Chapter 11

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"Oww, oww"

"Onikisu-chan~ wait up. Im going to help you~!"

"No it's okay. I'm fine"

"Ohh shut up~" Juuzou said and grabbed the bag from me. Good thing I'm going to be discharged today. We'll discuss the group of ghouls we exterminate. The leader was able to escape. I think the one who almost killed me is the leader. He seems strong.

Juuzou smiled at me before pecking my lips and holding my hands. He's always like that. Kissing me all the time. It's really unusual. I never expected Juuzou to be this sweet.

"Onikisu-chan~ let's grab something to eat!"

"Ok. I'm also hungry. The foods at the hospital are always bland"

"What does it feel like to be hospitalized? Well I've been to hospital once. When they treated my leg and to visit Shinohara-san.." Juuzou's voice faltered. Up until now, since the Owl extermination, Shinohara-san, Juuzou's previous partner is still in a comatose. My mother once worked with him. He's one of the few investigators I looked up to. I know Juuzou loves Shinohara-san. He's like his father.

"How about visiting Shinohara-san after eating?" I said. I know how he badly miss him. Juuzou looked at me with a bright smile, pleased with what I recommended.

"Really? We can?"

"'Course. Why not?"

"Then after eating let's buy donuts! Maybe he'll wake because of donuts~!"

"Awright! Now let's hurry Juuzou-kun"


"Wait for me for a while Onikisu-chan. I'll go to the bathroom" Juuzou said standing up from the table.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked him.

"Umm...  maybe sandwiches? And iced cream!"

"Ok" Juuzou finally left. I waited for the waiter until one came to me.

"Good Day! So what's your order?" A voice suddenly said beside me. An overly cheerful voice.

"Umm.. this special sandwiches and..." I stopped. He's...  he's  handsome....


I feel like I'm cheating on Juuzou

Truth to say but the guy in front of me is really handsome. He's about the same age as me with tousled brown hair, sparkling blue eyes and a dimpled cheeks.


"And uhhh, iced cream, one vanilla medley and one deluxed flavored iced cream. And two bottomless iced tea"

"Is that all?"  There's something with his voice. I know there's something. It's like I've met him before? He seems familiar. He repeated all that I've ordered.

He smiled at me one last time, his smile is... mischievous. And admiration? I dunno. He's about to leave when I stopped him.

"Have I met you before?" I asked him.

He looked at me seriously before answering.

"I don't think so. But maybe. I'm always at the place where you always hangout"


"Oh nothing Mam. But we haven't met" after saying that he immediately leave. Well, nevermind. But he's really familiar. Juuzou finally arrived. Our foods were served. Juuzou and I talk about different things. Mainly about ghouls.

"Oh by the way Juuzou, how about the case where teddy bears were cut in half? What happened with that?" I asked Juuzou as I scooped and iced cream and threw it in my mouth. Juuzou watched me do so, with a slight smirk in his lips.

"Hmm... let's see.. Arima-san*glares*, said that the case will be closed for a while. Because after the last Teddy bear case which we reported, there's no other incidents happened~" He said. He glared when he says Arima-san's name. I surely know the reason for that.

"Oh Arima-san said so?" I asked him. He studied my expression. He narrowed his eyes at me when I said Arima's name.

"Yes. You seem to be glad hearing Arima's name Onikisu-chan~ I wonder why..." he said. His eyes have dangerous glint in them. I gulped. I'm just teasing him.

"Well, he's nothing to me. I'm just teasing you Juuzou. Don't be mad"

"Hmph~ if Arima-san will get you away from me, I'll kill him!"

"Well, he's never interested with me. And I don't care. I have this adorable albino I love so much" I saw Juuzou blushed. He smirked at me. I have this sudden urge to pull him to me and kiss his stitched lips. But I stopped myself. I don't want to looked like a nymphomaniac.

"Onikisu-chan,  wonder when will Shinohara-san wake up. I miss him" Juuzou said sadly as he stirred his already melted iced cream. It took a moment for me to answer. I don't want to disappoint Juuzou. But Shinohara-san's case seems... hopeless. But I believe there's still hope. I know Shinohara-san knows how Juuzou loves him.

"He'll be fine Juuzou. He'll definitely wake up. He surely wants to see you as an Associate Special Class investigator" Juuzou gave me a sad smile.

"Awright~ let's go Onikisu-chan!" Juuzou said cheerfully. Well I hope he'll remain as cheerful after visiting Shinohara-san.


"Shinohara-san, do you know? The girl with me is now my girlfriend! I remembered that you said that people will not like my fashion sense but Onikisu-chan loves it sooo much!" He said to the still comatosed Shinohara-san.

"Jason's been good so far. Don't worry Shinohara-san, I'm still using Scorpion. Onikisu-chan, is also using a scythe! The name's Moonlace! It's also awesome and looked wicked!" Juuzou continued. Juuzou continued talking with Shinohara-san. Until he stop and just look at his face.

"I miss you Shinohara-san. I miss your scolding" Juuzou said sadly. Juuzou looked at the clock. It's already 7:30 pm. He looked sadly again at Shinohara-san and lean unto him

"Good night Shinohara-san. We'll take our leave" he said as he kissed his forehead.

"Good night Shinohara-san" I also said and Juuzou and I leave the hospital.


The two of us were walking when suddenly Juuzou stopped.

"What's the matter Juuzou?" I asked him. He's looking up and I realized he's looking at the stars. They're out tonight. Tons of them. It's unbelievable. I never knew there's so many stars you can see in here.

"The stars are beautiful isn't it Onikisu-chan?" He asked.

"Yes. I love stars"

"Me too" again, Juuzou's eyes saddened. He looked at me.

"They said that if someone is dead they'll become stars.." He said. I nodded. I heard that before.

"I don't want to lose you Onikisu-chan. I swear that I'll protect you. But with this cruel world we have, I don't even know if I can always protect you" he said his grip at my hands tightening. I remained quiet. There's something wrong with Juuzou.

"The stars... I hate them" he suddenly said and started walking. I hurriedly catch up with him.

"Juuzou, something wrong?" I ask him. I know something is wrong. Why will he suddenly talk like that?

"Nothing's wrong Onikisu-chan~" he said with his usual smile. I looked at him worriedly.


He hate stars...

"Onikisu-chan~hurry up!"


I don't know why Juuzou is suddenly like that,


There's only one thing I am sure of...

Juuzou is keeping something from me.

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