Christmas trees

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Zayn - "leftish, no right, wait stop, stop, STOP IT WAS PERFECT!" Zayn shouted as you positioned your tree.
"Zayn honey. Surely you're supposed to be doing this" you complained as your hair got stuck in the needles
"How very sexist y/n" he said sassily with his hands on his hips.
"I didn't mean it like that. I just wanted to point out that I'm as weak as a fly and am currently getting engulfed but this damn tree" you complained getting out from underneath "what are you talking about? It looks amazing" you smiled looking at it
"Oh it always did but I just got a nice view of your ass when you were bending down." He said cheekily slapping your bum and walking off.

Niall - "this one" Niall asked pointing to the beautiful tree in the corner
"Hmm it's nice, but it's missing something" you said looking at it "its a bit short" you decided looking for other ones
"What about this?" He asked feeling the needles of one tree through his mittens
"A bit too.. Majestic" you laughed "ooh! That!" You smiled running towards a rather small and weedy one in the corner
"That, really! It's pathetic!" He laughed walking toward you with one eyebrow up.
"But if we don't buy it, no one will" you sighed playing with its rather sad and malnourished branches.
"If that's what you want baby" he sighed, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Why don't we have this in the kitchen and the other one in the sitting room" he offered
"Okay" you smirked turning to him and giving him a small peck.

Louis - you stood on a chair trying to wrap the tree in tinsel at the parts you can't reach.
"Woah babe. Get off that chair!" Louis shouted as he rushed to your side
"Why I'm fine" you laughed
"Well I'm sorry if I'm a little concerned" he laughed holding your waist firmly "I'm just looking out for my baby and our baby" he smiled kissing your back
"So am I Lou. Honestly you have no faith in me" you laughed getting off the chair
"Do you want to put the star on?" He offered
"Okay" you smiled talking the star from his hands, you reached for the top but couldn't stretch far enough, you felt to strong hands on your legs lifting you so you could reach it. You chuckled and placed it there gently. "Thank you" you smiled turning to him and giving him a kiss
"Just think next year we'll have little peanut here to do that" he laughed against your forehead as he stroked your mildly swollen belly.

Liam - "okay left" you instruct as Liam lifts the tree and positions it to the left of your living room "wait slightly right" you hum
"Here?" He asks out of breath
"Oooh yeah. It looks good near the window" you smiled "but wait I don't want the neighbours looking in and judging our tree" you muttered
"So what we'll have the best christmas tree ever" Liam shrugged
"Err, nope more right please" you said as he groaned.

Harry - "okay so do you want to put the tinsel on the tree" you asked your youngest son. He looked at the golden tinsel in his hands and through it at the tree. "Perfect Edward!" You praised lifting him up
"That looks beautiful" Harry hummed kissing his bald scalp.
"Can I put the star on?" Your daughter asked jumping up and down
"Of course Jasmine" he smiled lifting her up to reach the top of the tree
"Yay!" She giggled as she successfully placed it on the point of the tree.
"Okay daddy's going to turn the lights on ready?" You asked your three children, Edward, Jasmine and Annabel.
"Yes!" They shouted as they sat in front of the tree (well all except Edward who just stared into space and questioned what was going on). As Harry flicked the switch to the lights they brightly glowed much to your children's delight
"Christmas is here!" Annabel giggled standing up for Harry to lift her up.
"Well done daddy" you smirked giving him a kiss as a reward for his hard effort.


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