The note you leave him

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Someone inboxed this request to me and I thought it was a good idea so here you are..

Louis- if you are reading this baby it means cancer won. I'm sorry I had to leave you like this, It would have been better if it was after our wedding at least. Then I might have used the dress and the ring. I'm sorry I told you after you proposed to me, if I knew earlier I would have said but I hated the thought of leaving you. Anyway the point is I want you to find someone, and live the life you would have lived with me, with her. Have a beautiful wedding, have as many children as you desire, grow old. All those things. But never forget me as I'll never forget you, and hey... you didn't lose a lover you just gained a guardian angel. Love you forever and always baby xxxxxxxxx

Liam-hi li, Im hoping you're reading this when the boys think you're in the right state of mind, I mean I hope they've been looking after you other wise I have some scaring to do. Haha no I'm just kidding they're looking after you I'm sure. Anyway I just wanted to write this and say well.. Sorry, sorry I couldn't beat cancer, sorry I wasn't strong enough, sorry I left you, sorry we never had children. But also thank you, thank you for the years we have spent together. Thank you for the love you gave me. Thank you for making me the happiest girl alive. Thank you for always being there for me. I love you endlessly and I'll never stop loving you. Oxoxoxox

Zayn- Dear zayn. I'm sorry I had to leave you, the treatment hurt too much, but at least I'm not in pain anymore right? But thank you for making the treatment bearable, thank you for begin there to kiss me and make me feel special, despite the fact I have no hair and have various wires going in and out of me. I love you so much so will you do me a favour? I want you to grow old and never forget me, just keep me in the back of your mind. But remarry, have kids and grandchildren. Stay in contact with the boys as they make you happy and you can be you with them. So promise me that or.. I'll haunt you! Nah I'm joking but I mean it with the remarry thing. I love you so so so so so, SO much. Love your guardian angel xoxooxoxox

Niall- aww. Nialler. I always imagined us as that weird old couple that sits on their porch with you yelling at random children to get off our garden and then me telling them to come in for cookies and hot chocolate. But sadly we can't do that together now but erm, oh well. I want you to do that with another girl, one that treats you like you deserve and someone that you love as much as you loved me. Have as many children as you want and enjoy every second you live because I know I'll enjoy watching you. Do me a favour and keep making music as I know you love it, and your fans love it. I'm watching you! I'll always be there for you as well so if you need me I'll be closer than you think. Anyway love you unreal amounts. Never forget that. Your angel xxxxxxxx

Harry-hi haz, sorry I'm not there. I just couldn't take it anymore, the things they said. They said all your other girlfriends were so skinny you should have gone back to them and they also were harassing me about larry and I know you have to cope with it too... But I'm not used to that. But it's better like this, I'm happy now. But promise me you'll marry a lovely girl who treats you as you deserve and how I would. Keep making music and stay with the band, because that's what make you happy. Love you forever more, y/n xoxoxo

Any more requests?


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