Look! Isn't he amazing!~" the ghoul stared at the scythe. He is filled with terror. He backed away slowly. And then he ran...

But the guy would not let him go..

"Nu-uh. No way you'll be going away easily... since you piss me off how about we play a game? The first one to die will be the loser~!" The guy said giggling.

The ghoul tried to run but it's too late as the blade of the scythe swept past his neck..

"Happy Halloween~!"

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