Chapter 10

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"Stay alert Investigator Suzuya and Hamasaki. These group of ghouls were said to be vicious" one of the investigators said to us as Juuzou and I prepared to fight.

"No worries! Investigator-chan! I can beat 'em!~" Juuzou said grinning widely at the investigator. The investigator instructed us to go inside the abandoned building to check if there are any ghouls. Juuzou and I parted with the group and started our way inside.

"Hmmm. Those bastards. Such cowards~" Juuzou said pertaining to the other investigators. I gripped my suitcase which has my moonlace. We continued walking until we stopped because well there's two hallways. One on the left, one on the right. I'm about to go to the right side cause I feel like going on it and I'm hearing some shuffling in there when Juuzou stopped me.


"We should go separately Onikisu-chan. I go right , you go left"

"But the other investigators said for us to be together and not to separate no matter what" I protested.

"That's nonsense~! You should check the other side just to be sure. But I'm sure nothing is in there. I'll go on the right cause I wanna fight! So off I go Onikisu-chan! Good luck~!" The truth is I don't really like Juuzou's plan but I just go with it. I started walking on the left side and let my moonlace out. After walking for a few minutes when I finally come to a dead end.

"Well, there's nothing in here" I said to myself. I started walking back when a figure just dropped right in front of me. I backed away and slash my moonlace at the figure but it's fast that it manages to dodge it.

He's wearing a simple white mask where it only has holes where the eyes should be. Kagune portruded out from his back. Rinkaku kagune, black with a tint of silver that glowed faintly. Just like my moonlace...

"Awesome quinque you've got there. So you're the one who killed my father eh? Well, nevermind because I don't give a damn with my old man. But you're Haru's twin sister aren't you? That bastard is my rival you see. I hate his guts. So I think it'll be fun to bring your head to him isn't it?" He said playfully. I attacked him. I whipped my head but he's really fast that he dodges it. He sweep his kagune at me but I crouched just in time. I managed to slice off a part of his kagune. He hissed at me. I'm about to praise myself for doing it when he suddenly disappeared. Like really disappeared. I looked around.

"But the thing is, you're really pretty do I'll tell you this. I'm not planning to kill you. Well it seems that you're planning to kill me. But think about this. Are you on the right side? Cause the moment you went berserk, the CCG will surely exterminate you. No matter what. Even you're a devoted investigator" he purred in my ears. I growled and whipped around along with moonlace. But the ghoul is already on the far side of me.

"Stop blabbering you shit! You scums should all die" I growled out and run towards him, preparing for the kill, but I'm too stupid because the moment I'm about to swing moonlace, his koukaku kagune stabbed me in the stomach.

"What if you're one of those scums?" He said menacingly. He let go of me and stab me again and again and again. Every stab I screamed. At least, there's a chance that Juuzou will hear me, if I'm not yet dead. The ghoul finally stopped.

"Now, now. I will give you advice. Quit being an investigator and hide" he said before disappearing. I lay there, waiting for help, more like death to come. If I'll die today, let me at least see Juuzou. One last time.

"Mother, why is human life so fragile? Why do we die so easily unlike the ghouls?" I asked my mother.

Oh, so now I'm seeing flashbacks... Before I die..

My mother smiled at me.

"But you're not just human Onikisu.." She said. The younger me looked at my mother questionably.

"You'll know someday..." My mother said. The scene changed. I saw Juuzou in front of me. He is on a wheelchair, with sadness in his eyes. The first time we met.

"Investigator Hamasaki Onikisu, this is your new superior, Investigator Suzuya Juuzou." investigator Arima said.

"Umm Good Morning Investigator Juuzou. Pleased to meet you" I greeted him politely.

"Say Onikisu-chan, if you were to die, will someone grief? Will you be upset?" He asked all of a sudden. I remembered thinking of him as a weird guy, which-- he really is.

"Uhh, pardon?" I said.

"Well, as you see Investigator Hamasaki, Juuzou is quite eccentric. You'll get used to it as time passes" Investigator Arima whispered at me. I nodded.

"Well, I hope you'll be useful Onikisu-chan~" he said and smiled at me creepily. I remembered being scared.

I remembered.

Is that all I can do right now? To remember things? Will I really die? Can't I save myself.

I feel tears filling up my eyes before the darkness swallowed me.


I opened my eyes.

I'm in place of white.

I hope this is a hospital, not heaven. I tried to move but a part in my abdomen ached so I remained still. The sound of a door opening suddenly reached my ears.

"Onikisu-chan~! You're now awake! Thank goodness!" Juuzou said dropping the box of donuts he's carrying and run to me hugging me very tightly.

"Ow Juuzou, as much as I want to hug you, my wounds hurts" I said wincing.

"Oh, sorry~!! Didn't mean to hurt you!" Juuzou said sounding nervous.

"It's ok" I smiled at him. I thought I was a goner. I thought I'll never see Juuzou again. And I thought that I'll be finally reunited with my mother. I missed her and Juuzou.

"So..what's up? What happened after?" I asked him.

"I heard you screaming Onikisu-chan. I'm about to find where you are but there are many ghouls blocking my way. It's a shame I never got to be creative in killing them cause I'm in a hurry. When I finally found you, there's a pool of blood around you. I thought you're dead. You're really pale. But we hurriedly bring you in a hospital. You're unconscious for 3 days already. I missed you. I wan to kiss you so badly so even when you're sleeping, I kiss you! I'm also the one who change your clothes. I think the nurses thought I'm a girl. Theg call me 'miss'~!!" I blushed when he said that he's kissing me even when I'm unconscious and he's the one who changes my clothes. He already saw my naked body. I blushed harder at the thought.

"Promise me Onikisu-chan, next time we'll work together! So that you'll never be hospitalized again. Okay?~"

"Ok" I said. I pecked him on the cheeks. He blushed which is so cute. But he smiled and kissed me again. We kissed in a while before we stopped because we're both out of breath.

"Now, Onikisu-chan, sleep and rest. I'll watch you" Juuzou said before helping me lay down in my bed. I closed my eyes.

I wonder...

What am I?

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