He finds out you can speak another language

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Harry- harry and the boys had a meeting and you and the girlfriends were allowed to go as well as it wasn't important and just about tour schedules.
"Hi boys" management smiled as they walked in the room holding their girlfriends hands.
"Hi" "hey" "sup" they said, they spoke to management almost everyday so they usually weren't too formal with them and neither were they.
"Now boys we have the producer of the Troyes stadium in France on the phone" the secretary interrupted
"Okay" they dismissed her.
"Do any of you speak french" they asked lowering an eyebrow as they didn't have a translator there with them.
"A bit" liam said
"Bonjour, ca va? garçons, ce sont les dates vous en France à nouveau?" he asked quickly. The boys exchanged looks and there was a silence as the managers looked that up on google translate
"What dates are you in France?" you mumbled to harry
"Oh, 5th to the 27th " harry spoke up, and you then said that in French.
"Oui oui," the man said scribbling something down. "une moment" the man said as they were put on hold.
Everyone looked at you simultaneously
"I didn't know you spoke french" harry said.
"You never asked" you laughed.

Liam-you were in Germany with liam on holiday around Christmas, and some fans approached him.
"Liam! liam" they shouted liam and you quickened your steps so you wouldn't get mobbed, but they continued shouting. You turned as they approached you, "liam! ich liebe dich!" they cried.
He looked at you with a confused look, they didn't have a camera or poster so he was confused what they wanted.
"er liebt dich" you replied smiling then dragging liam away to get on with your Christmas shopping, The girls screamed and sobbed uncontrollably now.
"What did you say?" liam asked
"Oh, they said they love you and I said you love them too" you smiled holding his arm tighter.
"Aww" he said turning around to look at the girls then making a heart with his hands then pointing to them which caused them to cry harder.
"How do you know German" he asked as you continued walking.
"School" you said looking at the chocolate logs on display.

Niall-it was late in the night and you and niall were laying in bed, niall was in his boxers as you were in your bra and pants. Niall was watching you try and fall asleep and was tracing shapes in your hips, he then leant down to kiss your collarbone slowly but repeatedly.
"Te amo" he whispered against your skin as he kissed it again and again.
"te quiero demasiado" (I love you too) you whispered back, he froze as he wasn't expecting you to reply,
"Hablas espanol?" (You speak Spanish?) he asked not believing you knew Spanish as you had never actually shown any signs of your Spanish vocabulary.
"sí, apuesto" (yes, handsome) he chuckled at your comment and kissed you collarbone again.
"Where did you learn that?" he whispered again now moving slightly down your body so he was mumbling with his head on your chest.
"School" you whispered stroking his hair soothingly. "I took Spanish for GCSE"
"Cool what did you get?" He asked then yawned
"A*" you groaned tiredly with a subtle smirk in your voice.
"That's my girl" he mumbled into your boobs.
"Te amo"
"Te amo"

Zayn- you were on tour with zayn and you were currently in brazil, loads of fans approached you and even though Zayn thought they were saying positive things, they were only to him.
There was a crowd of around 9 girls shouting abuse at you in Portuguese. Unfortunately you spoke Portuguese so their words hit you like bullets, as they would if they were saying it in English.
"Olá feio" they shouted laughing and following you around. You didn't mind them calling you ugly as you had had much worse hate on twitter. but it still hurt the fact that they though you couldn't understand them.
"a vida é melhor sem você" alright that one stung. You squeezed zayns hand hard and turned around shooting daggers at the girls with your eyes. They stopped laughing, excepting the fact that you understood their verbal abuse.
"se eu estava preso com uma boca suja como a sua gostaria de mantê-la fechada" you spat at them, cornering them, then walking off with zayns hand still tight in yours and his eyes were wide and mouth in an 'o' shape.
"What did you say?" he whispered
"If I had a dirty mouth like their's I'd keep it shut" you replied looking away
"Because they called me ugly and life would be better without me according to them" you mumbled
"Oh darling" zayn said turning your face to kiss you. "you'll never believe how sexy you are when you speak Portuguese"

Louis-you and louis were in Japan and louis was breaking the speed limit as he was late for rehearsals. Again. The police stopped you and were trying to talk to louis but he didn't understand a word of what he was saying.
You got out the car and walked to the policeman
"Gomen yakuin" you smiled politely as he looked back at you also smiling, he gave you a short lecture and you promised to pay the fine, but as you were a Foreign driver he gave you a warning and sent you on your way.
There was a slight silence in the car until you turned the radio on so get rid of the awkwardness.
"You never told me you could speak Japanese" louis said in a hushed tone, a little shellshocked.
"Erm, you never asked" you laughed
"How did you learn, they don't teach it at school do they?" louis said now keeping to the speed limit.
"Oh. My mum worked for a Japanese company and she learnt Japanese and she taught me." you smiled watching the road too.
"It's hot" louis concluded finally taking his eyes off the road to look at you for a split second then back at the road.


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