Chapter 5

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"Juuzou, are you sure they go here?"

"You've got to trust my instinct Onikisu-chan" I look at the building in front of me. It's abandoned as usual. We're currently hunting a couple of ghouls. Even though I'm a rank 2 investigator I'm still nervous when it comes to killing ghouls. Juuzou looked excited holding his jason. I gripped moonlace tightly. I remembered the ripped up teddy bear one of the ghouls is holding. It's weird. A ghoul holding a teddy bear. Ghouls are really messed-up creatures.

"Ghoul-chan where are you hiding? We will have some fun you know that?" Juuzou taunted. I heard a rustling sound behind us. Juuzou and I looked at the back slowly.

"SURPRISE!!" one of the ghouls screamed as she attacked me suddenly. I swung moonlace but she dodged it. She then run to me I swung moonlace at her and managed to graze her arms. She's about to ran away but I grabbed her hair.

"Goodbye" i said before beheading her using moonlace. I kicked her head away. Ugh. Gross. I looked at Juuzou who is having fun taunting the two ghouls. He's always like that before killing them.

"Sorry to say but I'm already bored with you guys. Bye!" He giggled then swung his jason at the two in quick and graceful way. The two ghoul's body were now in half lying at the floor. Juuzou is not contented with just that. He dragged the two ghouls and hang them on the wall. He walked away then he toss his scorpion knives accurately, all hitting the ghouls body. He giggled before grabbing his scorpion knives back.

"*yawn* Onikisu-chan. I want to hunt more ghouls~"

I sighed and looked at my blood-stained watch. It's already 3:30 in the afternoon.

"We'll be having a meeting at the headquarters at four. Sorry Juuzou but we gotta go" Juuzou pouted before pulling me outside the building

"Hey Onikisu-chan ya know that new donut shop near the headquarters?" He asked me. I shooked my head.

"Then we gotta eat there later! Your treat!" I throw him a glare. He's kidding right? After spending all the money in my wallet?

"Please Onikisu-chan!~" he pouted. I insist to use his money for now which is fine with him. So we trudge outside with Juuzou humming as usual. Lucky that the building is just a walking distance. We entered the headquarters when Juuzou suddenly hold my hands. I blushed furiously.

"Investigator Hamasaki and Investigator Suzuya" I said then bowed my head in greeting. We sat in one of the chairs with Juuzou trailing behind me. Juuzou brought out a lollipop. Then sucked into it loudly that the other investigators threw him glares but as usual, Juuzou doesn't care. Suddenly a tall man entered the conference room. I looked at his face and saw a handsome, white haired guy. I blushed involuntarily at the sight of the great Kishou Arima. To admit it, I have a slight crush on him. I watched him walk to the front and sit in the chair there.

"Special Class Investigator Arima. I will be leading the investigation for this new case. You may open the envelopes laid out in your tables and read the details" Arima leading the investigation huh. This case may be a big deal. I opened the envelope which I didn't know that it is here and read the contents. Juuzou remained sucking the lollipop.

Teddy Bear

A group of ghoul recently attacked certain people, eating them rather brutally. They were believed to be in a group because in different locations where a body is found, a ripped teddy bear in half was always found. Certain investigators caught sight one of the ghouls who happened to be in the place. Unfortunately, this ghoul escaped.

I grabbed the other paper inside and read it.


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