Marriage series

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Sorry it took so long to write this one.
Anyway voter of the week: @camalala

I'm planning on starting up an Instagram account, if you like the idea please comment if you like it or I won't you know set one up. I'd post funny pictures of the boys erm updates on my works and occasional short ones so yeah comment if you want that.

Anyway, first of the marriage series

He proposes

niall- It's Christmas Eve the days leading up to now had been jam-packed with family and friends so you were very grateful to be enjoying a quiet night by the fire with Niall. You'd been home from your parents' house for about an hour and Niall had lit the fire as soon as you both came through the door as it was snowing heavyily and you couldn't feel your toes. "Hmmm," you sigh happily.
"I couldn't agree more," Niall laughs, popping another one of your Christmas cookies into his mouth. The clock on top of the mantelpiece striked twelve, signaling midnight, and the official start to Christmas.
"Merry Christmas," niall said kissing behind your ear.
"Merry christmas baby" you reply kissing his nose,
"As its christmas why don't your open a present?" niall asked standing up and getting something.
"Alright" you smiled
"Well, y/n. I've loved you for a long time and I hope you've loved me for the past 4 years as well" niall laughed.
"I do" you smiled giving him another kiss.
"Annnnnd," he added "I've never imagined my life without you and I couldn't, I couldn't imagine not waking up next to you, I couldn't imagine not being able to call you mine, I couldn't imagine you not calling me yours, I couldn't imagine me growing old not by your side and for those reasons i want to see you walk down the isle in a white dress and i want to kiss you at the altar with all our family and friends watching so please will you do me the extraordinary honour of marrying me?" niall said getting down on one knee and opening the box he had in his hand to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. You gasped and were almost unable to answer as you were crying so much.
"Y-yes" you choked out wiping away your tears. Nialls face turned from nervous to relief as he stood up and lifted you to spin you around.
"I love you"
"I love you too, forever and always"

Zayn- zayns and you had been on a walk up a mountain in the lake districts and he was really nervous all the way up the hill as if he was planning on meeting a grizzly bear half way up the hill.
Every now and then he would hold your hand and then tie his shoe lace as some scouts and cubs would walk by giving you a polite wave which you replied to.
"Zayn why don't we stop here for a second?" you asked as you had cut your leg quite badly on one of the rocks back there but you didn't want to tell zayn incase he started to worry.. more.
"Of course but I need to ask you something" he said holding your hands again
"Let me guess you need to tie your shoe lace.. again?" you laughed
"Haha, no I think it's good" he smiled looking at his perfectly tied up shoes,
"Anyway over the past 4 and a half years I've felt the most loved I ever had and I've loved you more than I've ever loved anyone. we've been through everything, the hate, the exeptance, the fights, the make ups. everything. which is just prof of our love for each other and I would do anything to show how much I love you, and I mean anything. So I feel now, and I'm more sure than I've ever been, that you need to make me the happiest and luckiest man on this planet by making you my wife. y/n y/l/n will you marry me?" zayn said not breaking eye contact with you through out that whole speech.
"Yes zayn, I will" you said slowly as everything started to sink in as you were still in shock. suddenly you felt the water of tears cascade down your cheeks and onto the ground below you, "yes" you repeated quietly taking into the moment.
"I love you, and I promise to love you everyday of my life." zayn said bringing you into a tight embrace.
"I love you too"

Louis- louis had taken you for a roof top picnic tonight and you were currently looking at the stars.
"They're so beautiful" you said
"I've seen nicer" he said turning your head to face him. "love you" he said
"Love you too" you smiled kissing him.
*ping* louis' phone went off, he picked it up and replied to the text quickly and put his phone down.
"Who was that?" you asked curious
"Oh just a wrong number" he smiled "look at this" he said signalling you over to the place he was standing. you got up and walked over and saw London lighting up.
"Wow" you smiled
"Wait" he said then you saw it, London lit up more and the lights spelt out 'will you marry me?'
"Oh my god" you said becoming week at the knees.
"So will you" louis said getting down on one knee presenting you with a gorgeous diamond ring.
"Yes" you said wiping away the tears that were falling from your eyes
"I love you"
"I love you too"
"I can't wait to grow old with you, I can't wait to had children with you, to get a nice big house, a pet or too. I want the perfect life and that's what I'd have with you. I could only imagine that paradise with you being there, I've never felt that way with anyone else and I never intend to " louis said holding you tight
"I can't wait to start that dream life and make it a reality with you" you smiled "and it all starts in less than a year" louis smiled thinking of your wedding.

Harry-you and harry had been going out for 4 years now and it had been the best 4 years of your life. Your anniversary had just past and you got him a Rolex watch and he got you a diamond necklace with 'Harry's kitten' engraved on the back of it.
"Do you want to make cupcakes?" Harry said randomly but looking a little nervous.
"Okay, but harry remember its cupcake making.. Not the great British bake off" you laughed which he smiled.
"Okay let's get cookin'" harry said in a weird voice.

"Done" you said icing the last cupcake.
"Wait" harry said taking the icing from you and putting a dollop of it on your nose making you giggle. "Let me get that" he then said licking it off
"Aww" you smiled at your cupcakes. "They're amazing" you said proudly at your creations.
"Want to try one?" Harry said handing you one,
"Alright" you said taking a bite "it's lov...oww what was that" you say taking the solid object out of your mouth. Harry took it from your hands and looked you in the eye
"Y/n y/l/n I've known you for 4 years now, and I've loved you every second of everyday of every week and of every month. That's 5,241,600 seconds I've loved you, well roughly, I'm not brilliant at maths." He laughed "but the point is I've started to imagine, and I have been imaging for a while, things like houses, pets, marriage, babies. And i figured that why not make these dreams a reality, you're the only girl I'll ever love like this and I couldn't do any of that with any other girl. So y/n will you do me the extradinarry honour of becoming Mrs Styles?" He said nervously, as he got on one knee presenting the ring to you.
"Yes harry" you nodded smiling ear to ear as your tears began falling heavily.
"I love you" he said putting the ring on your finger and kissing you passionately as he span you around.

Liam-Liam had got a job at the local movie theatre recently, you didn't understand why and you constantly told him a) he was in one direction and b) if he wanted a little extra money you'd do that job as you had quit your past job when you left for tour with liam last year. But he was persistent and kept it for at least a month.
'Do you want to meet me at the cinema? We could watch monsters uni?? Employee discount! xxxxx' liam texted you one day.
'Sure I'll be there in 10 mins xxxx' you replied. You grabbed your purse, car keys, phone and sunglasses and locked the house after you left.
You pulled up to the cinema and saw liam there in his little uniform and walked in with you,
"Hey baby" he said
"Hey, i still don't understand why you're working here" you laughed
"I like it" he replied
"Sure you do" you said a little suspiciously.
"Screen 5" he said opening the door to screen 5.
"Li we're a bit early for the movie the trailers haven't even started yet" you said
"Yeah. well the cinemas empty so it will sort of be fun sitting here alone" he said taking you to your seat.
"Alright" you sat there for 5 minutes and talked until the first trailer came on. liam looked at the screen and smiled which made you look, there was a trailer that said 'liam&y/n' it showed photo after photo of you two, dates, party's everything. It had a picture on your 1st anniversary, your 2nd, your 3rd, your 4th and the picture you took yesterday.
Then it switched to a video of liam smiling. "okay y/n so I got this job so I could create this and say how I feel, I've loved you for the whole of those 4 years I've known you, I wake up every morning feeling like the luckiest man ever and I can't help but think about our future, you and me. Together forever. So how about it? would you like to be Mrs Payne?" he said in the video, you stared at the screen in shock, now standing, you felt a tug on your jumper, you looked to the side to see liam on one knee with a diamond ring in a velvet box.
"So?" he said nervously.
"Yes" you smiled crouching down to his level to hug him.
"Yes" he repeated hugging you tighter standing you two up and spinning you around in the isles.
"I love you"
"I love you too"

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