Chapter 24

308 13 4

I finally updated...

Sorry for the wrong grammar...

Hope y'all like it :3

"Onikisu-chaaan, I think this will look cute for you"  Sakura said. It's a cute black dress. Right now, I'm accompanying Sakura in buying clothes. Since she's a ghoul who doesn't have any kagune, it will be dangerous for her. I don't know where is Haru and Zero.

"It's cute but...."


"It's too short" Sakura smiled at me. She's really cute. And she is also kind.

"Ohh, Onikisu-chan is shyyyy. But Onikisu-chan your legs are fine. You should try to wear short clothes sometimes"

"Jeez. I'll buy it. How about you Sakura-chan?" I ask her

"No, I'm fine. I already have many clothes so there's no need for me to buy one" she said while grinning widely. She's always energetic that I can't believe that she is a ghoul with no kagune. After paying the dress, Sakura and I walked around the mall some more before going home.

"Umm.. is it okay if I buy human food? Because I'm kinda hungry.." I said to Sakura.

"You can go on. I'll wait in here" Sakura said.

After buying and eating my food, Sakura and I part ways because she'll be going home. Well, I want to walk by myself for a bit.

I wonder what's Juuzou doing right now...

Killing ghouls of course.

I still can't believe that he let us go. He didn't kill us. That means the Juuzou I know is still there. Why do things have to be like this? Him, an Investigator. Me, a ghoul. This is too cruel.

"I thought Sakura is with you..." I suddenly heard a voice said. I looked at my right and saw Zero. I glared at him. And now he is talking to me again. This annoying bastard.

"Leave me alone" I said. I don't want to talk to him.

"You know you can't be alone.. what if you meet a dove?"

"I can fight by myself. I'm not an investigator for nothing"

"You're not a dove anymore. You're someone who is being hunted by them" he said snarkily. I glared at him and stomped his foot.

"Ow!" I hate him.

"Ok. Ok. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for always hurting you with my words. I'm really sorry" he said sincerely. This is not like him. Apologizing.

"Whatever. I'm leaving. Tell Haru I'll be home at 5"

He's really annoying. But at least he apologized.

"Haru is annoying sometimes" Zero suddenly appeared by my side again. I sighed. Annoying.

"He's such a worrywart know that?"he added.


"He's like a mother sometimes. Always nagging about the cleanliness of the house.."

"Hey, Zero. Why are you living in our house anyway?" I asked him. Yes he's a friend, and it's alright for him to live in our house, but he should at least have a house thatbhe owns.

Zero glared at me for a while before answering "I also payed in buying it" I apologized then the atmosphere is awkward again.

"Tell me about him" Zero said


"Juuzou..." I stared at him.

"I just wanna know what you think of him..." should I tell him? Well, it's just Zero. And even though he's meanm he can be trusted.

"Fine. Well, I don't know if you know this but Juuzou was raised by a ghoul. They didn't treat him kindly. That's why he is like that. He doesn't care about death and he is violent. Some people hated him. But he is really kind..."

"Kind? I don't think so.."I heard Zero whispered.

"Oh. Shut up. Anyway, Juuzou is my first friend.... at first I find him weird but as time pass by, I realized that I'm having feelings for him" I said blushing really hard. When I look at Zero, he is frowning.

"You find him attractive?"

"Yes. He is handsome you know. And he is so adorable"

"But he is ... violent" he said.

"He may be violent but that doesn't mean that he don't have a good side of him. If you knew him well, you will know that he is not bad"

"well, if that's what you think. But don't be offended Nyx, I don't think he is good. Loom at him when he is killing ghouls. Well, ghouls may be bad in a human's perspective and gheh want to eradicate us, but have you seen other doves laughing as they kill ghouls? how about you? Do you laugh when you kill ghouls? No. It's only him. For him, death is funny. Death is not a big thing. And I don't think that is what a normal human think"

I remained quiet. What he is saying is true. But even though it's all true, I don't care..

"Will you continue loving him?" I stared at him. I'm thinking of not answering but he looked fretful.

"Of course  I will and will always be" after saying that he just stared at me.

"What if someone better like you? Will you ignore him?"

"Juuzou is much better than anyone in my perspective. And also, that's impossible"

"What if I like you?" He asked quietly.

"What?" I asked him again. Maybe, I didn't heard it right. That's impossible and it's absurd.

"Nothing, idiot. Who will like you anyway? You're ugly and you find crazy guy attractive." I stomped at his feet again. He chortled and starts walking away.

"Well, goodbye. I wanna hang out with a pretty girl. And you are ugly" he said while waving goodbye.

I stared at him as he walks away...

"Onikisu, you idiot. You still don't get it" Zero said as he smiled sadly

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