he has a child from a previous relationship who doesn't like you part 2

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heres a part two as so many people requested it.

If I've ever made you smiled please comment ':)'

harry-(his pov)

"ellie. Please come downstairs. y/n really wants to meet you" I said softly as I walked into her room. She had her back facing me so I couldn't read the expression on her face. I walked towards to bed and sat down, there was utter silence as I wondered what to say.

"why do you never want to meet my girlfriends?" I mumbled.

"hmgh" she shrugged

"come on el. There must be a reason" I said lying down next to her, stroking her arm.

"well.." she said quietly, slowly turning to face me. "I just feel like.. you're... trying to forget mum" she whispered.

"what?" I laughed almost. "don't ever say that again. I'll never forget your mum or ever try to. She was a beautiful, smart and caring women who I could never replace...just like her daughter" I said feeling my eyes mist with tears slightly, I reached up to her head and kissed the top.

"thanks dad" she chuckled.

"its true.. so do you think you could give y/n a try" I asked quietly trying not to push it.

After what felt like a life time of waiting she finally got up and wiped the tears (I had no knowledge of) from her cheeks. "lets go" she said walking out the door.

zayn-(his pov) I stood face to face with my teary eyed-red faced daughter.

"yaz" I sighed. I reached out and stroked her hair "theres one thing I always want you to remember and that is I'll never want, or try, to replace your mother; losing her was the worst thing that happened to me but I think y/ns my second chance.

I love y/n but no were near as much as I love you or your mother." I said in a low steady voice, stroking her hair and hugging her.

"okay" she gulped her tears down.

niall- (his pov) "you look great mate, if you were a few years older I'd feel threatened" I laughed looking at my son in the mirror.

"erm thanks dad" he chuckled nervously.

"you know, im really proud of you" I said walking out the door

"why?" kye asked straightening his brunette quiff. He was the spitting image of me, other than his natural hair.

"you never liked my girlfriends and I dunno. I'm just glad you're making an effort" I smiled

"s' not like you gave me a choice" he mumbled laughing lightly.

Just as we both sat down to the football game there was a knock at the door.

"thats her" I said standing up and checking my reflection in the mirror by the door.

"hi" y/n said as I opened the door, she was looking stunning as ever but with that extra touch.

"hey" I smiled hugging her. Our embrace was cut short by a cough coming from Kye. "y/n this is kye" I said taking her hand

Liam-after a rather quiet and awkward meal with liam, you were getting ready to leave.

"Do you want to say bye to Ella?" liam asked as he hugged you goodbye.

"Okay" you said hesitantly. You walked up the stairs to her room, you gently knocked and waited for permission to enter.

The door creaked open to reveal Ella's eye.

"What?" She asked walking away from the door.

"Just came to say bye." You said softly.

"Bye" she said sarcastically.

You walked away for a second but walked back and into her room; It was large with a big double bed against the far wall. Her walls were decorated with pictures of her and her friends you presumed. One of the pictures that caught your eye was the one framed in a silver frame of young her and a curly hair women.

"What?" Ella asked when she noticed you staring at her room.

"Nothing, erm. Ella I'm sorry your dad took your phone" you said softly

"Nah it's okay he does it all the time" she said sitting up

"Does he have a lots of girlfriends" you asked just trying to make conversation but probably sounding extremely nosey.

"Yeah, they're never like you though" she said quieter.

"Is that good or bad" you asked joining her on her bed

"Good ish. They're all usually caked in designer clothes and jewellery. Girls like that have to get them from somewhere, and that's from people like my dad" she spoke slowly. "You're different in a good way but you're no where near my mum" she said harshly, lying back down on her mattress.

"I know" you said looking back at that picture of her and her curly haired mother.

Louis-you knocked on louis' front door to hear a loud 'GEORGIA GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE ALREADY! Y/NS HERE!'

He opened the door smiling

"Hi" he said hugging you

"You know your door isn't sound proof right" you giggled into his shoulder. You embrace was broken apart by a tap on your shoulder, you looked at the tallish girl in front of you-In a medium length purple dress and with her hair up in a simple tight ponytail.

"Hi, you must be Georgia" you smiled opening your arms for a hug, but feeling rather awkward when she offered a hand to shake instead.

"Yes and you're y/n" she said

"Yes. May I say I love your dress?" You smiled looking it up and down.

"Yes, you may" she said

"Georgia" louis warned at her sassy attitude.

"I'm just joking. I love your dress too, and your hair; how long did it take you to curl it like that?" She asked, her interest sounding a little fake.

"Oh it's naturally like this" you smiled tucking a bit behind your ear.

"Oh" her mood almost changed, "it's lovely" she smiled genuinely, turning around and walking into the kitchen.

"She says all my girlfriends are too fake" louis whispered in your ear as he led you to the kitchen "I think she might like you"

Originally I wasn't planning on doing a part two but you guys asked for it loads so hope you liked it

Keep requesting

If I've ever made you smile please comment ':)'


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