Niall: you and niall were in the movie theatre and the trailers were running when the 'this is us' trailer came on.
"Because of you we are number one in tirty seven countries" you whispered in his ear. Niall and you were both laughing through the trailer, And making fun of each others accents. during the movie you both got really into it and jumped when the scary parts occurred and kissed and cuddled for "protection" from the scary things in the movie.
Liam: liam and you went to watch a kids movie and you got weird looks from some parents as it was basically just 7 year olds and their parents. You two sat through the movie and laughed at the funny bits, and you started crying during a sad bit so snuggled up against him. However you felt his chest rising up and down unevenly, you looked up and saw him crying as well.zayn: zayn and you both enjoyed scary movies so you were watching any scary movies they were showing. During the movie you were sitting on his lap because you were so scared. "zayn, this is really scary compared to the others we've seen" you whispered into his ear so no one would tell you off for talking. "it's okay, I've got you" he said wrapping his arm around you.
Louis: Louis and you generally went for rom-coms and Louis got very jealous when you started melting over Channing Tatum. "I look like that, its just you don't realize because I don't want to show off to much" he joked. "I detect a hint of jealousy" you whispered to him. "ME? JEALOUS? phsst no" he practically yelled, and because of that you were shushed and usually when you go to the cinema with Louis you don't get to see the end of the movie because he's talking so loud and you get ushered out.
harry: Harry loved watching action movies with you because during a fight seen you both make ninja noises and saying "I could do that with my eyes closed" making each other laugh but others around you annoyed. You two usually share a drink and kiss at the back of the cinema cheekily, you two go to the cinema frequently and love watching movies you usually wouldn't.
one direction prefrences
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